all but

  • na.几乎跟…一样
  • 网络差一点;除了…都;差不多

all butall but

all but


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all at once 突然,同时 all but 几乎;除了...都 all of a sudden 突然 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... all along 始终,一直,一贯 all but 几乎,差一点 all in all 总的说来;头等重要的 ...


天使之苑 - 淡雅 - 网易博客 ... ahead of 在…前面,先于 all but 几乎,除了…都 all over 到处,遍及 ...


地质词典_百度文库 ... all at once 突然 all but 差不多,几乎,都 all over 到处;完全;结束 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... ahead of 在…前面,先于 all but 几乎,差一点;除了…都 all of a sudden 忽然 ...


大学英语四级词组 - 豆丁网 ... after all 毕竟,终究,究竟 all but 几乎,差不多;除了...都 all in all 从各方面说,总的说来 ...


2009年考博——考博英语词组复习 ... aim of 瞄准;致力于…;旨在 all but 几乎,差点;除…之外的全部 all the while 一直地; …


MBA联考大纲英语词组 _考研网_教育城 ... all at once 突然,忽然;同时,一起 all but 差不多,几乎;除了…都 all of a sudden 突 …

Mr Epstein's conviction that films are a terrible business for all but Hollywood's sharks also seems to have been overtaken by events. Epstein坚信对于所有人来说电影行业是个糟糕的行业,好莱坞的大鳄们在一些事情上也被超越。
they did not pay much, they paid badly, they did not pay at all, but they were always welcome. Father Hucheloup was a jovial host. 对账目他们有时少付,有时欠付,有时不付,但始终是受到欢迎的。
The only possible threat to this regime was a small group of Communist-led guerrillas whom eight years before he had all but liquidated. 对他的统治的唯一可能威胁,只不过是一帮八年前就差点被他消灭了的共产党游击队。
I cannot say that I knew them all, but I can tell you that i would have been available to talk to any one of them should the occasion arise. 我不能说我认识她们每一个人,但是我可以告诉你,如果她们有需要的时候,我随时都可以给她们提供帮助。
It seems that this was not really theft at all, but a re-appropriation of found material, a "remix" if you will. 好像这根本不是偷盗,只是对已发现材料的重新占有,如果愿意你也可以称它为“重新混音”。
When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. 在我们健康时,觉得死亡几乎是不可想象的,即便偶尔想起,也觉得死亡的日子正在自己无边的视野中不断远离。
Once shark fins are dried and in jars, it is all but impossible to tell what kind of shark they came from or whether they were finned. 鲨鱼的鳍一旦被晒干并放入罐里,便几乎无可判断它们来自哪种鲨鱼,或者是否是被割下来的。
His florid rhetorical style was typical of the era, and that speech is all but forgotten. 这种辞藻丰富、修辞热烈的风格是那个时代的典型代表,但那篇演讲却只能被人遗忘。
US oil groups were all but shut out of Iraq as the country completed the biggest oil field auction in history at the weekend. 伊拉克在周末完成了该国历史上规模最大的油田开发招标活动,美国石油集团几乎全部出局。
One of Jersey's biggest earners until recently was the securitisation of financial assets; that market is all but dead. 根西岛一项最赚钱的业务是金融资产证券化,但是现在已经不复存在了。
He was always so much his mother's boy, and he all but raised his sister. 他一直是他母亲的儿子,而且他几乎带大了他的妹妹。
I pertend that I did not care at all, but you know what, my heart was almost broken. 我装作毫不在意,知道吗,我的心中是多么难受。
gin and tonic You can have it all but how much do you want it? 你可以一饮而尽但要喝多少杯才够
DOTS is feasible everywhere because the companion is usually not a community health worker at all, but a family member or neighbor. 直接观察治疗在任何地方都是可行的因为,伙伴完全不是团体的卫生工作者,除了家庭成员或邻居。
It's no surprise that, in those circumstances, building a national team with a common purpose is all but impossible. 所以,在这种环境下,不可能建立一支具有共同目标的国家队就毫不奇怪了。
I am not trying to show off in front of you all, but I am quite confident in my English level as I always score first in class for English. 我并不是在想在你们面前炫耀,但我对我的英语水平十分有信心正如我总是在班级的英语测试中得第一。
Attempt to impose a new order from the outside and violence is all but sure to erupt. 外来者建立新秩序的尝试必然会引发暴力。
We must be able to see your face in the majority of your shots. Headless nudes are cool and all, but we need to know what you look like. 我们必须能在绝大多数照片里看见你的脸。无头裸照很正点,不过我们得知道你长什么样。
Yet both travelled abroad when this was all but impossible for those who did not co-operate with the regime. 然而两位那时都在国外旅行-这对于那些不跟政权合作的人来说几乎是不可能的。
Living without feedback, even in the lap of luxury, would be for all but a few recluses barely living at all. 生活无回馈,即使是在单圈的奢侈品,将是除少数隐士生活几乎在所有。
Though he was a rigid disciplinarian with a heavy swing to his boot, all but one of his children adored him. 虽然他是一个刻板的循规蹈矩的人,并且具有很大的摇摆性,但除了他的一个孩子外,其余的都敬重他。
Greece is all but certain to have to borrow or seek aid before then. 希腊在此之前几乎肯定将不得不寻求贷款或援助。
The second, that the weapon, in his torpid hand, was no defense at all, but would merely serve to justify his murder. 其次,这件武器在他笨拙的手里非但起不了防护他的作用,反而给人以杀死他的理由。
She dropped her eyes to his chest, all but strangled by the mad beat of her heart. "Yes, " she said huskily. "That I care for you. " 她看着他的胸脯,她的心悸动,憋闷得要窒息。“在乎,”她嘶哑说。“我在乎你。”
May it not be that there is no restarting at all, but only the perception of the false as the false which is the beginning of understanding? 可能根本没有重新开始,只是领悟虚假的是虚假的,这是了解的开始,不是吗?
If I'm honest, I'm a little taken aback how you all but ignore me for two years then email me only when you need something. 坦白说,两年来你直接忽视我,现在有需要才主动联系的行为让我有点讶异。
The last of 10 combat stores ships once operated by the U. S. Navy and the Military Sealift Command (MSC) is all but gone. 曾经由美国海军和军事海运司令部(MSC)管理的最后10艘作战储备船已经成为过去。
Their nickname is all but untranslatable into English, but could be rendered as "Men of State" . 这个组织的名字无法准确的译成英文,但大概意思就是“国家之男人”。
The jury deliberated and found a verdict of guilty. All but one of the jurors found him guilty. 陪审团进行商议并宣告作出有罪的裁决。除了一人所有的陪审官都宣布他有罪
Love is real, what you had, may have never been meant to be, You might have gave it your all, but that doesn't mean you give up its legacy. 爱是真,你有了,可能从来没有命中注定的,你可能会给你的一切,但这并不意味着你要放弃它的传统。