be similar to

  • na.
  • 网络与…相似;和……相似;类似

be similar tobe similar to

be similar to


英语固定搭配-动词短语-汇总资料?? ... be rude to 对……无礼 be similar to 与……相似 be true to 忠实于,信守 ...


介词后+动名词结构一览 ... be familiar to 为 ……熟悉 be similar to 和……相似 be open to 对……开放 ...


介词(主要是to)的用法_爱问知识人 ... be strange to 不习惯, be similar to 类似, be suitable to 适合, ...


高中英语语法-英语语法表解1_英语网 ... be proud of 自豪 ; be similar to 类似于 ; be the same to sb 对某人来说完全相同; ...


高考中译英试题解读分析(二) - 豆丁网 ... sign of … 的迹象 be similar to 与…类似 slow down (使)减速 ...


相比_百度百科 ... [mutual union] 互相联合,编在一起 [be similar to] 相近;差不多 [work in collusion] 相互勾结 ...

like的近义词_百度知道 ... 作“想要”讲有: want 2. 近义词 be similar to/as 作“喜欢”讲有: prefer,,love,enjoy,fond ...

Asks you to continue for me the strength to be similar to me to like you being same! 请你继续给我力量就如同我爱你一样!
However, its structure may be similar to that of another class of enzymes called DNA-dependent kinases. 但是,它的结构可能非常相似与叫做DNA依赖激酶的另一类别的酶。
The architecturally unique Sydney Opera House seemed to the computer to be similar to a hotel in Mississippi as well as a bridge in London. 电脑看来,在建筑师上独树一帜的悉尼歌剧院非常像密西西比的一个酒店,也同样的像是伦敦的一个桥。
The design of this docking port should be similar to what you see in the next illustration. A roughly circular shape. 对接口的设计应该类似于下方插图中的样式。大体应该是环状截面。
That way, we hoped to get some historical and literary perspective, as well as an idea of what existing games might be similar to ours. 因为我们希望获得一些历史和文学方面的观点,以及现有游戏中可能与我们相似的构思。
Its powers would be similar to that of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which monitors toy safety and other issues. 该机构的权力可类比监管玩具等产品安全的消费产品安全委员会。
The tectonic framework of North Qilian in Early Ordovician should be similar to that of the Bafin Bay and the Queen Elizabeth Islands. 北祁连早奥陶世海域与现在加拿大北部巴芬湾及伊丽莎白女王群岛的构造格局相似。
This ascension will be similar to climbing onto the next anthropologic stage. No one on earth has any other way left but -- upward. 这个上升类似于爬到一个新的人类学阶段。人无他路可走,除却——向上。
The thought will be similar to the vast white white clouds will be very like this simple, forever has not contacted urban ostentatiousness . 思想如同浩白的白云这样就会很简单,永远没有接触城市的浮华。
The site I would like it to be similar to involves a bit of flash but that can be left out on this one. 该网站我想它是一个涉及类似的闪存位,但可以留在这一个。
The result is likely to be similar to an Alchemy Tarot "Permanently increases your skill in Alchemy by 1, up to a maximum of 150. " 结果看来跟[炼金塔罗牌]很类似-“永久提升1点你的炼金学技能,最高至150。”
I never thought it was going to be similar to car crash. I've slammed the brakes, and i'm skidding towards an emotional impact. 我从来没想到这竟会跟车祸相似,我猛踩刹车,想要避开情绪碰撞
The haven would be similar to that created for the Kurds in northern Iraq; Mr Assad would suffer only if he attacked it. 这个安全区应该和伊拉克北部的库尔德安全区相似,一旦阿萨德攻击它,他就会受到惩罚。
As we have done a survey on the magazine is, therefore, bound to be similar to 'like what brand' problems. 由于我们所做的问卷调查是有关于杂志的,所以必定会有类似于‘喜欢什么品牌’的问题。
After we do this and tidy up a bit, the result will be similar to what is shown in Figure 26. 完成上述工作并略加整理之后,结果将如图26所示。
Anyone can be similar to you or different from you depending on which aspects you focus on. 任何人都可以与你相去咫尺或相去天渊,只是你随你关注的方面而定。
So, too, in the early 1950s, Soviet leaders thought they were recreating a communist China that would be similar to the Soviet Union. 同样的情况也发生在1950年代初期,当时苏联的领导认为,他们扶植的中国共产党将会是苏联的再制。
When the servlet engine shuts down the servlet, your console output should be similar to that shown in Listing 8. 当servlet引擎关闭servlet时,您控制台的输出结果应类似于清单8所示。
If made into law, it would be similar to a law in California that allows cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes. 如果将此写入法律之中,那就和加利福尼亚州允许因医疗用途种植大麻的法律相似。
Current, had appeared on the market be similar to " the bank gets stuck " Internet bar IC gets stuck. 现在,市场上已经出现类似于“银行卡”的网吧IC卡。
The other activities in its value chain would be similar to those for a product manufacturing business unit . 在他的其他价值链的活动应该相近与那些产品生产的商业单元。
The size of an open universe is infinite and its geometry will be similar to a hyperbolic surface. 开放宇宙是无限大的,而它的几何特性和双曲面相似。
The technology would be similar to that used to clone animals. 克隆人的技术与克隆其他动物的技术相似。
This claim was later overturned by the inquiry board, which found the chemical residues to be similar to German advanced explosives. 但后来南朝鲜又改口说,经过调查,他们发现了与德制先进的爆炸物相似的化学残迹。
XA: It would be similar to Spain winning a major tournament. It would take the weight, the burden, off everyone's shoulders. 阿隆索:这和西班牙要赢得一个主要的锦标赛很相似。这将会卸下一直以来压在队员们肩上的重担。
If the damage is local and widespread deformations are not evident, repair may be similar to that required for corrosion and pitting. 如果出现局部损伤并发生无法避免的扩散性变形,应当按照腐蚀和斑点类似的修理方法进行修理。
In our view, CEO Elon Musk may be similar to Steve Jobs in being a technology visionary also able to manage and create shareholder value. 在我们看来,首席执行官艾伦•马斯克有望成为汽车行业的史蒂夫•乔布斯,既具有远见卓识,又能为股东管理、创造价值。
When the framework processes the request, your console output should be similar to that shown in Listing 6. 当框架处理请求时,控制台的输出结果应类似于清单6所示。
If you selected to create the WBS first, your results will be similar to what you see in Figure 29. 如果您首先选择创建WBS,那么您得到的结果将同图29中所显示的相类似。
Selling your own product may be similar to affiliate programs marketing. But there are a few really big differences. 卖你自己的产品和从属项目营销类似,但还是也有很大的区别。