allow for

  • v.考虑到
  • 网络顾及;估计到;体谅

第三人称单数:allows for 现在分词:allowing for 过去式:allowed for

allow forallow for

allow for


介词短语_百度百科 ... aim at 瞄准,针对 allow for 考虑到 arrive at 达成,得出 ...


天使之苑 - 淡雅 - 网易博客 ... aim at 瞄准,针对 allow for 考虑到,顾及 allow of 容许 ...


英语惯用短语汇总讲稿 - 豆丁网 ... all but 几乎. • allow for 考虑到, 估计到. • amount to 总计, 等于. • ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... not at all 根本不;一点也不 allow for 考虑到,估计到;体谅 allow of 容许(有…),容得 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... not at all 根本不;一点也不 allow for 考虑到,估计到;体谅 allow of 容许(有…),容得 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... allow fast saves 允许快速存储 allow for 虑及 allow full play to 充分活动 ...


北京高中英语会考词组_百度文库 ... all the year round 一年到头 allow for 允许 and so on 等等 ...

Much as if one were to mix oil and vinegar, these two holographic movements do not allow for archetypal harmony. 就象一个人把水火不容的东西混合在一起,这两种全息运动并没有顾及到原型之和谐。
The tests' assumptions were far too tame: most obviously, they did not allow for the possibility of a Greek default. 然而这些测试并没有太大说服力。很明显,这并不包括希腊拖欠债务的可能。
This attribute can be used to allow for team members to see a field value but not be able to change it in Team Foundation. 此属性可以用于允许团队成员查看字段值,但不能在TeamFoundation中更改字段值。
Modern, dynamic economies do not stay still long enough to allow for an accurate reading of their underlying structures. 现代动态经济体不会长期保持静止状态,你无法读出底层结构的准确数据。
You were all right, 60 was not enough. Did not allow for Rory having 2! 你们猜对了,60瓶啤酒根本不够,我们都没想到Rory能喝两瓶!
To this respect the decision of China to boost internal demand and allow for more flexibility of the yuan are very welcome, ' he said. 从这个层面看,中国决定扩大内需并允许人民币更具弹性是非常受欢迎的。
This must be easy to do and allow for multiple images to be uploaded also. 这一定是很容易做到,并允许多个图像上载也。
Email service providers must allow for a smooth transition from a real world scenario to the internet, for those who are petrified of it. 面对那些对网络世界不开窍的人,电子邮件服务提供商需要保证从真实世界的场景到因特网上的场景转变是流畅的,不易察觉的。
The original transition plan built in some time before he had to leave office to allow for an orderly succession. 原先的过渡计划确立于萨利赫离职前,以此来搭建一个有序的延续。
What Keynes pointed out was that this picture is incomplete if you allow for the possibility that the economy is not at full employment. 凯恩斯(Keynes)指出,这个图是不完整的如果你将经济在不完全就业情况下运行这个可能性考虑进去。
This would, of course, allow for even more accurate motion control -- you know, just to make Dance Central a little less forgiving. 显然,这可以更加精确地完成运动控制。这样的话,你知道的,当你玩舞蹈中心(DanceCentral)的时候失误会更少一些。
But it did not allow for the blocking of network in the preceding study of the way-network capacity and the time flow. 而以往对交通网络系统中路网容量和时间流问题的研究,都没有考虑到网络堵塞的情况。
But charting and trendline drawing allow for a bit of wiggle room. 但是,绘制走势图和趋势线允许一位偏差的。
That's just a way to allow for a CSS rule to be put in place when the mouse hovers over the image. 当鼠标在该图像上停留的时候,它能让CSS规则就绪。
This sort of investing is a hazardous endeavour and, if you never allow for mistakes, you are likely to be disappointed. 这种投资是一项冒险的尝试,如果你从不允许犯错,那么结果可能会让你失望。
In addition, the oxyhydrogen system is designed to allow for self-installation, proving to be as easy to install as your car stereo. 另外,氢氧系统的设计使您能够自行安装,就像安装汽车音响一样容易。
She said the suspension would allow for a thorough examination of the safety standards of the county's 17 nuclear power plants. 她说,这一搁置计划将使得德国能够对该国17家核电站的安全标准进行彻底检查。
You may need to extend the length of your conversations to allow for a full exploration of the problem, potential solutions and objections. 你可能需要延伸你们的谈话,来全面的了解问题,潜在的解决方法和缺陷。
HTTP authentication has been widely used, and does allow for a little bit of security, and possibly a little bit of state. HTTP身份验证得到了广泛应用,可以提供一定的安全性,还能够存储少量状态。
We have had others that needed very short sessions because his concentration did not allow for more. 我们也有另外一些狗只能训练很短时间,因为它的注意力不能集中太久。
The product should allow for a dynamic health check to determine whether the compression feature is behaving properly or not. 该产品应该允许自动健康检查以判断压缩特性是否工作正常。
Our secondary criterion was to redesign the system in such a way that we could allow for replicas of an R&R database on multiple servers. 我们的次要标准是以这样一种方式重新设计系统,即我们应该允许R&R数据库在多个服务器上的副本。
He said it has super maneuverability due to its thrust-vectored engines that allow for sharp turns. 具有超强的机动性,由于其推力矢量发动机的允许急转弯。
How much time did they allow for making preparations? 他们给多少时间做准备工作?
This too is coming, and therefore the fur is only a temporary pattern that will allow for the survival of your species. 这一刻也正在到来,因此皮毛只是一个将允许你们物种的存活的暂时模式。
Satellites and an increasingly wired worldwide community allow for videoconferencing and instantaneous communication all over the globe. 人造卫星的使用以及一个日益互联的世界使电视会议及全球内的同步交流得以进行。
Negative emotions will keep you locked in the mind as they do not allow for expansion of the heart. 负面情绪会让你深陷在思维陷阱中,因为它们并不让你的心灵开放。
N. At first he does not know at all what she does or what she sacrifices for him. Especially he cannot allow for her hate. 在开始的时候,他一点都不知道她所做的一起和她为他做出的牺牲。
Leonardo did not allow for the damp in the wall and painted on the plaster which failed to dry. 列奥纳多没有考虑到墙壁的潮湿,而在没有干透的灰浆上作画。
Historians say the claim is bizarre, as it would not allow for any historical study of any totalitarian regime. 历史学家表示这种说法着实令人费解,因为这将扼杀关于极权主义政体的任何历史性研究。