conform to

  • na.遵照;顺应;遵守
  • 网络符合;遵从;适合,符合

conform toconform to

conform to


诣_百度百科 ... ⒉同本义[ go to] ⒍符合[ conform to] 同本义〖 goto〗 ...


词语的固定搭配_百度文库 ... conceive of 设想,构思;以为 conform to 遵守,依照,符合,顺应 consult with 商量,商议 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... idle away 浪费(时间) conform to 遵照;符合 be deprived of 被夺去;被剥夺 ...


考研情感态度词 - 豆丁网 ... comply with 遵守,服 从; 154 conform to 遵守,符合, 顺应 155 consist of 组成 156 ...


中文翻译成英文_百度知道 ... funds: 基金、资金、款项 follow/conform to遵从、听从(意愿、建议等) go through: 克服 …


四级高频词组_百度文库 ... (=to be equal to) 总计,等于。 42. (=conform to) 适合,符合。 44. (=be caused by) 由…引起。 51. ...


...准为依据(based on)”解释为“应国际 标准一致(conform to)”,上诉机构认为专家组的解释是错误的:首先,“为依 据”的普通含 …


词组_百度文库 ... at once 同时,一起;立刻 conform to 符合,顺应;遵守 arise from 由…引起,由…产生 ...

These helpers make your work a whole lot easier in trying to conform to a DTD (or in developing one). 这些帮助程序让您在尝试遵循DTD(或开发DTD)时更容易。
When you're always trying to conform to the norm, you lose your uniqueness, which can be the foundation for your greatness. 当你总是想依循旧例时,你就失去了自己的独特之处,而独特就是成就你伟大的基础。
All our cruisers were the result of trying to conform to treaty limitations and "gentleman's agreements" . 我们所有的巡洋舰,都是为了要遵照这些条约限制和“君子协定”而取得的结果。
In such a case, passing on an Order ID, which does not conform to these standards, will obviously result in a runtime error. 在这种情况下,传递一个OrderID,这不符合标准,将会生成一个运行时错误。
Otherwise, his career, he shall conform to the center of his will, and nature, and his business is a part of life, he cannot be separated. 否则,他的事业,应当与他的中心意志相符,与他的天性相合,而他的事业就是他生命中的一部分,不能分离。
After the goods arrived, we found their quality did not conform to what was stipulated in the contract. 货物到了之后,我们发现品质与合同规定不符。
Variation in mtDNA is often assumed to conform to a constant mutation rate equilibrium neutral model. 线粒体DNA进化通常被认为遵循一种稳定的突变速率平衡中性模型,但有证据表明该假设可能并不可靠。
They are not intended to dominate your way of thinking or to persuade you to conform to the way the writer thinks or feels. 它们无意支配你的思维方式,或劝告你遵循作者的思想或感受。
But one aspect of India's experience after trade liberalisation did not conform to what the researchers had expected. 但是印度在贸易自由化以后的经验有一个方面与研究者的预期不相符合。
Li Hongzhi should be hold responsible for that, because those matters do not conform to the facts. (李洪志)他应该对这些事情负责。因为不符合事实的事情。
The name is also the Type name and all instances of that Type must conform to the constraints given by the definition. 该名称还是类型名称,并且该类型的所有实例都必须遵守此定义所给定的约束。
Game both parties shall have the right to check whether conform to the rules, put the ball and request correction. 比赛双方均有权检查球摆放是否符合规则,并要求修正。
All parts of superstructure which do not conform to the form to the economic base must be trans formed. 要改革。一切不适应经济基础的上层建筑。
It has been proved that the effects of interest rate policy do not completely conform to the anticipated target of macro-regulation. 事实证明,利率政策的效应与中央银行宏观调控的预期目标并不能完全保持一致。
The website will ban those who do not conform to its rules of good auction behavior. 网站可以阻止无法履行良好拍卖行为,不遵守规矩的交易者进入市场。
There is hope for a people when their laws are righteous, whether for the moment they conform to their requirements or not. 因为只要一个民族的法律是公正的,不论它当时是否符合他们的需要,这个民族就还有希望。
Applications that can conform to the LSB specification are likely candidates to be binary compatible among the set of LSB-branded systems. 能够符合LSB规范的应用程序很可能在一组LSB品牌的系统之间实现二进制兼容。
If you argue with other people, do not adhere stubbornly to your own opinion, conform to the public on inessential matter. 如果两个人在争论,不要固执己见。在无关紧要的事情上要同意大多数人的意见。
All activities and policies must conform to the market rules, and the company does practical business on its own position. 一切活动、决策都要符合市场规律,在本职岗位上干出实实在在的事业。
The raw and supplementary materials used for the production of pharmaceuticals must conform to the requirements for medicinal use. 第十一条生产药品所需的原料、辅料,必须符合药用要求。
In principle to produce a problem, be firm as a rock; in the interest issue, should conform to the trend. 在原则产问题上,要坚定如磐石;在兴趣问题上,则要顺应潮流。
Once a person has been hired, job paying practices do not always conform to the standard of "equal pay for equal work" . 一旦一个人被雇佣了,其报酬也不总是符合于“等量劳动获得等量报酬”的原则。
The left-handed person today is still inconvenienced, but he is no longer forced to conform to the right-handed world. 今天,左撇子们仍感不便,但他们不再被迫顺应惯用右手的那些人的办法了。
But, as we have already seen, this is by no means the case with the metaphysic of understanding, if it conform to its principle. 但我们已经知道,在知性形而上学里,按知性的原则来说,却并不是这样。
Fewer and fewer of us will get used to fit with your own heart, all conform to everyone's ideas, that idea is too ridiculous fantasy. 越来越少的我们会习惯与自己的内心贴合,都顺应着大家的想法,觉得太虚幻的思想可笑。
If any of the test assertions failed, then the artifacts that were analyzed do not conform to the Basic Profile. 如果某个测试断言失败,则被分析的构件就不符合基本概要(BasicProfile)。
The outside micrometers are widely used for outside precision measurement and the main inaccuracies conform to ISO and GB standards. 外径千分尺广泛应用于外尺寸的精密测量,主要精度符合国际标准和国家标准。
On perusal, we found that part of the contents did not conform to the original contract. 经过审查,我们发现部分内容与原合同不符,请修改。
Seafarer recruitment and placement services operating in a Member's territory shall conform to the standards set out in the Code. 在成员国领土内开办的海员招募和安置服务机构应符合本守则所规定的标准。
The complexity of systems today is typically the result of complex business rules that the system must conform to. 今天,系统的复杂性通常是由系统必须符合的业务规则的复杂性所导致的结果。