at this time

  • 网络在这时;此时;在这个时候

at this timeat this time

at this time


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... at the weekend 在周末 at this time 在这时 Bad luck ! 真倒霉 ! ...


浙教版 八年级下册 英语_百度知道 ... 21. at least 至少 22. at this time 此时 9. thank you so much for … 为…而非常感谢你 ...


this - ... 这么,这样,如此 this adv (at this time) 在这个时候,在节骨眼上,此时 (now) 现在,此时此刻 ...


求... ... 奖项 10 - 年度最佳流行器乐专辑( Best Pop Instrumental Album) 在此刻( At This Time) 马隆5人演唱组( Maroon 5) ...


八下英语10单元词组_百度知道 ... a family dinner 家宴 at this time 此时此刻 cross a busy street 穿过一条繁忙的街道 ...


一道九年级英语题_百度知道 ... times 有时 this time 在此时 the time 顺便说一下:另外 ...

At this time, revolutionary change have been taken place in various aspects, animation technology is one of the important aspects. 此时,各个方面都发生了革命性的变化,动画技术则是其中的一个重要方面。
At this time I had already come out of the little border town to Beijing as a university student. 这个时候我已经从边疆的小城市来到了北京,成为一个大学生。
He said he was busy washing clothes at this time yesterday. 他说昨天这个时候他正忙着洗衣服呢。
At this time of the year, the geese are getting ready to fly south to warmer countries. 每年这个时候,鹅群就准备要飞到南方那些更温暖的国家去过冬。
book at this time of the year so we'd better think of two or three places just to be on the safe side . 每年这个时候定位置很困难的,为了防范万一,我们最好想两到三个地方。
At this time, singing frog in the pond cheerful sounding song, sails looked up the sky's l'etoile winked, as if he was laughing funny. 这时,青蛙在塘里欢快地唱着动听的歌,帆抬起头来,满天的星斗眨着眼睛,像是在逗他笑。
Or maybe just one mountain climber, or two, but I don't expect so at this time of the year. 或者可能有一个登山客,或者两个,但我不如此认为的---在年中的这个时期。
When we spoke by phone several weeks ago, the nephew said the violin was now his, but he said he could not discuss it further at this time. 几星期前我们又通了电话,这位侄子说这把小提琴如今归他所有,但又说自己目前不能就此再说更多了。
Healing thoughs and prayers for her at this time would be very appreciated by her as well. 请诚心为她祈祷,她也会如你一样感受到那份爱,时刻心存感激。
It was at this time that Latvian school children began to receive a general education and peasants acquired an idea of freedom. 在这个时代拉脱维亚校园的孩子们开始接全面教育,农民们萌生了自由的概念。
These recent weeks of speculation have made me realise that my heart is at this football club, and I'd be foolish to leave at this time. 最近几个星期的深思熟虑让我认识到我的心在这里,在这家伟大的足球俱乐部,如果我现在离开,那我无疑是愚蠢的。
at this time, I remember many years ago wrote a poem: northerly ah, please do not bird overblow, it is in the sky flying flowers . . . . . . 这时候,我想起了多年前写的一句诗:北风啊,请不要将鸟鸣吹落,那是天空中飞翔的花朵……
Those things are wonderful to see at this time of the year. Fortunately, March has gone out like a lamb, not like a lion. 在每年的这个时候,这些东西真是太美好了。幸运的是,三月的天气温和的像羔羊,而不是冷酷的狮子,可它也过去了。
She had at this time ready money enough to supply all that was wanted of greater elegance to the apartments. 此时她手有足够的钱来购置一些东西,把房子布置得更加幽雅。
The appearance of Frank Cowperwood at this time was, to say the least, prepossessing and satisfactory. 法兰克·柯帕乌这个时候的相貌,至少是讨人欢喜,令人满意的。
At this time, Helen came down and said curiously, "I saw the bear put his mouth to your ear and whisper to you. " 此时,海伦从树上下来并好奇地说,我看到熊将它的嘴放在你的耳朵旁耳语。
At this time, the Hans Anderson was look upon as the prince of fairy, and is one of the greatest writers in his in those days. 这时,汉斯。安徒生已被公认为童话王子,而且是他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。
I think it will let up in a little while. A downpour like this never lasts long here at this time. 我想马上会停的。每年这个时间像这样的大雨不会下很久的。
"The changes in methane concentration at this time seem to be unique, " said the researchers, writing in the journal Nature Geoscience. “这个时期沼气密度的改变看起来非常独特”,研究人员称他们将这一观点发表于自然地球科学杂志。
Those who feel themselves as a part of this Tao cycle will feel drawn to help Terra heal and pull together for this purpose at this time. 那些感觉自己就是这个道周期一部分的人们,将感到被吸引来帮助Terra疗愈,并在此时为此目标而在一起齐心协力。
Many across the world at this time are trying to stay numb and not allow emotion to rise within and to these people we ask why? 全世界很多人此时尽力停留于麻木状态,并且不让内心的情感外露,对这些人我要问为什么要这样?
At this time you may be called on to write a large check for a social event or to spend on behalf of a child. 在这个时候你可能被要求写一大检查的社会活动或花代表一个孩子。
Your home, other property, or a family member may show shifts, too, with all that occurs at this time between you and a partner. 你的住宅,其他的财务或者一个家庭成员也会发生诸如此的突然变动的情况。
' This definitely made me cry. I said, 'Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people. 这句话让我动容,我说:“宝贝,目前这个年头天使很忙,所以,有时候上帝用普通的人。”
And I'm very proud that this coalition has come to this place at this time to try to pursue those goals. 这个联盟已经在这个时刻走到这一步,努力追求这些目标,我感到很骄傲。
'At this time of the year, 'said the gentleman, 'We should all try to help the poor. “在每年的这一天,我们都将为穷人捐钱。”绅士说。
At this time Tanner has said goodbye to the entertainment industry, to make a living, he found a teaching drama in high school teachers. 此时的丹拿已经告别了演艺圈,为了维持生计,他找到了一份在高中教戏剧的教师的工作。
At this time the young man was really scared, his instinct of living made him use all his strength lifting Socrates and climbed to the bank. 这下子,年轻人真的慌了,求生的本能令他拼尽全力将苏格拉底掀开,爬到岸上。
The only positive step he took at this time was to advocate Winston Churchill's return to government as a Minister. 这时,他采取的唯一积极措施是主张让温斯顿·丘吉尔重新出任政府大臣。
" The amount of . . . This . . . " He looked, young friend, boy friend gave him a wink, at this time, golden. “额…这个…”他看了看,少年的朋友,少年的朋友就给他使了个眼色,此时,金毛明白了。