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Politicians in the U. S. say BP should be using all its resources to stop the spill and clean up the Gulf, not rewarding shareholders. 美国政客说英国石油公司本应使用所有资源以停止漏油并清洁墨西哥湾,而不是回报其股东。
The U. S. government says some of these pills do not live up to advertising claims. 美国政府称一些减肥药并不能达到其广告宣称的效果。
Congressman Meeks promised to try to help President Kagame in partnering with the U. S. once returning home. 米克斯众议员承诺回到美国后,将帮助卡加梅总统与美国的伙伴关系。
But in 2011, at a time of global economic uncertainty and with the U. S. embroiled in three wars, the pendulum has swung the other way. 但是在2011年,在这个全球经济具有强大的不确定性的时刻,并且伴随着美国已经卷入了3场战争的形势下,事态已经发生了改变。
In the U. S. , Avon has failed to get a handle on its more seasonal non-beauty gift items, which represent a third of its portfolio here. 在美国,雅芳没能把握住季节性更强的非美容礼品,而这类产品占了其在美国业务的三分之一。
Kennan was a prophet without a following -- at least within the U. S. government. 凯南是一位无人追随的先知-至少在美国政府内应者寥寥。
Admiral Mullen says just how the new U. S. administration will work with its partners on missile defense is still under review. 马伦上将说,只是如何,美国新政府将与有关导弹防御合作伙伴仍在审查中。
They are also trying to calculate how much Japan's tsunami and nuclear problems will hurt U. S. growth. 经济学家们还试图估算日本海啸和核危机会给美国经济增长带来的影响。
CORRESPONDENT But top Bush officials point out that while U. S. intelligence may not be able to back the claim , the British still are . 但是,布什的高级官员们指出,当美国的情报可能还无法支持其所宣称的事实时,英国人仍然在坚持其观点。
In addressing the scourge of the Osama bin Laden, the U. S. seems to use a speech after the end of the low-key. 在解决了拉登这个心腹大患之后,美国看起来要用一场演讲终结此前的低调。
But such an action could be only a revision of the U. S. rating outlook to negative from its current stable position. 但上述行动可能只是将美国评级展望从目前的“稳定”调降至“负面”。
Mossberg then asked if there would be advantages to having two different carriers in the U. S. "There might be, " Jobs said. Mossberg接着问在美国拥有两个运营商是否有好处。“可能有,”乔布斯回答。
Mr. Obama said he would continue negotiations on a Korea-U. S. free trade agreement, which deadlocked Thursday. 奥巴马说,他将就上周四陷于僵局的韩国-美国自由贸易协定继续进行谈判。
But the researchers say the malware seems to be headed to the U. S. and other parts of the world, as well. 据研究人员说,这种恶意软件似乎是已将触角伸向了美国及世界的其他地区。
The ports around the U. S. are also trying to reduce emissions in cargo handling equipment and trucks. 美国东西两岸的港口,也在努力减低货运设备以及卡车的废气排放。
But a combination of factors has caused U. S. manufacturing to see a surprising recovery in the past year and a half. 但是上述因素的综合已导致了在过去一年半的时间里,看到了美国制造业让人惊讶复苏。
Mr. Carney said the U. S. was satisfied with the Japanese government's information. 卡尼说,美国对日本政府的信息通报情况感到满意。
MetLife should rebound with the U. S. financial sector as a whole, so if you think you're underexposed to that sector, it's a good choice. 大都会寿险应该会与美国金融业一道整体反弹,如果认为自己对那个行业感兴趣,者倒不失为一个好机会。
In the U. S. , health advocates who say Coca-Cola contributes to an epidemic of obesity have put the company on the defensive. 在美国,说可口可乐公司对肥胖的流行有贡献的健康倡议者,迫使公司采取了守势。
Amanda: Wow. You know, seeing the way you care about politics has really inspired me to vote for the U. S. president in November. 亚曼达:哇,你知道吗,看到你如此关心政治,真的让我很想在十一月的美国总统选举时投下一票。
The California plants are the only nuclear facilities along the U. S. Pacific Coast. 他们也是美国太平洋海岸上仅有的两座核设施。
'Within seven to 10 years, if we play our cards right, China will be one of the biggest markets inbound to the U. S. , ' he said. 他说,如果我们的策略得当,在7至10年内,中国就将成为美国最大的旅游客源市场之一。
The U. S. team did not encounter any Pakistani security forces during the raid. 突击过程中,美国这支突击队没有遭遇任何巴基斯坦方面的安全部队。
Both Israel and the U. S. see Mr. Abbas as the key to reviving the peace process and ending more than five years of bloodshed. 美国和以色列都把阿巴斯看作是恢复和平进程、以及结束5年多流血冲突的关键人物。
But you can find it this year in the U. S. at $299, and in a year or two maybe much less. 不过,你今年在美国可以发现这款机器,售价为299美元,一、两年后也许价格会更便宜。
So now rumor has it that at least one of the other three U. S. carriers may add the iPhoneiPhone to its roster next week. 现在的谣言是,美国的另外三大通讯巨头中至少会有一家在本周加入为iPhone提供网络服务的行列。
If it were to fail, it would be the largest U. S. bank to collapse in 2009. 如果它倒闭了,那么2009年将是美国最大银行崩溃的时候。
With markets in Europe and the U. S likely to grow slowly over the next few years, China will be hard-pressed to sustain that pace. 在未来几年欧美市场很可能放缓的情况下,中国将难以保持这样的增速。
U. S. President George Bush is facing opposition from members of his own party who object to the cost of the plan. 美国总统布什面临本党成员的抵制,他们不满意该计划巨大的耗资。
Conveying the processes and requirements necessary to produce a safe product by U. S. standards is 'a clear challenge, ' he says. 他说,向这些公司宣传按照美国标准生产安全产品所需的程序和要求,这显然是个挑战。