
美 [rɪˈzɜrv]英 [rɪˈzɜː(r)v]
  • v.保留;预订;预留;拥有
  • n.保留;自然保护区;预备队;矜持
  • adj.后备的
  • 网络储备;预定;准备金

第三人称单数:reserves 现在分词:reserving 过去式:reserved

reserve seat,reserve space,reserve place
gold reserve


v. n.

1.预订,预约(座位、席位、房间等)to ask for a seat, table, room, etc. to be available for you or sb else at a future time

2.保留;预留to keep sth for sb/sth, so that it cannot be used by any other person or for any other reason

3.~ sth拥有,保持,保留(某种权利)to have or keep a particular power


酒_互动百科 ... V.S.O.P. Very Superior Old Pale 非常优质的陈年浅色白兰地 Reserve 保留 Extra 特级 ...


草莓网5折男士香水 - 全球免运费 ... 共和男士 Republic Of Men 储备 Reserve 启示 Revelation ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... preserve v 保存,保藏 reserve v 保留;预定 reserved a 保留的;沉默的 ...


商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... capital goods 资本货物 reserve 准备金,储备金 calling up of capital 催缴资本 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... reservation 预约;保留 reserve 预约 reservoir 贮水处 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... resent 怨恨 reserve 保存;预定 reservoir 水库;蓄水池 ...


备字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 备忘录〖 aide-memoire;memo;memoire;memorandum〗 备用reserve;spare;standby〗 备用 …


口译_中国英语网 ... 日程安排 schedule 预订 reserve 根据……的要求 upon……request... ...

But the US campaign was undermined by fears it was trying to push down the dollar by the Federal Reserve's return to quantitative easing. 但是,美联储重拾量化宽松措施,引发了有关美国试图以此压低美元汇率的担忧,从而削弱了上述行动的效果。
But, because of the large population, the reserve per capita is less than half of that of the world. 但因中国人口众多,人均资源占有量不及世界平均水平的一半。
The depreciation of the US dollar raises once again the question of how long the natural life of a reserve currency can be. 近期美元贬值,再次令人想起储备货币的自然寿命究竟有多长的问题。
Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the public and investors should take "considerable comfort" . 美联储主席BenBernanke说,公众和投资者应该“相当安慰”。
The Federal Reserve's regional beige book survey found the economy continued to weaken as discounts failed to revive consumer spending. 美国联邦储备委员会(Fed)发布的辖区黄皮书调查显示,经济持续走软,商家折扣举措未能提振消费支出。
However, for most people the actions of the Federal Reserve seem to have no connection to their day to day life. 但是,对绝大多数人来说,美联储的行动似乎与他们的日常生活没有直接联系。
The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are trying to push down borrowing costs to spur faster growth. 美联储(FederalReserve)和英国央行(BankofEngland)都试图降低贷款成本,以便刺激经济更快增长。
A frothy property market was one of the reasons for the Reserve Bank of Australia raising interest rates six times between October and May. 充满泡沫的房地产市场是澳大利亚储备银行在去年十月到今年五月六次提高利率的原因之一。
The Federal Reserve predicts the U. S. economy will come out of recession and resume growing toward the end of this year. 美联储预期美国经济将在今年年底前走出衰退并恢复增长。
Since reserve and modesty are part of his own nature. the typical English tends to expect them in others. 由于沉默寡言、谦虚是其天性,典型的英国人往往期望别人也具有这些品质。
At a banking conference, Bernanke also said the Federal Reserve Board had not agreed on criteria that would prompt additional easing. 但在一次银行会议上,伯南克同时表示,美国联邦储备委员会理事会(FederalReserveBoard)目前还未就进一步推行宽松的政策计划达成一致。
This was not without significance. It meant that in time of flood or famine the peasant had a crop reserve to see him through. 这是十分了不起的,这意味着在水旱之年农民就有了度荒的粮食了。
Professors sometimes reserve a few copies of their course's book, which you may be able to sign out short-term (a few hours to a few days). 有时教授可能会预留几本课本,不过你可以借短期(几小时到几天)。
The Federal Reserve would have to pump huge sums of money into the market to keep other banks afloat after Salomon failed to pay them. 在所罗门无力向其他银行进行支付后,美联储将不得不向市场注入巨额资金,以维持其他银行的运转。
Elinor needed little observation to perceive that her reserve was a mere calmness of manner with which sense had nothing to do. 埃丽诺不用仔细观察就能发现,她之所以少言寡语,只是因为她性情稳静,和理智毫无关系。
Should always keep a little money in reserve for a time when it might be needed. 对于金钱,我们应当总是留下一点儿以备不时之需。对于爱情这种做法则不适用。
Is typically used by compilers to determine how much space to reserve in the file when creating a delay-signed assembly. 通常由编译器在创建延迟签名程序集时用于确定要在文件中保留的空间大小。
for a long term, it has no remarkable effect on foreign exchange reserve, but remarkable and negative effect in a short term. 从长期来看,对外直接投资对外汇储备没有显著影响,而对外汇储备的短期影响显著且是负面的。
credit balance into the "capital reserve - ready to equity investment" subjects. 贷方余额转入“资本公积——股权投资准备”科目。
According to a new paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the U. S. consumer doesn't actually buy all that much Chinese stuff. 旧金山联邦储蓄银行的一项新报告显示,美国的消费者实际上没有购买那么多的中国产品。
Trying to impose hard and fast limits on reserve accumulation would be both futile and undesirable. 试图强行采取立即限制外汇储备增长的举措既于事无补,也非明智之举。
As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging. 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。
The slowdown was worse than economists expected but is likely to be viewed by the Federal Reserve as a prelude to a gradual recovery. 这种经济放缓程度要低于经济学家的预期,但美联储(FederalReserve)可能将其视为经济逐渐复苏的前奏。
In an August report, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas actually put it a bit higher. 在达拉斯联邦储备银行八月份的报告中,这一数字实际上又提高了一点。
In a neighborhood where everyone said exactly what he thought as soon as he thought it, Ashley's quality of reserve was exasperating . 在那一带,人人都是一想到什么就说什么,因此艾希礼的谨慎性格便更加使人看不惯了。
Cash reserve in a bank should be controlled inside the company, otherwise be in harmony does not come over how does money do. 公司里面要控制一下现金,否则融不过来钱怎么办。
At 20%, the prevailing "reserve ratio" means big banks need to park 20 cents of every dollar they have on deposit, she said. 李晶说当前的存款准备金率为20%,这意味着大型银行每一美元的储蓄就要在央行存入20美分。
Just last month, the bank performed better than expected on the Federal Reserve's 'stress test' of top banks' strength. 就在上个月,花旗在美联储对大型银行进行的压力测试中的表现要好于预期。
The R&R system is intended to be an integrated way for users to reserve rooms or resources for meetings, events, or any sort of activity. R&R系统旨在成为一种集成的方式,用于用户为会议、事件或任何种类的活动预订房间或资源。
All of these factors seem to be trumped by the dollar's unique role as the world's reserve currency and provider of the most liquid markets. 美元同时是全球的储备货币和高流动性市场的流通货币,所有这些因素似乎都在这一独特角色前折腰。