across the board

  • adj.全面的;定时播送的
  • 网络全面一致;全盘的;全面地

across the boardacross the board

across the board


金融词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Acquisition 收购 Across the board 全面一致;全盘的 Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋 ...


金融词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Acquisition 收购 Across the board 全面一致;全盘的 Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋 ...


Unit 5 Travelling abroad教案 ... above board 光明正大地 across the board 全面的;全盘的 sweep the board 全胜,大获全胜 ...


大学英语四级词组 - 豆丁网 ... had better 应该,还是...好 across the board 包括一切地,全面地 above board 光明正大地, 公开 …


大学英语四级词组 - 豆丁网 ... had better 应该,还是...好 across the board 包括一切地,全面地 above board 光明正大地, 公开 …


台大外语教学暨资源中心英语学习报第227期 ... cordial 衷心的;真挚的 across the board 全面性的 implode 内爆 ...

At least, it is not the across-the-board panacea that much of the left touts it as. 至少它不像很多人所想的那样,是一剂包治百病的万金油。
If you're using Microsoft across the board, these hooks are great; however, if you're trying to use a vanilla SOAP implementation, beware! 如果您正在使用微软的全部产品,这些钩子会很有用处;然而,如果您正在尝试用普通的SOAP实现,要注意了!
Average TV-set prices across the board have continued to plummet this holiday season amid lackluster demand. 这个假日季,电视需求毫无起色,整体均价继续下跌。
The old fee was $100 across the board, no matter how much tobacco the business sold. 旧的注册费为100美元,适用于所有便民店,而不管这家店出售多少烟草。
Japan's currency is higher across the board, however, as the country's trade surplus confers it a peculiar "safe haven" status. 日本的货币当前正高企,但是,由于其国家实现贸易顺差,被赋予“安全的天堂”的地位。
If you were laid off in an across-the-board cutback, say so; otherwise, indicate that the move was your decision, the result of your action. 如果你是因为在一次公司裁员中被裁掉的,诚实的说出来,否则就表明此举是你的决定,你的行动的结果。
This color scheme is prevalent in my store as well, and I would like to maintain an across-the-board user experience for my customers. 这是流行的配色方案,以及在我的商店,我想为我的客户保持全面的主板的用户体验。
The Internet speed across the board in Nigeria is not great so we would be looking for a substitute for the Google mapping technology. 横跨在尼日利亚委员会因特网的速度不是很大,所以我们将负责为谷歌地图技术寻找替代品。
A common mistake is to go for across-the-board job and cost cuts that weaken the company without sharpening its core businesses. 常见的错误是面面俱到及削减成本,从而削弱公司,而不是提高其核心业务竞争力。
Lacking any such restraint is year-on-year grade inflation across the board. And that, like continental drift, is hard to see in action. 但年复一年的分数“膨胀”就没有这样的抑制了,而且就像大陆漂移一样难以察觉。
Better and faster diagnostic tests are needed across the board for all emerging infectious diseases especially at the point of care. 更好更快的诊断性的检查对于新出现的感染性疾病是必须的,特别是在治疗护理这个方面。
Wholesale discounting across the board will only lead to diminishing revenues and profits, " he said. " Focus on competitive strengths. 千篇一律采取批发折扣的策略只会导致总收入和利润减少,”他说,“应该重点发展竞争实力。
In reality, incentives must change in American health care across the board, and tort reform is only part of that. 实际上,美国所有的医疗保健服务的激励措施都亟需改变,而侵权改革正是其中的一部份。
But as I said earlier, this kind of logic applies across the board for infectious diseases, and it ought to. 但如我之前所说,这类的逻辑应用贯穿整个传染病领域,应该这样。
Further positive news came from the money markets as interbank lending rates continued to fall across the board. 更多正面消息来自货币市场,银行间贷款利率继续全面下降。
They are having a hard time across the board, and may be very much in need of intervention to help them out in another domain. 要跨过这样的障碍对于她们来说十分困难,或许她们需要一种帮助,但是至今我们还不晓得那东西究竟是什么。
"No one bank can clean up the problem [of compensation] unless we have an across-the- board framework, " he said. “没有一家银行能够清理[薪酬]问题,除非我们有一套全面的框架,”他说。
But the mood is so utterly bearish across the board right now that I am fighting the urge to turn into a raging bull. 只是,眼下整个市场气氛极度悲观,我不得不极力克制自己想变成一只愤怒的公牛的冲动。
Thus, for developed world, outside of food and energy, there is not the dynamic to see a sustained rise in across the board inflation. 因此,对发达国家来说,除食品和能源外,看不到持续的、全面的通货膨胀。
Rising import costs contributed to a slight increase in the company's prices across the board in May, he says. 他说,由于进口成本不断增加,公司产品的价格今年5月全面小幅上涨。
So far utilities have been so focused on tamping costs that they haven't been willing to pay for robust across-the-board security measures. 目前,基础设施建设将精力集中在充分利用资金上,并不愿意为稳固的、全面的安全措施埋单。
Teachers sometimes despair of young men, whose educational performance has lagged behind that of young women almost across the board. 教师有时对青年男生有些失望。几乎在所有的学科上,这些学生的学习成绩都比不上女生。
All this potential activity may make banks think twice before making swingeing, across-the-board headcount reductions. 所有此类潜在活动都可能让银行思量再三,然后再进行大规模的全面裁员。
America is bracing for across-the-board federal spending cuts, known as a sequester, that will automatically begin Friday. 美国将在周五自动开始全面的联邦预算削减即减赤。
The leader said there was an across-the-board consensus on rooting out extremism and militancy. 该国领导表示,在根除极端主义和交战状态方面,世界各国有着一致看法。
If we are going to pull our sales numbers up and develop the brand, we got to work across the board. 如果我们要提高销售额并开发品牌,我们一定要大家一起努力。
But they added that it was too early to say whether the slowdown would hit commodities prices across the board. 但他们认为,断言中国购买放缓是否会对大宗商品价格造成全线冲击还为时尚早。
This season, retailers are hoping across-the-board price cuts will attract consumers worried about the current state of the U. 今年美国零售商希望全面打折优惠办法能吸引对美国经济感到忧虑的消费者;
Example: The company adopts an across-the-board policy on employees' annual outing, regardless of their positions or seniority. 公司采取一视同仁的员工年度郊游政策,不管职位或资历如何。
Easel Painting the apparent lack of effectiveness of this participation was to give up across the board. 架上绘画显然缺乏这种参与的有效性,被放弃也是大势所趋。