date back to

  • na.回溯至
  • 网络追溯到;始于;可追溯到

第三人称单数:dates back to 现在分词:dating back to 过去式:dated back to

date back todate back to

date back to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... up to date 现代的;直到最近的 date back to 追溯到;从…开始有 day in day out 日复一日地,天天 ...


短语介词_百度文库 ... Get along/on with 进行/进展 Date back to 始于 Go on with 继续 动词+名词(代词)+介词 ...


大陆博客BUS - 博客大巴 ... up to date 新式的,时兴的; date back to 可追溯到; date from 从某时期开始(有) 175. ...


【大二=行动力+坚持】梦想和学习才是最重要的。 ... up to date 最近的,时兴的; date back to 回溯到; date from 从某时期开始 ...


[转载]考研阅读精读笔记(93-94)_安家旭_新浪博客 ... reduce A to B 使A转化为B date back to 可以追溯到 originate from 起 …


[个人收藏]Idioms in Toefl_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... 318. dash off v.匆忙完成 319. date back to 回溯至 320. date from 起源于 ...


10年高考6... ... expose to, 引申为越来越多的接触到 date back to 追溯至。 shaking with excitement 联系到此空为“吃惊”的含 …

They date back to at least ancient Roman times, but Friday the 13th superstitions won't be getting much of a workout this year. 这个迷信至少可追溯至古罗马时期,不过今年的黑色星期五不会带来太多麻烦。
Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty! 剪纸的动物被发现在坟墓里,可追索到南方和北方的时间!
The names of the various lunar formations and lunar landscapes mostly date back to the early history of visual lunar observation. 各种月面结构物和地形的名称,大都起源于月球目测观测史的早期。
The events making headlines date back to British involvement with the United States in a Middle East military action. 追溯到英国参与到美国在中东的军事行动时期,这些事件成为各大新闻的头版头条。是真人真事改编。
The origins of this Arabic word date back to the ninth century, when an Islamic sect was led to overthrow the Suni Muslims. 该阿拉伯单词的来源要追溯到19世纪,那时伊斯兰教的一个教派要去推翻Suni穆斯林(另一个伊斯兰教教派)。
Koseki date back to the late 19th century and were originally intended as a means of conscripting soldiers. 日本户籍制的历史可以追溯到19世纪,人们最初是打算把它作为一种应招新兵的方式。
So much for that date. Back to the drawing board. 而这场约会也就此结束了,回到了我的画板前。
Poems with locust mentioned date back to The Book of Songs. As the dynasty takes turns, the style of poem on locust has changed accordingly. 以蝗虫入诗可以追溯到《诗经》,经过朝代的更替,蝗诗呈现出不同的风格。
Ties between the two parties date back to the struggle to oust colonial power Japan from northeast China and Korea before World War II. 两党之间的联系可以追溯到二战前两国驱赶日本殖民者的战争时期,当时日本占领了中国东北和朝鲜。
He spoke highly of the friendly relations between the two old civilizations that date back to ancient times. 他高度赞扬中伊两个文明古国之间源远流长的友好关系。
This ancient custom is popular all over Derbyshire and is thought to date back to thebest or even earlier. 这个古老的习俗在德比郡各处都十分受欢迎,据说起源于凯尔特人时代,甚至更早。
These plant fossils date back to the age of the dinosaurs. 这些植物化石可追溯至恐龙时代。
These games date back to the time of serial consoles, mainframes, and minicomputers. 这些游戏的历史可以追溯到串行控制台、大型机和小型机时代。
Algae are greens that grow in water and they date back to being one of the earliest types of life on our planet. 藻类是在水中生长的绿色植物,是地球上最早的生命体之一。
Did you know? Belt buckles date back to the Bronze Age. 你知道吗?腰带扣的起源要追溯到铜器时代。
Patents date back to Venice in the 15th century, but Communist China did not allow them until 1985. 专利可以追溯到15世纪的威尼斯,但是中国共产党直到1985年才允许其存在。
Christmas cards date back to the 1840 advent of the uniform penny post, which standardised the cost of sending mail in the UK. 圣诞卡可追溯到1840年统一便士邮政(uniformpennypost)的出现,此项改革实现了英国境内邮件递送费用的标准化。
If that scenario occurs, it will mean an end to ways of doing business that date back to the early part of the 20th century. 如果出现这种情况,那将意味着一种可以追溯到20世纪早期的商业模式的终结。
The oldest parts of the castle date back to 1560, and were built by King Frederick II, after whom the palace is named. 古堡最古老的部分于1560年由国王菲德烈二世建造。这也就是菲德烈古堡得名的由来。
Many factories and storage facilities date back to communist times, when environmental and safety standards were laxer than today. 许多工厂及仓库可以追溯到环境和安全标准比今天宽松得多的共产主义时期。
The Democrats date back to 1800 and the election of Thomas Jefferson as the United States' third president. 民主党的历史可追溯到1800年托马斯·杰弗逊(ThomasJefferson)当选美国第3位总统之时。
Mince pies were once shaped like mangers and are thought to date back to the sweetmeats formerly presented to the Vatican on Christmas Eve. 馅饼原先是要做成马槽的样子的,因为从前圣诞夜进献给梵蒂冈教皇的甜食就是这样的。
These model lists, which date back to 1977, help focus priorities for the pharmaceutical sector as a whole. 这些始于1977年的标准清单有助于我们将药品作为一个整体来关注其重点。
The sale also features Britain's most extensive collection of historical cookbooks, some of which date back to the reign of Henry VIII. 此次拍卖以英国范围最广的历史食谱集的特色,其中一些能追溯到亨利八世统治时期。
The "banana wars" date back to 1993 and have generated animosity and recriminations among the primary parties and within the 27-member EU. 这场“香蕉战”可以追溯到1993年,造成了主要相关各方之间及欧盟27个成员国内部的敌意和相互攻讦。
Paper-cutting in Zhangpu has a long history, which can date back to the ancient time(the Tang and Song Dynasties). 漳浦剪纸的历史源远流长,可以追朔到唐宋时期。
e. g. Originally a sanctuary for battle-weary warriors, the impressive remains of the Royal Palace date back to the 12th century. 这里最初是那些厌倦了战争的战士们的避难所,这些让人印象深刻的皇宫旧址要追溯到12世纪。
Some provisions date back to 1885 and complex amendments have been made over the years. 其中一些规定可以追溯到1885年而且一些复杂的修正案也已经有好多年了。
Astrolabes , which may date back to the Greeks, enabled travelers to determine time and direction from the constellations. 星盘是一种源自古希腊的仪器,旅行者用它测量星座以确定时间和方向。
Date back to Victorian times, groom usually attended with garter and ribbon on his body. 回溯至维多利亚女王时代,新郎出席都要穿袜带和戴丝带。