as often as

  • adv.每次;每当
  • 网络和…一样经常;和什么什么一样频繁;时常

as often asas often as

as often as


usually和often有什么区别_百度知道 ... ad. 通常, 大抵 as often as 每当 every so often 偶尔, 有时 ...


英语形容词副词比较级 ... 5. as long as 只要 6. as often as 每当,每次 7. as well as 和,同,既……又……,不仅……而且…… ...


高三毕业班英语温书材料 ... as long as 和…一样长,只要 as often as 和…一样经常,每次/当 just as + 从句 正象/当…,就因… ...


谁帮忙翻译一下啊_百度知道 ... in daily life 在日常生活中 as often as 和什么什么一样频繁 is about to 将要 ...


...的死,直到主来”,“每逢”二字,参考其他圣经作为“时常”(As often as),新译英文本(Whenever)即“不论何时”,如此,开 …

As often as he put anything into his mouth, whether for eating or drinking, the face of the Marchioness lighted up beyond all description. 每当他把吃的或者喝的东西送到口中时,侯爵夫人的面上总是泛起无法形容的光彩。
The two of you are distant, disconnected, fighting, not making love as often as you used to, and not having fun when you are together. 你们之间冷漠、不交流、争吵、不再像以前那样的频率做爱,在一起的时候也没有乐趣了。
Mr Bentley said: 'This was the meeting of a lifetime and we are now planning to see each other as often as possible. ' 这是一次改变人生的会面。现在我们打算尽可能多地去探望对方。
Was not the secret told me, in the natural recoil of my heart, at the first sight of him, and as often as I have seen him since? 从我第一眼看到他起,直到后来每次见到他,我的心都会退缩,这难道不是向我泄露了秘密吗?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, I do play, not as often as I used to, but I still play maybe once every week or two. 奥巴马总统:现在打球的确没有过去那么多了,但是每周我还是会打一次球的。
The bad weather has returned. No one comes to see me now. Julie sits up with me as often as she can. 天气又变坏了,没有人来探望我,朱利尽可能地照料着我。
His own mother came as often as she could, but after a couple of months, not being physically strong, she had to give up. 作者自己的母亲也尽可能经常来看望他,但几个月后由于身体过于劳累,她不得不停止前来。
His clients pay up to $7, 000 for a full face of injections and come to him from all over the world, some as often as six times a year. 他的客户为一整张脸的注射支付高达7,000美元,他们从世界各地慕名而来,有些人的频率高达一年6次。
Jon's conscience would not let him fall in love again with Fleur, but she managed to be near him as often as she could. 乔恩的良心已不允许他再和弗勒相爱,但弗勒却设法尽可能地常接近他。
You know this in theory, but I'm betting you don't apply it as often as you should. 你只是理论上知道而已,但是我敢打赌你并不会像平时那样用到它。
Of course not, the children enjoy going to soccer practice as often as they have soccer practice. 当然不是,孩子们总是认为这很有趣。
As often as I tried to get an answer from him, he made some excuse and avoided giving me the information I wanted. 每当我想从他那里得到回答,他总是找些借口而避免给我我需要的信息。
If you don't go out much or don't see your family and friends as often as you would like , it 's easy to become lonely and isolated . 如果你很少出门或者没有经常见到你的亲人、朋友,这样就很容易感到寂寞、孤立。
Do not use a dictionary, always ask, ask, ask! By asking, you are repeating the word as often as you can. 不要使用字典,要经常问,问,问!通过问,尽你所能经常重复使用你要学习的字句。
He shows me that the path to happiness is appreciating those you love and telling them so as often as you can. 他告诉了我,通向快乐的道路就是赞赏那些你爱的人,并不厌其烦的把你的爱告诉他们。
Despite not featuring as often as he would have liked so far this season, Riera holds the Liverpool boss in high regard. 尽管目前为止本赛季鲜有上场的机会,里埃拉对利物浦主帅给予高度的首肯。
As often as he crossed the pane, I could fancy that a thread of vital light became visible. He was little or nothing but life. 我看着它在窗台间四处翻飞,仿佛看到了一束生命之光。它虽然微不足道,却是实实在在的生命。
This was not a world exclusive to a boy and his toys; Peter was welcome to have friends over to play as often as he wished. 这不仅仅是孩子和他的玩具的独享世界,Peter被允许随时邀请朋友来一起玩,只要他愿意。
We don't want that. She could still come in as often as she wants and do her personal paperwork, banking, letter-writing, reading, etc. 那不是我们想要的。她如果愿意,还是可以经常过来公司,做他个人的文书工作,财务管理,信件编写,阅读等等。
David Cameron doesn't use the term quite as often as he did; a recent speech was his first sustained revival of it since the campaign. DavidCameron并没有像他过去那样来运用这个术语,最近的一次讲话,是他参选以来第一次支持和复活了这个概念。
A note about the IgM test - this test is wrong at least as often as it is right, so it shouldn't be offered to you or drawn for you. 关于抗原检测-这个方法错的时候至少和对的一样多,所以不推荐。
The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. 人类有关智力的定义性术语似乎仍然是智商分数,即使人们并不像以前那样经常进行智商测试。
The nice thing about websites is, as a moonlighting thing, you can write as often as you want, on a whim. 在网站上发文章有一点好处,就像做兼职,你要突然有什么想法,随时都能写下来。
As often as he came, he would stay with us for a time. 每次他来,总要和我们呆上一阵子。
Don't try to do this. Just repeat as many and as often as you can, and gradually become able to concentrate. 不用特意如此做。只要尽力持诵多遍及常念,如此你就能够逐渐地专注了。
You can repeat this step as often as you wish to set up the data collections you need. 您可以随心所欲地经常重复此步骤,以设置所需的数据收集。
Now remember, Jane, you write to us as often as you can. Captain Campbell is not frightening. Be a good girl, Jane. 要记得哦,Jane,多多写信给我们。Campbell上校一点也不凶的,要乖乖的。
Read them as often as you can to give you the opportunity to understand what you want! 你可以给你机会了解你想要尽可能经常阅读!
She was a Japanese triple agent notorious for changing sides as often as she changed lovers. 她当时是一名日本三重间谍,因为改变立场就象变更情人一样频繁而声名狼籍。
The name on the label of the box never changes, but you can take values out of a box and put new values in as often as you like. 盒子的名字永远不会改变,但是你可以随时把值从盒子里取出然后放入新的值。