as good as

  • na.见 good 条
  • 网络和…几乎一样;和……一样好;几乎等于

as good asas good as

as good as


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go without 不享受 as good as 和…几乎一样 be good at 善于,擅长于 ...


高考英语听力习语必备 ... as far as I know 据我所知 as good as 和…一样好 as long as 只要 ...


Translation_英语吧_百度贴吧 ... 17*as follows 如下 18*as good as 实际上,几乎等于 19*as of old 一如既往 ...


考研英语常考固定词组(word下载版) - 豆丁网 ... go with 伴随,与……协调 as good as 和……几乎一样,实际上等于 for goo…


小升初必会语法(4)--As的用法_英语网 ... 2. as 单独引导定语从句 1. as good as 差不多,几乎 3. as well as 同(一样也);和;还 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as for 至于,就…方面说 as good as 几乎(实际)已经 as if 好象,仿佛 ...


有关so...as和as..as的问题~~~_百度知道 ... as well as 除..之外 as good as 与..一样好 as popular as 跟..一样出名/盛行 ...

The selectivity of inhibition is at least as good as that shown by a small interfering RNA targeted to a deletion polymorphism. 选择性的抑制,至少不如说表明了一个小干扰RNA针对一缺失多态性。
It's a shame not to be able to tell a story as good as how he escaped death on the roof of his own house. 太可惜了,这么好的故事竟然不能跟人说——说他如何从自家屋顶上死里逃生。
For a team as good as the Spurs there's only a handful of meaningful games during the regular season. This was one of them. 对于马刺这样级别的球队,常规赛只有屈指可数的几次交锋具有真正的意义,今天对火箭一役是其中之一。
The plan was as good as it could realistically have been from the project manager's perspective. 这一计划按项目经理的预期,已经做到了现实性的极致。
The M8 really got me to where I could use my old gear, and it had enough megapixels to be as good as some film. M8让我可以继续使用我的老家伙,而且它像素够高,效果可和一些胶片媲美。
To be sure, there had been some superb reporting over the years; the best journalism was as good as it had ever been. 诚然,多年以来有不少优秀的报道,最优秀的新闻也从未变质。
Now that Jane had gone and left, or as good as left him, it would have been a comfort to see his son. 简既然走了,离开了,或者说几乎是遗弃了他,那么他就可以和儿子见面了,这是多么快慰的事。
Very few would have thought a year ago that things would be as good as they are in Iraq despite the challenges that remain before us now. 很少有人能在一年前就知道伊拉克会取得目前的良好局势,尽管我们面前还存在很多挑战。
Their eyes and ears are small and their eyesight and hearing are not as good as their sense of smell. 它们的眼睛和耳朵都很小,他们的视力和听觉不如嗅觉那样好。
You want your car back by six o'clock, right? Hey, no problem! It'll be all fixed up and ready to go, just as good as new. 你六点前要来拿车,是吗?嗨,没问题。到时候,一切都会修好,就像
The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word. 教练员说假如球员们赢了,他将放他们一天假,而他的话果然一点不假。
Finally his feet began to feel wet and cold, and he boarded a car. This took him to Fifty-ninth Street, which was as good as anywhere else. 终于他开始感到两脚又湿又冷,便上了一辆有轨电车,他被带到了五十九街,这里也和其它地方一样。
All the players and staff have been very kind. They've tried to make me feel as good as possible and I'm very grateful for that. 所有的球员和工作人员都很好。他们尽力让我放松下来,我很感激他们。
When the bullet struck just a few inches above his head, i couldn't help saying to myself: a miss is as good as a mile. 子弹打在离他的头只有几英寸的上方,我不禁叹道:死里逃生总是生。
In fact at this point not as good as film former, at least in front of that robot is very cute, very round Pass the whole story. 事实上在这一点上本片还不如前者,至少前面那个机器人很可爱,整个故事也坳得很圆。
My cheap camera seems to be just as good as John's expensive one. 我这部便宜的照相机似乎跟约翰那部昂贵的同样好。
I simply tried to enjoy the game and play as good as possible with a good result. Unfortunately we did not get the desired outcome. 我只是尽力投入比赛,取得一个好结果。不幸的是我们没有得到想要的结果。
Today, my boyfriend told me that having sex with me was as good as eating crispy bacon. I don't know if I should feel complimented. 今天,我的男友告诉我,跟我做爱就跟吃香脆腌肉一样。我不知道这是不是在夸我。
Life is not always as good as you expected. When you are deprived of something, you can still manage it with the things left. 生命并不总是如你所想的那么美好,当被剥夺了某种东西的时候你仍旧可以照常生活。
His great surprise was, that so small a pistol could kill so big a man. . . an INCH was as good as an ell. 令他大为惊奇的是,这么小的枪居然能杀死如此大的人……真是能杀死人的东西不在大小。
As good as the idea sounds, you won't be able to use your iPhone or iPad as a remote for the Apple TV (not yet, at least). 听起来是个好主意,你不可以使用你的iPhone或是iPad来作为苹果TV的遥控器,(至少现在不能)。
she never praised me unless what I did was as good as that of the best a normal person. 她从不打击我,也绝不表扬我除非我做的和正常人最好的一样时。
All he has not met, do not know how he has enough is as good as a feast What a pity. 他对已有的一切还不满足,他从来不懂“知足常乐”,真遗憾。
The children caused no trouble all day; they were as good as gold. 孩子们一整天都没任何麻烦,真乖极了。
She never pitied me; she never praised me unless what I did was as good as that of the best of a normal person. 她从来不同情我,她从来不称赞我,除非我所做的一样好,最好的一个正常的人。
Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. 任何一个不懂得这点也不再会对此感到神奇、为之惊叹的人,就如行尸走肉一般,他的眼睛将毫无神采可言。
But as control groups go for this sort of observational study, it's about as good as you get. 但是为了这次调查研究将它作为对照组,几乎是我们所能获得的最好的参照。
Yes, so , sir. And yet not so, for you are a married man, or as good as married. Let me go! 对,是这样,先生。可也不是这样。你是一个已经结了婚的人,或者说是一个无异于结了婚的人。让我走!
He as good as told me that if I don't work harder I'll have to get out of the school. 他实际上等于告诉我,如果我不努力学习,就会被学校开除。
Andy was as good as his word. He kept writing to the State Senate. Two letters a week instead of one. 安迪就像他说的那样,不停的给州议院写信。一星期两封而不是一封。