step on

  • v.踩在…上
  • 网络踏;踏上;踩上

第三人称单数:steps on 现在分词:stepping on 过去式:stepped on

step onstep on

step on

仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... in different directions 以不同方向 step on 踏, rush out of 冲出 ...

字典中 蹙 字的解释 ... (7) 缩小;减削[ contract;lose] (9) 通“蹴”。踢;[ kick;step on] (2) 同本义[ urgent] ...


常用英语动词与介词搭配 - 豆丁网 ... spend … on 在……方面花钱或时间 step on 踩,踏上 try on 试穿,试用 ...


EEC初一下英语单词表_百度文库 ... 危险的 dangerous 187 踩……上 step on 188 错误,误解 mistake 189 ...


高中英语动词短语分类_百度文库 ... stare at 盯着看… step on 踩在…上;用力踩…(加油门) stick to 粘住/坚持… ...


踹的意思_百度知道 ... ◎ 粤语:caai2 cyun2 jaai2 (1) 踩;踏;踩踏[ tread;stamp;step on] (3) 跟踪寻找[ tail and seek] ...


The words of CET4_百度文库 ... Speed up 加速 Step on 踩到 Specialize In 擅长于 ...


The Biggest Animal教案 ... 4. dangerous adj. 危险的 5. step on 踩到……上 6. mistake n. 错误,误解 ...

If policymakers can at least get the diagnosis right, it would be a major step on the road to recovery. 只要政策制定者们至少能做出正确的诊断,就相当于在复苏道路上迈出了重要一步。
You don't have to speed, Li Hua. Just step on it a little bit. Just go a little faster. 我可以踩油门,再开快一点。不过安全也很重要呦!
You are ready to be a ladder, letting others step on your shoulders to pick the fruit of success. 您乐为人梯,欣然让后人蹬着自己的肩膀,去摘取胜利的硕果。
If your goal is to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week, you'll be satisfied to see those full-pound drops when you step on the scale. 如果你的目标是一周减掉1~2磅,那么当你按计划一步步做下来时看到真的减掉了这么多后,你会有种满足感。
Step on, there is not the sound, there is not the smell, can only feel out a little extremely very small and extremely soft sense of touch. 脚踏上去,声音也没有,气息也没有,只能感出一点点极微细极优柔的触觉。
The bank's monetary policy risks letting inflation get so far out of control that there won't be any way to gently step on the brake. 央行当前的货币政策冒着使通胀失去控制的风险,除了轻踩刹车外没有任何措施。
Thank you . . . ! I sent him to the hospital tomorrow If I put it in a bad step on. 谢谢你…!我明天在送他去医院要是在不好我把它踩了。
The door to ask Dan people will be nothing to step on the threshold of the lower three inches! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 上门来求丹的人也将无为居的门槛给踩低了三寸!!
Sailing the greats seas there is always an urge to step on land, at least for a bit. Thankfully the urge always passes quickly. 在浩瀚的大海中航行总是有想要登陆的冲动,至少有一点吧。还好这种冲动总是很快就过去了。
Let me cover your eyes quietly, put a watermelon skin gently under your foot and happily enjoy the scene that you step on it. 让我轻轻地蒙上你的眼睛,轻轻地在你脚下放块西瓜皮,然后美滋滋地看着你踩上去。
She looked at it for a moment and then said, "I want to step on his head. " 侄孙女看了乌龟一会儿,然后说:“我想踩它的头。”
And say "excuse me" when you step on a poor person's toe, just as you say it to a rich one. 踩到穷人脚趾时,也应该说一声“对不起”,就像你对富人这么说一样。
It doesn't matter whether you think of adulthood as a journey or as an arrival; today it clearly a step on the path of your life. 无论你把长大成人看做人生的旅途还是终点,今天无疑都是你人生中的一大步。
Cane toads to the right of the track on the grass stared at me and I tried not to step on the fat ones. 路旁右边的草地上的癞蛤蟆正死死地盯着我看,而我争取不踩着那些体型肥胖者。
And then you crazy to step on the space of the others, a message, and really tired, but the effect with your pay is often listed into than. 然后你就疯狂的去踩别人的空间,留言,确实很累,但是效果往往跟你的付出是成比列的。
Then she heard his step on the stair away down on the first flight, and she turned white for just a moment. 不久她听到了他来自楼下的第一个脚步声,她的脸刷地一下变得苍白。
The pounds were falling off so fast that I actually got excited to step on the scale each morning to see how much more I'd lost. 体重减少的是如此地快,每天早上站在称上看到我自己减了多少,真是太让人兴奋了。
The plan for you is immaculate and your destiny, and provides for all that is necessary to see you firmly step on the path to Ascension. 对你们的计划是“完美的”,也是你们的使命,并且提供所有必须的一切去见证你们以“坚定的脚步”走在扬升之路中。
She thought she got punished because she pretended that she did not know her own mother and tried to step on the bread. 她想,她因不认自己的亲生母亲和踩在面包上而受到惩罚。
Has his feet on my head, ready to step on a stepped on my watermelon. 他的脚已经对准了我的脑袋,准备向踩西瓜一踩我。
To be able to keep you motivation at a high level all the time you need to be able to see every (foreseeable) step on the way. 为了能够让自己处于一直高度的自我激励状态,你需要预见前进道路每一步(可预见性)。
More important, the general recognition of the significance of the problem might be the first step on the right way. 更为重要的是,认识到这个问题的重要性才是解决问题的第一步。
He did so just to give her those extra few precious moments of life, should I have been careless enough to step on her. 他这么做不过是想让她再享受片刻宝贵的生命,以防我不够小心一脚踩到她。
In this case, "stinky dog dropping" become a reality and not just a curse. You can step on them any time of aren't careful. 这种情形之下,“臭狗屎”不再是咒骂,而成为现实,不小心就会踩到。
Bus Master, and a woman accidentally step on a man hurt in the foot, then quickly apologized blushing, said: "I'm sorry, walking you. " 公共汽车上人多,一位女士无意间踩疼了一位男士的脚,便赶紧红着脸道歉说:“对不起,踩着您了。”
A klutz Don't ask Lloyd to dance with you. He's a real klutz and will probably step on your feet! 千万别跟Lloyd跳舞。他是个十足的傻瓜还有可能踩到你呢。
On this stage, this Asian player wore a bright smile to tell the world--Asian players have made a great step on major tennis tournaments. 在那个领奖台上,这位亚洲选手展开了美丽的笑容,她告诉世界---亚洲人在顶级网球赛事上又向前跨了一大步。
We had been held up for an hour and had to step on it to make up for the lost time. 我们已经停了一个小时了,我们必须加快速度,把失去的时间补回来。
"Now is not the time to slam the brakes on the recovery, right now is the time to step on the gas, " he said. 对于复苏现在不是紧急刹车的时候,现在要做的就是狠踩油门。
That's what I need to see, a lil killer instinct. Don't be afraid to bury these dudes Step on their throats when they're down. 这就是我希望看到的,一个杀手的气质。当对手倒地的时候,踏住他们的咽喉,不要害怕去埋葬这些家伙。