start off

  • na.动身
  • 网络出发;开始;上路

第三人称单数:starts off 现在分词:starting off 过去式:started off

start offstart off

start off


400个动词大全 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... become of 发生...情况,怎么啦 start off 出发 set off 出发 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand up to 勇敢地面对;坚决抵抗 start off 出发,动身;开始 start up 突然站起,惊起 ...


解释英文词组_百度知道 ... )spell-checker 拼写检查 )start off 出发,动身,开始 )check on/upon 检查 ...


字典中 发 字的解释 ... (2) 同本义[ shoot an arrow] (4) 出发;上路[ set out;start off] (6) 打开;开启[ open] ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... start after sb. 追赶上某人 start off 动身出发 start out 着手进行 ...


养老保险基金应该投资资本市场吗?_恒星英语 ... depend on 依赖, 依靠 start off 以…开始 be aware of 意识到 ...

Start off your day or your week by giving yourself several tiny tasks that can be accomplished in just a minute or two each. 开始的时候给自己安排一些小一点的任务,一分钟或者两分钟就能完成。
That was all Douglas needed to have the night of her life. She landed a huge vault to start off and never relinquished the lead. 为了成就这个夜晚,信心是道格拉斯唯一需要的东西。跳马项目,她高高跃起,然后一路势不可挡。
When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first solutions you come up with are very complex, and most people stop there. 当你开始想要解决一个问题时,你最先想到的解决方法总是非常复杂的,而往往大多数人都止步于此。
My hazy front road block of wood is distributed , is is unable to see clearly status, therefore I am not able to start off. 我前方的路阴霾不散,看不清楚状况,所以我还不能够上路。
Then listen to an old friend described him as Ben is now the age of three. Oh, to start off a three! 再后来听老友形容他现在是奔三的年龄。哦,开始奔三了!
Gist allows to start off from a pasted bit of text or code and collaborate over the net, either using a web interface or git tools. 使用Gist,用户可以从粘帖一小段文本或者代码开始,然后通过Web界面或者git工具展开网上的协作。
I'm going to take this opportunity to explain the way the process works, but first let me start off by giving a bit of history. 借此机会,我将解释该过程是怎样进行的,但首先请允许我介绍一点历史。
"In this case we were fortunate that Mr Biblis probably had a very good healthy sperm count to start off with, " he said. “在本例中,很幸运,比布里斯先生的精子健康状况十分良好,为治疗提供了便利。”他说。
You could start off by reading some of those: you might find errors to correct , and get an idea of what others are writing here . 您可以先开始看一些这样的文章,您也许会发现错误去修改,而且可以知道其他人的观点。
And so, gradually over these three days, you start off kind of trying to figure out, why am I listening to all this irrelevant stuff? 因此,在为期三天的TED会议里,你开始会试图弄明白为什么我要听这些彼此无关的演讲?
talk about tlming. i'm running late to work, but i think i can wait. let me just start off with a bagel. 真是倒霉,有点迟到,但我可以等一下,先给我来个面包圈吧
We thought we already had enough to talk about with you this morning, Warren, but why don't we start off with some news? 沃伦,今天上午我们有很多事情想要跟你谈论,让我们从最近的一些新闻开始怎么样?
Linda: We have got to start off right now. It's time to rush out to Nanjing Road to sweep the stores. Girls! Go! 我们现在得走了。该是冲向南京路,横扫各个商店的时候了。姑娘们!走!
I'd also love to hear some of your favorite ways to start off a new healthier lifestyle in January! 同时,我也想聆听一些你喜欢的,并将于一月开始的全新的更健康的生活方式。
We start off with millions of movies. Dusters are the only technology we have to identify movies of interest. 我们与数百万的影片同行,搜尘者是鉴别感兴趣影片的唯一技术。
In this case: you thought the task was boring to start off with then you were paid to tell someone else the task was interesting. 在这个情况下:开始进行这个任务时你认为那是无聊的,随后你被支付钱去告诉别人这个任务有趣。
My start off the line was not that good, but it was enough to keep my position. 我的起步不是那么好,不过足以保持我的位置了。
Start off with a clean nail, make sure the surface is nail polish and oil free. 首先在涂指甲油前一定要保证指甲的干净。指甲表面要抛一下光,然后确保指甲上清清爽爽没有油!
The rain over, the passengers got everything ready to start off. 雨停了下来,行人作好了出发的一切准备。
The source and target start off the same, but the target may change as the user drags an item around the designer. 源和目标启动时相同,但目标可能会随着用户围绕设计器拖动项而改变。
Attention, please . Get your vehicles ready to start off . 各位注意了。车队准备出发。
How to smarten up: Begin retraining yourself to start off with at least 20 percent less than you're used to eating. 如何改进:开始重新调整自己的习惯,在第一次取餐时取比你平时少至少20%的食物。
Before digging into the ASM details, I'll start off with a look at how generics information is actually encoded into the binary classes. 在钻研ASP细节之前,让我们首先来看看泛型信息编码到二进制类中的实际方式。
The referee tossed the ball in the air to start off the basketball game. 裁判把篮球抛向空中让双方跳球开始比赛。
ZhongGuanCun garden area hangs out his shingle 8 times the enterprise attends first this collective net start off to perform an activity. 中关村园区八家挂牌企业参加此次首批集体网上路演活动。
She might come back and start off again the day after tomorrow if she were to miss the train tomorrow. 万一她明天赶不上火车,她可能会回来,后天再动身。
The children are always excited to start off on a lamping trip. 孩子们在出发野营时总是非常兴奋。
We were about to start off on the trip when it began to rain. 我们正要起程,突然下起雨来。
Don't start off by inviting three couples over to your home for a lavish dinner party. You'll put too much pressure on yourself. 不要一开始就邀请三对以上的夫妇到你家享用晚餐,那会带给你自己很多压力。
The outfit for a journey has not also finished fighting, but I know self has a day to start off eventually. 行装也还未打好,但我知道,自己终有一天要上路。