use up

  • na.用完;耗尽
  • 网络用光;用尽;消耗

第三人称单数:uses up 现在分词:using up 过去式:used up

use upuse up

use up


九年级英语词组总结Unit1-8单元 - 豆丁网 ... pretend to be ill 装病 34. use up 用光,用完,耗尽 prefer sth 更喜欢„; ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... pretend 假装 use up 用光 attempt 尝试 ...


九年级英语词组总结Unit1-8单元 - 豆丁网 ... pretend to be ill 装病 34. use up 用光,用完,耗尽 prefer sth 更喜欢„; ...


字典中 罄 字的解释 ... ◎ 罄 qìng (1) 用尽;消耗殆尽[ use up;exhaust] 通“磬”。乐器[ chime stone;musical stone] ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... make use of 利用,使用 use up 用完,耗尽;花完 do one's utmost 竭力,尽全力 ...


I’m Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge - 豆丁网 ... ) eat or drink 饮食 – ) use up 消耗 – ) take care of 照顾,关心 – ...


Sheet3 Sheet2 Sheet1 ???? ??? unwrap ... 呼出,呼气 breathe out 用尽,耗尽,使筋疲力尽 use up 精疲力尽的 depleted,tired ...


高二英语上册短语归纳_百度文库 ... (时间)消逝,过去 go by 20. 用完,花光 use up 22. 尊敬,钦佩… look up to 9. ...

Since she hadn't expected to miss the flight, she was forced to use up most of her supplies and whatever money she had to feed them. 她本以为不会错过那次航班的,无奈他们又用完了所有的东西,所以她才把钱花完买了吃的东西来养活他们。
Hank: I was trying to use up my frequent flyer miles, and that's all that was available. 汉克:我试著把我累积的飞行哩程数用完,只能安排这样的班机。
Rewriting these applications to use up-to-date innovations in business application development and integration can be cost prohibitive. 为了在业务应用程序开发和集成中使用创新技术而重写这些应用程序,这样做的成本太高,以致不太可能。
Cambridge University researchers have analyzed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up. 剑桥大学的研究人员分析了人脑构造,并计算出人脑细胞运作需要消耗的能量。
Disk space is how much space your files are allowed to use up, and bandwidth is the amount of data you can transfer to visitors. 硬盘空间规定了所有能够存放的文件容量大小,带宽决定了你可以以多快的速度将这些文件传输给访问者。
You know our boss always trying to save the last penny. We have to use up the equipment first. 你知道的,我们的老板总是连一分钱都要省。我们不得不先用这个机器。
Cambridge University researchers have analysed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up. 剑桥大学的研究人员已经分析了人脑的结构并且还算出了脑细胞会消耗多少能量。
A stove rusting in a warehouse and one carted out the door by a customer use up the same amount of raw materials. 仓库里生锈的炉灶和顾客买走的炉灶原材料的用量都是一样的。
If the borrower defaulted, the Bank would first use up the money paid in by its member countries, then call on them to contribute more. 如借款人资不抵债,银行首先用其成员国缴纳的资金全力给予支持,然后要求其成员国再追加认购股金。
Drive medium suddenly turn off the gasoline use up, besides which, , the great majority breaks down in the electricity system. 行驶中突然熄火除汽油用完外,绝大多数故障出在电气系统。
Instead of trying to use up all their savings before they die, most prefer to leave substantial bequests. 他们不会在其死之前试图花光所有的积蓄,相反,大部分人喜欢留下大量遗产。
Toilet flushing is minimal (don't ask)When we drive always at the back of our minds is how much gas we will use up. 当我们开车的时候我们的脑子总在想多少油将会被耗费掉。
You'd have to be a very promising startup indeed to get a VC to use up one of his 10 board seats for only a few percent of you. 你得必须是个确实非常有前途的创业公司,才可以让一个风投为了你公司的一点点份额就花掉他的十个董事会席位之一。
I have recently learned that, as well as improving your posture, you use up to twice as many calories standing as you do sitting. 我最近听说,在加强自己站姿的同时,站立写作比坐下来写作还会消耗你两倍的能量。
I always recommend that you use up any coffee you buy within a week of opening the package. 我建议最好开封一个星期以内就把所有咖啡喝光。
Ok. I'll go with you if you promise not to use up all the money. 好吧.如果你保证不把钱花光我就和你去。
I know , have on this world much such person, my unable one go to know them , I can only use up my ability going to help a few such people. 我知道,在这个世界上有许多这样的人,我不能一个一个去了解他们,我只能尽我的能力去帮助一些这样的人。
The best printers use up to ten ink colors to make prints that maintain the subtle tones and hues that cheaper printers can't reproduce. 最好的打印机使用多达10种颜色的墨水以维持廉价打印机所无法复制的微妙的色调。
use up She did use up a tremendous amount of energy . . . 她确实消耗了大量的精力
When you have the usufruct of an inheritance, you can enjoy the inheritance (en jouir) as long as you don't use up too much of it. 当你享有某个遗产的共有权,你能享受这个遗产,只要你不要过分消耗它。
Roman says once the algae use up the nitrogen, they eventually die and sink to the bottom, taking the nitrogen with them. 罗曼说,一旦海藻缺乏氮元素,它们终将死去,并带着氮沉入海底。
On the do not use up the ink (gold, silver or gold and silver powder) should be sealed, and to ensure its stability. 不对未搁置完的金、银不朱(或金、银粉)答密封包装不领取,以保证其共性的安定。
In this case, one conversion specification can use up to three arguments, one each for the width, precision, and substitution value. 在这种情况下,一个转换规格最多可以使用三个参数,分别用作宽度、精度和代替值。
To fight the damage, the plant's cells use up their antioxidant stores, leaving less for you to eventually consume. 打的损害,该厂利用其抗细胞店,你终于离开少进食。
The highest mass stars in clusters use up their hydrogen fuel relatively quickly (in just a few million years). 相对来说,星团中质量最大的恒星消耗氢燃料的速度要快一些,大约需要几百万年。
You should also use up-to-date antivirus software to help protect your computer from other malicious software. 同时也最好让杀毒软件不过期,来帮助防护电脑远离其他恶意软件。
But by 1900, this was no longer true. We come to know if we use up too many resources, there will soon not be any left. 慢慢我们开始明白如果我们将资源用得太多,将很快就会用完。
And you know, ceviche is a great way to use up a fish that you don't have a whole lot of. 如你所知,当你没有很多整条的鱼时,酸橘汁腌鱼是一个很好的调理方式。
Each shirt would use up to eight plastic bottles retrieved from Japanese and Taiwanese landfill sites. 每件球衣要用掉八个塑料瓶,而塑料瓶是从日本和中国台湾的垃圾填埋场回收而来的。
Although calamity can use up goods of a few inventory, but calamity causes net loss to Gross National Product, it is self-evident. 虽然灾害可以消耗一些库存商品,但是灾害对国民生产总值造成净损失,是不言而喻的。