at all times

  • na.不论什么时候;老是;时时
  • 网络总是;随时;一直

at all timesat all times

at all times


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 at all times 随时,总是 at any rate 无论如何,至少 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 at all times 随时,总是 at any rate 无论如何,至少 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at a time 每次;在某个时刻 at all times 无论何时,一直 at any time 在任何时候 ...


Unit 4 The Virtual World ... editor n. 编辑 at all times 总是,始终,经常 at one time 过去有一段时间 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at a time 每次;在某个时刻 at all times 无论何时,一直 at any time 在任何时候 ...


Unit 4 The Virtual World ... editor n. 编辑 at all times 总是,始终,经常 at one time 过去有一段时间 ...


与时间相关的同义词整理 ... at a time 在某个时刻;每次 at all times 一直,在任何时候 at the height of sth. 在...的最鼎盛时 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... at all events 不管怎样,无论如何 56. at all times 随时,总是 57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不 58. ...

Xiaoli Dear: I think you at all times, since the first time I see you have been in love with you, Do not you know? 亲爱的小丽:我每时每刻都在想你,自从第一次见到你我就已经喜欢上你了,你难道不知道?
He kept silent the whole night, seems to be in deep thought with a lighted cigarette at all times. 他接下来一整晚都保持沉默,燃点著香菸,好像在沉思什麽。
Also, your interview starts the moment you arrive at the company, so make sure you act professional at all times. 此外,您的采访开始的时候,你到达公司,所以一定要确保你的行为在任何时候都专业。
You will share the bedroom with the child. Keep the bedroom clean and fresh at all times. Keep the door open throughout the day. 你需要与小孩同房,故要经常保持睡房清洁及空气流通,房门要常开。
Teaching can be a tiring, thankless job that requires you to be "on" at all times. 教学可能是一件累人却不讨好的工作,需要你总是绷在弦上。
This also applies to undertakers; the sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times. 也就是说任何时候,殡仪者都要用一块砖或木头盖住死者的生殖器官。
Grab a copy of the ad from our site and print it out, circle what you want and keep it on your side at all times. 从网站上复制一份广告并将之打印下来,圈住你想买的产品,并随时带在身上。
Every person who has attained the age of 15 years shall carry the identity card with him at all times. 凡年满15岁的身份证持有人应时刻随身携带其身份证。
This model, however, remains tethered to the ground at all times, as it has not been equipped with a propulsion system. 然而这个飞行器一直拴在地面,因为还没有装备推进系统。
Any road you will take, you will have to leave a sign, no matter the circumstances serve God and others at all times. 无论选择了什么道路,你总要留下痕迹,无论你是在什么情形下为上苍和他人服务。
En did not ask under admitted to a senior school mates, and prepared at all times to see what books? 恩想问下有没有师兄师姐考上了的,准备得时候都要看什么书呢?
Such a system would tell you at all times who you are, and it would give you directions to your desired end. 这个系统让你随时知道自己的身分,而且会为你提供方向指示,助你抵达目标。
You have got to stop the ball coming in to the box at all times and a couple of clean sheets would do wonders for the confidence. 你必须时时刻刻阻止皮球进入到禁区,而几个不失球的记录确实能增加自我的信心。
But at all times she said to the children , "A little patience and we are there . " 但是每次她都对孩子们:“再忍耐一下,我们就要到了。”
At all times I maintained a positive attitude and that helped me to continue with the recovery process since the injury occurred. 一直以来我都保持着积极的心态这对我的恢复有很大帮助。
Rural-urban fringe was a weak area, which had lots of land utilization problems. Land managers were obsessed at all times. 城乡结合部作为城市与农村的过渡地带,其土地利用十分混乱,因而在利用中存在诸多问题,一直困扰着土地管理者。
"He's like a child to me, " says one Beijing pensioner of the tiny dog she carries with her at all times. “他就像我的小孩一样。”一位靠养老金生活的北京居民说,她随时都带着一只小狗。
Relations did not drink at all times, of course, the above-mentioned several cocktails and there is no need Juni too. 任何时候喝都没关系,当然,上述几种鸡尾酒也没有必要过分拘泥。
Administrators told him he would have to wear his hair in one long braid, tucked into the back of his shirt at all times. 学校主管让他必须把头发扎成长辫子,时刻塞在衬衫里。
A good cowhand or buckaroo needs to be alert at all times, as the task of leading a herd back to the ranch can be a tricky one. 一个好牧童或好牛仔需要时时保持警觉,因为将牛群带回牧场是一项困难的任务。
This vibrational offering, sort of like a radio signal, is projecting from you at all times that you have conscious awareness. 这种振动的发射,有点像无线电信号,在你醒着的时候,无时无刻不在发射。
You further agree that you will ensure that this information is kept correct and up-to-date at all times. 阁下又同意,阁下将确保该等资料保持正确及更新。
The Club has complied at all times with the Law and with all the contractual obligations it has with the player. 俱乐部时刻遵守法律,当然包括我们和球员签订的所有合同义务。
was not possible to sustain this superior life at all times, I could at least keep its signs within reach. 即使我不能每时每刻都享受这种高级生活,起码也能把它的迹象实实在在地留在我的心间。
While lying on the back in this drill, keep the surface of the water level with your chest, stomach, hips and thighs at all times. 本训练始终当以仰泳方式躺平时,让您的胸、腹部、臀部和大腿在水面上。
Chief Officer: The gangway must be manned at all times. Make sure the gangway watchman is in radio contact with you. 大副:舷梯应一直有人值守。确保舷梯值班与你保持无线电联络。
So it really pushes you to watch the whole map and always be on your guard on almost every point of the map at all times. 这将强迫你注意整个地图并一直保持你的防御卫队随时检查每一个地图上的点。
At least he carried lists of horses at all times in his pocket and frequently spoke the names of horses on the telephone. 起码他老是口袋里揣着跑马的名单,常常在电话里提到一些马儿的名字。
The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enable s it to see all four feet at all times. 驴子眼睛的位置能让它随时看到自己的四条腿。
While investors did not appreciate the direction of the market, at all times the markets were accessible, liquid and transparent. 虽然投资者并不欣赏市场的走向,但一直以来,市场始终是开放、流动和透明的。