be connected with

  • na.与…有关[联]系
  • 网络与……有联系;与…有关系;与……有关

be connected withbe connected with

be connected with


... inform v. 通知,告知 be connected with 与--有联系 appreciate v. 感激,感谢 ...


高中英语第二册词汇表 ... connected adj. 连结的;有联系的 be connected with 与…有关系 use n. 使用;用途 ...


MBA英语常考的各类短语及习惯搭配 ... be confident in 对……有信心 be connected with 与……有关 be coupled with 与……配 …


外研社高中英语词汇... ... 7. breathe in / out 吸入 / 呼出 8. be connected with和…有联系; 9. would rather do … 宁愿做…… ...


常用介词详解 - 英语指导 - 论文范文 - 小木虫 ... be burdened with 担负, be connected with 与…联系, be concerned with 关心, ...


connected... ... connected directed graph 连通的有向图 be connected with 与…有联系,和…有关 simply connected [数]单连通 …

"We're right at the start of an opportunity for America to be connected with high-speed, intercity rail, " he said. “为了用高速城市间列车将全美连接在一起,我们找到了一个正确的开端”。
They suggest that their result may be connected with the fact that the colour of many fruits is at the red end of the spectrum. 他们称这一结果是因为很多果实的颜色都处于光谱的红色那一头。
There was pride in his voice. He felt that it was something to be connected with such a place, and he made her feel that way. 他的声音里流露出自豪。他感到跟这样一个地方有联系是很了不起的,他让她也有了这种感觉。
Maintain the body, including maintaining the parts and connectors, connectors can be connected with a bone plate in the far Department. 保持机构包括保持件和连接件,连接件具有可连接于骨板的远部。
Multiple heating coils can be connected with a thermometer so that the heat will not exceed a specified temperature. 复合加热盘管可以连接一个温度计,这样当超过某一温度时温度器就会停止工作。
The invention relates to a portable storage device with multi-interface which can be connected with an electronic device for accessing data. 本发明涉及一种具有多重连接接口的便携式存储装置,可耦接到一电子装置,进行数据的存取。
You have to be connected with me, then this feeling is so satisfying, so joy-giving, that you feel this joy for yourself and others. 你必须与我连接,这种感觉如此令人满足、如此令人喜悦,以至于你会为自己和他人感到这喜悦。
Anyway, to be connected with such a big club (Liverpool) flatters me. Who would not be tempted to play in the Premier League? 不管怎样,能够和利物浦这样的豪门联系在一起还是让我很开心的。谁不想去试试英超的感觉呢?
The cover body is provided with a through hole, and the lantern ring passes through the through hole to be connected with the cover body. 所述的盖体上设有通孔,所述的拉环穿过通孔与盖体连接。
The agitating device can be connected with shafts made of various materials and operated at different rotating speeds. 通过联轴套可与各种材料制成的和各种转动速度的轴相联接。
Still more circumspectly did they avoid in their talk all that could be connected with the dead man. 她们在谈话中,一切与死者可能有关的事情,都尽量地、更加小心地回避。
The relatively independent plane coordinate systems to be established shall be connected with the national coordinate system. 建立相对独立的平面坐标系统,应当与国家坐标系统相联系。
Like today's consumer electronics industry, the system as a whole will be connected with standards to ensure quality and drive down prices. 就象今天的消费电子行业,这个系统整体将与标准连接,以确保质量并降低成本。
The Urinal flush valve is able to be connected with top or rear water inlet urinal ceramics. 吉博力小便冲洗阀可与上进水或后进水的小便器相连。
The American Secret Service said earlier that two bullets found outside the White House may be connected with the incident. 美国特勤局称,早前在白宫外发现的两枚子弹很可能与此次事件有关。
Chloroplasts may be present in the bundle sheath, and are thought to be connected with starch storage in the tropical grasses. 叶绿体在维管束鞘中存在,与淀粉的储藏有关。
Trailer manufacturer will manufacture trailer which can be connected with car body in place of side frame for transportation of the crane. 拖车制造厂将生产能够代替履带架而连接到底座部分的拖车设备以便于起重机运输。
In terms of connection, onomatopoeia can be connected with both verbs and nouns. 从接续形式上看,拟态词不仅可以后续动词做动词的修饰语,也可与名词前后相接。
Cigarette smoking has also been found to be connected with pulmonary emphysema, a disabling disease of the lungs. 吸烟也和肺气肿有关系。肺气肿就是肺丧失呼吸能力。
Flowers could also be connected with ancient classical poems and inscriptions that intensified their reference. 此外,花卉还与那些令其寓意深远的古代诗词和碑铭颇有渊源。
A Gyricon book will eventually be connected with a wireless device that will enable a reader to download content from the Internet. Gyricon书最终将与无线设备相连,能使读者从因特网上下载内容。
The technical scheme can lead signals at all layers in the printed circuit board to be connected with each other. 本发明技术方案能够使印刷线路板中任意层信号互连。
I always considered your brother to be connected with that club. 我原来总认为你兄弟和那个俱乐部有关系。
Equipped with appropriative oxygen decompression device can be connected with any larger oxygen cylinder in the ambulance. 配备了专用的氧气减压装置,可以与救护车内任意大氧气瓶连接使用;
the other way passes through each color ink to be connected with the valve body adjacent to each sprayer by each ink injecting pipeline. 另一路压缩空气分别输经各色供墨瓶,由插入各供墨瓶近底部的注墨管道与各喷头接的阀体相连。
The discussion on the differential equations can be connected with the discussion on the integral equations. 关于这些微分方程的讨论就与相应的积分方程的讨论联系起来。
Wiring should be connected with connection terminal of electrical boxes installed adapters and ensure conductive when power off. 在断电的情况下将电线与安装好适配电器箱接线端子连接,并确保导电;
The earth terminal of the controller should be connected with the earth terminal of the electric cabinet reliably. 控制器接地端请同电控箱接地端可靠连接,保证接地良好。
What makes you suppose him to be connected with them? 你怎么会认为他与他们有联系呢?
During the installation process, IF cable should be connected with ODU units directly. 安装过程中,中频电缆应直接与ODU单元直接连接。