rest on

  • na.被支持在…上;(目光等)停留在…上
  • 网络依靠;依赖;被搁在

第三人称单数:rests on 现在分词:resting on 过去式:rested on

rest onrest on

rest on


Account for 说明1_百度文库 ... resort to 诉诸于 rest on 信赖,依靠 run away with (感情等) 战胜, 不受… 约束 ...


近意词大全2_博大今生_新浪博客 ... refer to 谈到; 关系到; 参照 rest on 依赖, 依据 scale up 按比例增加, 相应提高 为了 ...


The words of CET4_百度文库 ... Resort to 求助于 Rest on 停留在 依靠 Result in 导致 ...


N3-1-3_东方小疯牛_新浪博客 ... demote v. 降职 rest on v. 被搁在, 停留在, 信赖 stand 1 . 身高 2. 矗立于 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... for the rest 至于其余,至于其它 rest on 依赖,依据;信赖 as a result 作为结果 ...


四级常用动词固... ... 180、piece together 拼合,拼凑 211、rest on 依靠,依赖;被搁在, 停留在 212、restrain from 阻碍,控 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... for the rest 至于其余,至于其它 rest on 依赖,依据;信赖 as a result 作为结果 ...

Now add Mickey's eyes and nose. His eyes rest on the edge of one center line. Make sure that you add a little curve right below his eyes. 加增米奇的眼睛和鼻子。他的目光停留在一个研究中心的边缘线。确保你加一点点曲线对在他的眼睛。
These efforts rest on standards that are usually open, and most of the Internet map-making area tends to rely on these standards. 这些成果得益于通常的开放标准,而且多数Internet地图制作领域正在趋向于依赖这些标准。
The boy was given ten yuan by his mother. He spent six on the books, and the rest on the exercise-books. 母亲给这孩子十元钱。他花了六元买书,其余的买了练习本。
The job market is competitive and you shouldn't rest on your laurels and assume that what you know is enough to get by. 找工作的市场竞争激烈,你不能坐吃山空(仰仗你的老本,荣誉),一厢情愿地认为你知道的就足以让你过关。
Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels. 不过,布鲁诺清楚地知道,他不能停留在自己的桂冠上而不思进取。
Sufferings that should be shared by all should not come to rest on just a few girls; Huabei would do well to agree with that. 应当由大家承受的不该只落在一个小姑娘身上,华北也最好能同意这一点。
round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him. 他思考问题,就像牛反刍一样,一遍又一遍,反反复复,眼神落在面前平静的水面上。
In stroke play, a competitors ball came to rest on an artificially-surfaced road which had not been declared an integral part of the course. 在比杆赛上,一名比赛者的球停在了一个人工表面的路上,这条路没有被宣布为是球场整体的一部分。
"I'll rest on the next turn as he goes out, " he said. "I feel much better. Then in two or three turns more I will have him. " “等它下一趟朝外兜圈子的时候,我要歇一下,”他说。“我觉得好过多了。再兜两三圈,我就能逮住它。”
But she's not content to rest on her laurels, continuing to work tirelessly to promote the cause of women and gender equality in sports. 但是她却不仅仅满足于她在比赛中所获得的荣誉,而是孜孜不倦地为推进运动场上的女性权益以及性别公平进程努力。
Her administration did not rest on so sure a basis as in the time of the old proprietor. 她的权柄已经不象老主人在世时那样建立在一个非常牢靠的基础上。
Asked why, she said, wanted to stay in Beijing after graduation, basic necessities of life is to spend money, cannot rest on their laurels. 问原因,她说,毕业之后想留在北京,衣食住行都要花钱,总不能坐吃山空。
As he spoke, a sluggish black beetle, about the half the size of his thumb, slid off the wall and came to rest on its back beside his feet. 他说话时,一只行动缓慢的黑甲虫从墙壁上落到了他脚边,这个有他拇指一半大的甲虫背部落地、无法动弹。
We sat down to rest on the grass at the tenth tee. "Our scores are awful, " I said. 我们在第十个球座草坪上坐下休息。“我们的得分太糟了。”我说。
When the Kelveys were well out of sight of Burnells', they sat down to rest on a big red drain-pipe by the side of the road. 凯尔维姐妹俩一直跑到看不见耐尔家才停了下来,她们跌坐在路边红色的大水管上休息着。
One last piece of advice: As you grow your consulting business, don't get cocky. And dont "rest on your laurels" . 10.最后一项忠告:当你的咨询业务成长时,不要与原来的公司争夺客户,以及不要“停下脚步,心满意足”。
Is not the LORD your God with you? and hath he not given you rest on every side? 耶和华你们的神不是与你们同在吗。不是叫你们四围都平安吗。
It did not rest on a concept of personal human rights that ordinary people could call on to defend themselves against unjust rulers. 它所基于的并不是让普通民众能用于抵御不公正统治的个人人权理念。
When they rest on the chair in the park when Kate found the lake a pair of shoes and a skirt, but did not see anything to the owner. 当他们在公园的椅子上休息时,凯特发现湖边有一双鞋和一条短裙,可是去没看东西的主人。
The True Finns' chances probably rest on the degree to which Mr Soini is prepared to compromise his anti-EU position. 正统芬兰人党的机会或许将取决于索依尼准备对其反欧盟立场作出让步的程度。
Lucas admits he is satisfied with his recent performance levels - not that he's ready to rest on his laurels. 卢卡斯本人也承认,他很满意自己最近的状态——但他也表示,自己绝不会固步自封,不思进取。
But the senior Catholics who are hosting the pope do not talk or act as if they laurels to rest on. 不过主持教皇访问活动的天主教徒高官们,他们的言论和行为,并不像是志得意满而不思进取。
If I have had a special hobby, that would be to have a good rest on Sunday. 如果我有什么特殊爱好的生活,那就是在星期日好好休息一下。
Thus the fate of the planet would rest on the shoulders of a few low-ranking officers sweating in a concrete bunker. 因此,地球的命运就落到了少数低级军官的肩上。
That's a great deal of munitions for someone content to rest on her laurels at home in Wasilla, Alaska (population 9, 000). 这对在阿拉斯瓦西拉(Wasilla,人口仅9000)家中,倚着各种选美小姐的桂冠就心满意足的佩林来说,真是弹药充足。
It flew up with the wind and came to rest on a very high branch of a big old tree. Bill saw it, but said nothing. 它随风飞逝,最终落到了一个又大又老的高高的树枝上,比尔看着它,什么也没说。
We wandered down the block and sat down to rest on a windowsill. Zhu lit a cigarette. 我们在街区里散步,累了就在窗台上坐着休息一会儿。
In both of these types of rock climbing the climber can sit off the wall and rest on the rope. 在这两种攀爬形式中,攀爬者都可以中途靠着绳索休息。
You choose two of those cards and put them into his or her graveyard. Put the rest on top of his or her library in any order. 你从其中选择两张并将之置入他的坟墓场,将其馀的牌以任意顺序置于他的牌库顶。
The pineapple chunks and coconut jelly rest on the bottom of the dish, providing a base for the frothier layers to come. 将处理过的菠萝块以及椰肉果冻放在甜点的最底层,为上面泡沫较丰富的几层打底。