rack up

  • na.获得(胜利);得(比分);彻底击败;把马拴[系]起来喂草料
  • 网络获胜;击倒;积累

第三人称单数:racks up 现在分词:racking up 过去式:racked up

rack uprack up

rack up


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... push up 抬高,增加,提高 rack up v.获胜,击倒 rake up 重提,翻,朝花夕拾 ...


地道美语听力播客:使用飞行积累里程... ... blackout dates 不得使用 rack up 获得;赢得 a word to the wise 明白人不用多说 ...


带up的词组以及例句_百度知道 ... push up 抬高,增加,提高 rack up v.获胜,击倒 rake up 重提,翻,朝花夕拾 ...


7大抗衰老秘密_普特英语听力 ... 3.life expectancy: 预期寿命 4.rack up: 得分, 积累, 获胜, 彻底击败 ...


微电影时代来临(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... strive 努力 rack up 积累 sporadic 零星的 ...


TIME片挑200—动词词组 flashcards | Quizlet ... pump iron 做重量训练 rack up 得分,达成 ratchet up 逐渐升高 ...


石油英语词汇(R1)--石油百科 ... rack tooth 齿条齿 rack up 排放完 rack wheel 棘轮 ...


QQ-English site - 人人小站 ... (Restricted; 限制级)等几种。 rack up: 累积 all too often: 时常,总是 ...

With all of the expenses associated with going to college, it can be very easy to rack up a lot of credit card debt. 加上和上大学相关的所有费用,大量的信用卡债务很容易就会被构架起来。
Barclays said it had taken hits in areas such as Spain and the Middle East, while HSBC continued to rack up impairments in its U. 巴克莱集团说,它在西班牙和中东等地区的业务遭受了打击。
Beat the clock and try to rack up as many points as possible as you compete in a wide range of your all-time favourite extreme events. 尽全力表演您自己最爱的极限项目,在给定的时间里尽可能多地得分。
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to rack up debts on your card account with little to show for the money you've spent. 可惜这太容易了货架帐户卡债你很少来证明你的钱花。
I certainly didn't think little ol' me who gets on a plane maybe once a year would be able to rack up enough miles to matter. 我当然不认为自己可以攒到足够的里程换返还金了,因为我可能一年才坐上一次飞机。
India will rack up successive years of 9-10%. For the next 20-25 years, India will grow faster than any other large country, they expect. 但印度则会在将来数年内达到9%至10%.他们认为,未来的20至25年,印度的发展将超越任何一个大国。
Any kind of travel tends to rack up several incidental costs -- taxi fares, Internet access fees, phone calls, tips, laundry charges. 任何旅行都会带来其它一些费用—的士费、上网费、电话费、小费和洗衣费。
Yet another FA Cup win followed in 2005 as the Frenchman continued to rack up the trophies. 2005年,这位法国人又取得了另一次足总杯决赛的胜利。
Anyone taking all these flights over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totalling more than 35 tonnes. 一年中乘坐所有这些航班的任何人都会积累到总计超过35吨的碳足迹。
They can rack up thousands of dollars in charges that you did not authorize but that say your name on the bill. 他们可以有几千的积分,用写了你名字但没有经过你批准的帐单积了上千的分数。
DC: Well, it's only in the last few tests we've done where we've been able to rack up some serious mileage. 大卫-库塔:只在我们前几次完成的测试中,我们才获得了一些重要的里程数。
The Frenzy Banana creates a chaotic fruit explosion, and it's fun to go nuts, slice as many items as you can, and rack up points. 疯狂香蕉会产生一种混乱的水果大爆炸,让我们疯了一般地尽可能地去切。
When you take money out using your Credit Card, they rack up interest immediately and in most cases at a higher interest rate as well. 当你用信用卡取现时,银行马上开始累积利息,而且往往收很高的利息率。
you could easily rack up debt if you don't keep track of your credit card bills. 如果你不记录每笔信用卡消费的话,你会很容易就债务累累。
Critics say colleges put their financial interests ahead of those of their students, encouraging them to rack up high-cost debt. 批评者认为,学校把经济利益放在学生利益之上,正是学校的鼓动导致学生积累了高额债务。
But if your goal is to rack up big vote totals for the NBA All-Star Game, there's another answer: Be a Houston Rocket. 但是如果你的目标是在NBA全明星赛投票中获得高得票数,那么还有另一个答案:成为火箭队的一员。
If China imported a Mercedes and painted it green, it would rack up tens of thousands of export dollars. 假如中国进口一辆奔驰轿车,将它喷成绿色,它也将为出口增加数万美元。
rack up the thread (or Quick Connector) rust-prone areas, should be kept properly oiled . 机架上的螺纹(或快速接头)和易锈部位,应涂油妥善存放。
Few foodstuffs other than those on the space station rack up more miles than a leg of New Zealand lamb on a British dinner table. 毕竟除了用来供应空间站的,没有什么食物可以超过英国餐桌上的一条新西兰羊腿的食物里程了。
We're talking big numbers here. Most publicly traded corporations rack up sales running into the hundreds of millions of dollars annually. 我们这里所说的是一个很大的数字,大部分上市企业的年销售额会达到几亿美元。
In short, China wants consumption to balance investment, so it does not continue to rack up huge trade surpluses. 简言之,中国希望促进消费增长,以平衡投资,使其不再继续积聚巨额贸易顺差。
Participants are encouraged to become geographic Boy Scouts, collecting merit badges for the locations they rack up. 参与者被鼓励成为地理童子军队员,为他们征服的地方而收集徽章。
Yeah, but a word to the wise: spend carefully. You don't want to rack up credit card debt for the sake of racking up frequent flyer miles! 是的,明白人不用多说:要仔细花。你不想仅仅为了积累飞行里程而悲伤信用卡中的债务!
Romney expects to rack up wins in Massachusetts, Vermont and Virginia while Santorum looks for victories in Oklahoma and Tennessee. 罗姆尼期待将在麻萨诸塞、佛蒙特和维吉尼亚获胜,而桑托勒姆则希望在奥克拉荷马和田纳西胜选。
What about malpractice costs? Doctors must police doctors, before mistakes rack up, not lawyers after the fact. 玩忽职守的成本呢?错误发生前,大夫监管大夫,而不是事后请律师。
It is portable to move the shoot rack up and down. Its manual lock is freely in any position. 摄片架作上下移动时,轻便灵活,可在任意需要位置手刹制动。
Major performance gauges of the newly shipped storage appliances rack up some impressive gains. 新近推出的存储设备的主要性能指标得以大幅提升。
which will likely ride buoyant demand for its hardware to rack up yet another strong quarter when it releases earnings Tuesday. 苹果公司将于周二发布一季度盈利报告,届时很可能借助用户对其硬件设备需求旺盛之东风,再次公布一个业绩强劲的季报。
Like online gamers, they can compete individually or in teams to rack up the most processing time for a given project. 就像网络游戏玩家,他们能够以个人的身份或加入小组来相互竞争,以在一个指定的项目中获得最佳的操作时间。
Investors buying stocks in China should be able to rack up gains comparable to growth in the broader economy. Right? 中国购买股票的投资者,应该可以获得与整体经济增长相当的收益,对不对?