back down

  • na.打退堂鼓;放弃权利等
  • 网络让步;放弃原主张;取消前言

第三人称单数:backs down 现在分词:backing down 过去式:backed down

back downback down

back down


一些动词加介副词构成的短语动词 - 豆丁网 ... answer for 对……负有责任 back down 放弃,后退 back off 放弃,后退 ...


大学英语六级词组_百度文库 ... on the average 平均起来,一般说来 back down 放弃,让步,退却 back out of 收回(诺言等) ...


专四辅导之新闻英语(一)_Jackie_Shieh_新浪博客 ... back 支持;援助;赞助 back down 放弃;让步;打退堂鼓 balk 拒绝接受…


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(B) ... back door 后门 back down 放弃原主张 back end 后端 ...


沪江博客 - 好学深思 - 听新闻-... ... tainted formula 受污染化学成分 back down == 放弃原主张, 取消前言 hacker 黑客 ...


new words ... tell them to hop off. 叫他们走开/飞机起飞 back down 退让,退缩 snap, 刻薄的 ...


A Humble Gift ... 18.mentor n. 贤明的顾问,导师,指导者 19.back down 放弃原来的主张 20.gaily adv. 花哨地 ...


... packed。 Packed, 是挤满,塞满的意思。 Back down。 Back down, 指退缩,放弃原来的主张。 crucial。 Crucial, 是关键的 …

Huge amounts of ice particles from his skate blades fly high into the air and float back down on the entire rink, resembling a snow fall. 冰靴上的刀片划出许多雪白的冰屑,高高地飞溅到空中,然后像雪花一样飘落在整个溜冰场上。
"You'll do just fine in this or any other hospital, " he told her. When you know you're right, you can't back down. 他告诉护士:“不论妳是在这所医院还是其他地方,都会干得很好的。”当妳确定自己正确时,就不能退缩。
When you thin the top or back down in certain areas, what are you trying to do? Are you listening for a sound? 当你面板打薄到一个程度以后,你将会怎么做?你会听它的声音吗?
Snap the front panels back down after a crash and you are ready to take on the next challenge . 撞毁对方的表板后返回并准备应付下一次挑战。
"In a minute. " I replied, and sat back down on the bench, dizzy from what he had just told me. “等会儿,”我回答说,又在椅子上坐了下来,他刚刚告诉我的消息让我眩晕。
After jumping back up to nearly 500, 000 in late April, weekly jobless claim figures have been trending back down in recent weeks. 在4月底失业人数重新回到500,000左右以后,最近几周每周的失业申请数都是逐渐减少的。
Moreover, Lane did not back down from the company's recent strategic move away from consumer products. 此外,莱茵并未放弃公司近期撤离消费产品领域的战略举措。
The elders quietly reminded me that the men could shoot me at a moment's notice, but I refused to back down. 年长者们轻声提醒我说,这些人可能会当场枪毙我,但我拒不让步。
Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice says the US will not back down in the face of Iranian threats against the Jewish state. 国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯表示面对伊朗对以色列这个犹太国家构成的威胁,美国不会妥协。
The opposition says it will not back down from its demand for the president's resignation and a rerun of the vote. 反对派说,他们在要求齐贝吉总统辞职和重新举行选举的问题上,不会让步。
Hastily, Scarlett ran back down and after a bit of explaining, Sky loaded Brayden into the backseat of the car. 草草收场,斯佳丽跑了回去,有点解释后,天空装入汽车的后座布雷登。
He said he believed Republicans would eventually back down from their absolute objection to any tax rise. 他表示相信,共和党人最终会让步,不再一味反对任何增税计划。
I made you and everyone who supported me a promise: to stand up for our shared values and to never back down. 我使你,大家谁支持我的承诺:站起来为我们共同的价值观和永不退缩。
Mr. Obama said the U. S. would not back down in its efforts to oppose human rights abuses around the world. 奥巴马说,美国始终反对世界各地侵犯人权的行为,不会放弃在这方面的努力。
Given that Treasury yields have since plunged back down to 2. 5% or so, how much further can they fall? 国债收益率自1980年以来已跌回至2.5%左右,接下来还会再跌多少呢?
That's racing. It was a racing accident, but it earned me a drive - through penalty and knocked me back down the field. 这就是比赛,比赛中的一起事故而已,可是这导致我被罚通过维修站,又掉了许多位置。
Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry closely out of the corners of his small, sharp eyes. 弗农姨父坐回椅子里,像犀牛一样呼哧带喘,斜着小眼睛目光锐利地紧盯着哈利。
He reached up and pulled her back down to kiss him. Just as they were beginning to lose themselves again, Cameron suddenly stopped. 他伸手把她拉回来继续吻她,就当他们开始迷失自我的时候,Cameron突然停下了。
soldier a : he jumps back down and pushes himself on top of the radio , as if it was like a seat , you know , just sits down on it. 士兵甲:他向后跳去,扑到无线电上面,就像那是一个座位似的,一下子坐到它上面。
An interest-rate increase big enough to squeeze inflation back down in short order would cause a needlessly large rise in unemployment. 一次足够大的力度的利率升息的力量能迅速挤压通胀回落,同时也造成了不必要的失业人口的大量增多。
Prices then recovered more than half of the losses over the next week, only to turn back down immediately afterward. 当时价格在接下来的一周有了起色,并且赚回了半数多的亏损,然而股市随后又再次陷入跌势。
Mother, never one to back down from a fight, looked him in the eye and said, 'I'm sorry, 'but I can't throw that far! ' 而非洲却有人在挨饿。我母亲,一位从来也不会在斗争中退缩的人,瞪着他说道:很抱歉,可我没法扔那么远!
But I never back down , because it seems to me that retreat is an irresponsible act. 但我从不退缩,因为退缩在我看来是一种不负责任的行为。
Trying to get this person to back down on their demands could be difficult, but see this period as good practice for presenting your case. 试着让他们降低要求是很困难的,但你要将这个时期看做展示你个人能力的一个良好的锻炼机会。
As he sits back down at his desk with his coffee he repeats the word "focus" over and over as a mantra to himself. 拿着咖啡坐回书桌前,他像念咒语一样一遍一遍重复念叨着“集中精力”,将书打开。
NEITHER Sri Lanka's government, nor the United Nations seems ready to back down over an increasingly bitter dispute. 斯里兰卡政府和联合国之间的分歧日益扩大,但是目前看来双方均不愿作出让步。
You stand height, away from colleagues, jump back down behind my colleagues have no doubt that you will catch. 你站在高处,背对同事,纵身向后倒,绝对相信身后的同事会接住你。
Vladimir, a state senator in the province, with a buzz cut and a nose as red as fire, sat back down in his seat. 一位省参议员,有个疤,鼻子红的像火,往后一靠。
She wiped her eyes and sat back down near the bed. 她擦干眼泪,又坐回那张病床边。
So he finally told him to do it because he knew there was no way to get past John, but he certainly would not back down from his morals. 所以,他最终求死是因为他知道自己过不了蒋这一关,但他也绝无可能背叛自己的良心。