anything but

  • na.决不是;除…外什么都
  • 网络除…以外任何事;一点也不;绝不

anything butanything but

anything but


大学英语四级常用词组 ... any more 再;较多些 anything but 除…以外任何事(物) appeal to 上诉 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... anyplace 任何地方 anything but 决不 anything else 别的东西 ...


考研情感态度词 - 豆丁网 ... and yet 然而 25 anything but 一点也不; 26 anything like 像……那 样的东西 27 ...


but 的用法_百度知道 ... nothing but 仅仅 anything but 绝不 not only……but also 不但……而且…… ...


2009年考博——考博英语词组复习 ... and vice versa 反过来也一样 anything but 一点也不,决不是 nothing but 只是,只不过是 ...


Just Gor For It!!! - 乃牛 - 网易博客 ... 6,a while back 不久以前 8,anything but 绝对不 9,account for 解释 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all the same 仍然,照样的 anything but 根本不 as a matter of fact 实际上 ...


but什么意思 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... all2. anything but 除…外什么都…;一点也不,绝不3. ...

What? I'm selfish? Oh, you know I'm anything but that to you. 什么?我自私?噢,你知道我对你可从来不自私。
It was almost midnight so it was really hard to see anything, but we always sneak out of the house at night and go up here. 时间已近深夜,所以几乎什么都看不清,但是我们经常在夜里偷偷地从家里溜出来,到这儿来玩。
Mr White did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study. 怀特先生一声不吭,走出起居室到书房去了。
Oh, I've been asking this one, she doesn't seem to know anything. But you know what I'm asking for, don't you, Mr Holmes? 我一直在问这个人,但看来她全不知情.但你明白我要什么吧,福尔摩斯先生
The University as a step to anything but ordination seemed, to this man of fixed ideas, a preface without a volume. 对这位思想观念一成不变的牧师来说,进剑桥大学似乎只是进入教会的第一步,是一篇还没有正文的序言。
"From what I can see you're not much of anything. But I can tell you've got potential. " She went back to reading her newspaper. “在我看来,你只是个黄毛丫头,可我觉得你有这方面的潜质。”蜜蜂小姐说着就回过头看报纸去了。
It may or may not turn out to be anything but sitting at home worrying about it isn't going to help. 问问医生可能会得到答案,也可能得不到。但是坐在家里胡思乱想,肯定没有任何好处。
Iceworld : the name itself does not mean anything, but it has the server than any other official maps were 2. 5 times must produce more. 名字本身并不意味着什么,但是它所拥有的服务器比任何其它的官方地图都要多出2.5倍。
He did not say anything, but just looked at me and grinned like a Cheshire cat. 他什么都不说,只是望着我咧着嘴傻笑。
It would be crazy to try to see the 15-mile coastline between Santa Monica and Redondo Beach on anything but a bike. 骑在自行车上欣赏圣塔莫尼卡和雷东多海滩之间的15英里海岸线再合适不过了。
True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads? 他说,确实如此;但是,如果他们的头不能移动,怎么能看见形象之外的其他东西呢?
He must teach himself that, forget it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart. 他必须使自己永远忘却恐惧,在他的工作室里除了心底古老的真理之外,任何东西都没有容身之地。
He said he was too tired to do anything, but I knew it's a trick. 他说他太累了没法做任何事情,但我知道那是骗人的
Thus they grew irritated with this old man who did not seem able to do anything but just hold his lanthorn up. 于是,对于这位除了提着灯笼其他似乎什么都做不了的老人,他们生出了不快。
Usually he could power past anything, but this bike was exhausting him so greatly that he was ready to quit. 通常他有能力可以克服任何困难,但这辆车把他搞得如此精疲力尽,他都打算放弃了。
We tried to work with him, but he seemed oblivious to anything but his own need for excitement. 我们试着做他的工作,但是除了满足自己惊险刺激的欲望外,他似乎对任何事都视而不见。
She has so much, and doesn't seem to need or want for anything, but she is always finding new things to purchase or to replace. 她拥有许多东西,而且看起来并不需要或缺少任何东西,但她还是不断地购物。
Dorsey doesn't view his return as anything but a welcome one, and he doesn't regret any of his actions over the last few years. 多西认为自己的回归是人心所向,而且他并不后悔自己早些年的行为。
All to the point where I could no longer deny that I was anything but in love with her. 所有这一切让我不再否认我爱上了她。
I used to think about being a teacher but when I really think about what I wanted for my life, it want anything but music. 以前想过做老师,但是当我认真去想在生命中想做的事的时候,除了音乐,再无其他。
It is anything But a rumour. It is nothing But a rumour. 这决不是个谣言。这完全是个谣言。
We are a little exotic maybe, but it never occurred to me that we were anything but an American family. 或许我们有一点异族的血统,但是我从来没有想过我们并不是一个真正地道的美国家庭。
The pretty embroidered shoe is no longer anything but an instrument of torture which eternally crushes the heart of the mother. 那绣花小鞋变得只不过是一种永远使母亲心痛的刑具。
"The microchip industry depends on materials that are ultra smooth and ultra flat, " he said. "This was anything but that. " 他说:“微芯片的制作必须使用超滑超平的材料,而这是鸡毛芯片绝对达不到的。”
If it does not change course, he said: "The president politically will be in an extremely difficult position to do anything but block it. " 戴利表示,如果华为不撤销决定,“除了阻止这一交易,其它任何决定都会让奥巴马在政治上陷入异常为难的境地。”
He had no reasons for anything but gratitude towards her, he owed her his happiness, and yet, it was embarrassing to him to meet her. 他对她原只怀着感激的心情,他今天的幸福是从她那里得来的,可是遇见她总不免有些尴尬。
Western business visitors seemed to be in a hurry compared with their Chinese counterparts, who were in anything but a hurry. 西方的商务客人看上去很着急,相比之下,他们的中国同行则根本不着急。
As you can see, it's anything but consistent, and the July reading was as bad a drop as we've seen in a year. 正如你所看到的,数据都比较一致,但是7月份的数据明显是一年里降的比较厉害的一个。
Imaginative creativity is the gene for a thing to be an artwork. Without such a gene, a thing can be anything but an artwork. 想象性的创造性是一个东西作为艺术品的“基因”。若无这个基因,一个东西可能是任何东西,却不是一个艺术品。
I never saw anything but felt that there was something there, just out of sight in the gloom, breathing and watching. 其实我从没看见过什么,但我总感觉在暗处有什么东西,喘着气,看着我。