at all costs

  • na.无论如何
  • 网络不惜任何代价;不惜一切代价;不惜代价

at all costsat all costs

at all costs


大学英语四级常用词组 ... cope with 对付…,妥善处理 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at any cost 不惜任何代价 ...


a few_百度文库 ... at all= 完全,根本 at all costs= 不借任何代价,无论如何 at all events= 无论为何 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs 不惜一切代价 at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 ...


托福写作关键词汇及短语汇总_托福写作_读书人 ... 乍看之下 at first glance 不惜代价 at all costs 每况愈下 from bad to worse ...


英语单词at all... ... at all costs n.无论如何,不惜代价 at all costs 不惜工本 at all costs 不惜工本 ...


a few_百度文库 ... at all= 完全,根本 at all costs= 不借任何代价,无论如何 at all events= 无论为何 ...

If you could take one player along with you to South Africa at all costs, who would it be? 如果你可以不惜一切代价带一名球员去南非,你会选择谁呢?
You simply have to get on the next flight at all costs, so you go up to the airline desk and shout at the representative. 你所能做的就是乖乖地等下一班航次,而你却径直走向服务台朝工作人员大喊大叫。
It is an element of every decision so it needs to be embraced, rather than avoided at all costs. 它是每项决定的要素,因此有必要去接受它,而不是不惜一切代价去逃避它。
Such a sudden, catastrophic change is the ultimate health risk that must be avoided at all costs. 如此迅疾的灾难性变化才是人们要不惜一切代价设法避免的威胁健康的危险因素。
As a young person and a product of our bilingual education, my view is that Chinese is not a dreadful language to BE avoided at all costs. 我本身是受双语教育的年轻人,对这课题的看法是:华文绝不是洪水猛兽。
One of the most important things for you to remember is to AVOID ROUTINE CONVERSATION AT ALL COSTS. 有一件最最紧要的事情,你必须牢记在心:无论如何也要避免套话俗话。
To know Him is life's highest attainment; and at all costs, every Christian should strive to be "on the same old terms with Him. " 与主欢聚是属灵生活中的最高点;每一个基督人,该不惜任何代价,寻求与主“又是一次欢聚”。
'If it was win at all costs, there would be other things we would do differently, ' he said. 他说,如果为保持第一而不计代价,那我们就会是另外一种做法了。
Yesterday I had been a hero. Today I was somebody to be avoided at all costs. 昨天我还是一名英雄,而今天我就成了人们无论如何要予以回避的人物了。
Lo, if you hear from him or see him, Just please keep him away from me at all costs. I'm worried what he might do. 如果你见到他或者听到他说什么,请不惜任何代价让他离我远点。谁知道他会做出什么事来。
Which is why a growing number of prospective MBAs map out a win-at-all-costs strategy one, two or three years before applying. 这就是为何越来越多的准MBA们采用申请前工作一两年或两三年的战略。
This must be resisted at all costs, and care must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't "talk" the lyrics of songs. 一定要不惜任何代价抑制这种冲动,而且一定注意,不要让热情洋溢的男士把歌词“说”出来。
After the Great Recession, consumers have been conditioned to think of debt as a cancer to be eliminated at all costs. 自大萧条以来,消费者已习惯视债务为毒瘤,不惜一切代价予以消除。
The failure in Vietnam produced a new metaphor: Fighting a Third World country on hostile terrain was to be avoided at all costs. 在越南的失败又衍生出一个新的暗示:就是要不惜一切代价避免在敌对领土上与第三世界国家作战。
We made some defensive mistakes, but that was due to the fact that we were just focused with attacking and wanted to win at all costs. 我们在防守上出了些错,但那只是因为我们太专注于进攻,我们要不惜一切代价获胜。
And avoid at all costs the suspicion of an American accent, or in spite of the good nature of all good junk shopkeepers, you will be for it. 同时,你要不惜一切代价避免美国口音的嫌疑,要不然,尽管所有旧货店主的为人都相当好,你还是会为此付出相应的代价。
It had ball players , in Torre's mold, who wanted to win at all costs, and for each other. 在托瑞的领导下,愿意不计一切代价赢球。每一位球员都如此。
It has hardly challenged the European line that controlled defaults are tragedies to be avoided at all costs. 该机构几乎没有对欧洲的立场提出异议:即受到控制的违约是必须不惜一切代价加以避免的悲剧。
Abraham Lincoln, was determined at all costs to preserve the unity of the nation, even if it meant war. 亚伯拉罕·林肯决定不惜一切代价维持国家的统一,哪怕使用战争。
One might think that this approach would be the worst kind of teaching--avoided at all costs. 有人可能认为这个方法是最糟糕的教学--并会不惜一切代价去回避。
One should even do away with a meal if necessary, but an hour of silence must be observed at all costs. 如果必要,一个人可以一顿饭不吃,但是一个小时的静坐无论如何必须被遵守。
Italy is not in danger of default and can turn itself around and the ECB's independence must be preserved at all costs. 意大利没有违约的风险,它能够通过自身解围,以及欧洲中央银行的独立性必须不惜一切代价去保护。
I spoke to my doctor ahead of time and made it very clear that I wanted to avoid a C-section at all costs. 我提前通知了我的医生,并且澄清我会不惜任何代价避免剖腹产。
At all costs I must keep Love in my heart. If I go into prison without Love what will become of my Soul? 不管怎么样,我心中必须存着爱,要是不带着爱进监狱,那我的灵魂怎么办?
I'd load up a filter basket with a central pyramid like cone, and avoid touching the coffee at all costs. 我总是装满粉,中心冒尖,像一个锥形;尽可能地避免触碰咖啡粉。
Find yourself something that matches the rest of your decor and avoid a loud ticking clock at all costs! 给自己找一个和其他装饰品相配的挂钟,但是无论如何也不要找一个滴答声响亮的。
Avoid eye contact at all costs. Look at the floor, your plate, the wall - anything to stop you making eye contact with anyone. 想尽一切方法避免眼神交流。眼睛盯着地板,你的盘子,墙壁,或者可以避免你们眼神交流的任何物体。
Preconceived notions that researchers' objectivity must be preserved at all costs should perhaps be questioned. 预先设想研究人员无论如何都必须保持客观性,这或许会受到质疑。
Biodiversity must be preserved at all costs and measures should be taken to ensure more species from becoming extinct. 我们必须不惜一切代价来保护生物多样性,采取措施确保更多的物种免受灭顶之灾。
And, having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. 一旦决定要完成一项任务,不管它是否乏味,你是否喜欢,一定要完成它。