be made of

  • na.…制的
  • 网络由……制成;用…制成;材料制成

be made ofbe made of

be made of


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My heart may be made of water, flying high up in the sky free like a piece of cloud when I am happy. Only wind rejoices at my joyfulness. 或许我的心是水做的,高兴的时候就似流云一样自由自在的飞翔,其中的快乐只有风知道。
They entered the castle, and in the hall there stood a platter on which lay the wedding shirt that appeared to be made of gold and silver. 当他们来到王宫,看见有间房子的靠椅上放着一套漂亮的礼服,礼服闪烁着金色和银色的光芒。更详细。
During these stages a good bit of planning is required, so optimum use can be made of the limited texture space available. 在这些阶段,好的计划非常重要,这会使有限的纹理空间可被利用。
It has a binding that could be made of leather if you wanted, and hundreds of pages you can turn one at a time or riffle through. 如果你想要,封面可以用皮革做,你一次可以翻几百页或者随意翻阅。
They began to consider what use could be made of such a material. 他们开始考虑如何利用这一种材料。
When an object squashes or stretches, it appears to be made of a pliable material, if it doesn't then it appears rigid. 当一个对象驮或延伸,似乎可以作出一个柔软材料,如果没有,然后似乎僵硬。
Bread might be made of carbs, but everyone knows it's nourishing, so eat a little, he said. 面包也许是碳水化合物构成的,但每个人都知道它是营养的,所以他说,吃点吧。
Since then, Titan has spotted dozens of lakes on Titan's surface, thought to be made of a mixture of liquid ethane and methane. 自那时起,泰坦上已经发现了数十个充满了液态乙烷和甲烷混合物的湖。
"The Flower of Space" . At first, it seems to be made of stained glass or something else. However, it's made entirely of caramel. 《空间花朵》,乍一看,这个作品仿佛是用彩色玻璃或是别的什么东西做的。但其实,整个作品都是用焦糖做成的。
Frankly, I'm skeptical that productive use can be made of them in Afghanistan but that seems to be the way the political winds are blowing. 坦白的说,对于大面积在阿富汗驻军的行为我很是怀疑,但是这似乎就是政府的惯常之举。
Cosmologists speculate that the dark matter may be made of particles produced shortly after the Big Bang. 宇宙学家猜测暗物质可能由大爆炸后不久产生的粒子组成,这些粒子或许和普通的“重子物质”完全不同。
You will certainly be aware when matters are nearing such a point, as no secret will be made of our actions to remove the dark Ones. 当事情进展到一个重要点的时候你们会很好的被告知,因为对于我们移除黑暗势力的这些行动不存在秘密可言。
The door and parts of the fixed part may be made of perforated sheet metal. 门和固定部分的多个部分可由穿孔金属板制成。
But only a diameter of less than half a millimeter of fiber optic cable to be made of thick copper wire cable than carry more information. 但是只一根直径小于半毫米的光纤电缆就可以比铜丝制成的粗电缆承载更多的信息。
Whatever criticisms may be made of the Court's opinion, it is clear that Vermont Yankee represents the current law on the subject. 无论对法院的意见有什么样的批评,弗蒙特-扬基一案都代表了在此问题方面的现行法律。
be made of She began to consider what use could be made of it. 她开始考虑这东西能有什么用处。
I will envisage that the site will be made of up to 400 performers, with a worldwide audience. Thus the hosts of the site will need. 我会设想,该网站将用高达400与全世界观众表演。因此,该网站主机将需要。
A steamy jungle covered it, but not with plants. This covering seemed to be made of peacock feathers, full of eyes and shimmering colors. 一片雾气笼罩着这一切,好像是孔雀的羽毛一般,满是眼睛的形状和华丽的颜色。
I began to consider what use could be made of it. 我开始考虑能用它做什么?
New research suggests that, besides being too small to be alive, they may also be made of something not much more complex than simple chalk. 新的研究表明,除了他们太小不能存活,他们也许是由一些比简单的粉笔复杂多的物质组成。
Each arm would be made of a plastic film that could be rolled out onto the surface of the moon, either by robots or by astronauts. 每一个臂状结构都由塑料薄膜造成,可被机器人或航天员铺展在月球表面。
On this basis, the gradient of pore size distribution can be made of the excellent performance of ceramic membrane materials. 在此基础上,孔径分布梯度可制成的陶瓷膜材料的卓越性能。
But from January, they will have to be made of more traditional forms of material although the exact details have not been made clear. 但是从一月份开始,泳衣必须用更加传统的材料制作,尽管细节问题还没有明确。
A drinking-cup supposedly made of "unicorn" horn was discovered to be made of the horn of a rhino. 阿饮水杯理应作出的“麒麟”号被发现的是,角犀牛。
Coconut shell arts and crafts can be made of a unique - "coconut carving" activated carbon and industrial raw materials. 椰壳可制成独特的工艺品——“椰雕”和工业原料活性炭。
The ball shall be made of celluloid or similar plastics material and shall be white or orange, and matt. 球应用赛璐珞或类似的材料制成,呈白色或橙色,且无光泽。
Several of the modern-looking buildings turn out to be made of wood, straw and mud. 那些现代的建筑物实际是由木头、稻草和泥土建造的。
The structure should be made of local materials that are used for reinforcing the pit when necessary. 当必要时,用这样本地材料制成的结构来加固便坑。
And that, my friends, is called integrity. That's called courage. Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of. 而这,朋友们,就叫正直。也叫勇气。那才是创造领袖的原料。
The air permeability back board can be made of plastics or other materials. 透气背板可用塑料或其他材料制成。