build up

  • na.同“build”;建立;复兴;【军】集结(部队)
  • 网络逐步建立;增进;积累

第三人称单数:builds up 现在分词:building up 过去式:built up

build upbuild up

build up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... brush aside 扫除(障碍等),无视 build up 树立;逐步建立;增大 burn out 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... bring up 教育,培养,使成长 build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进;锻炼 call for 邀请;要求; …


介词短语_百度百科 ... bring up 教育,培养,使成长 build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进;锻炼 call for 邀请;要求; …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... brush aside 扫除(障碍等),无视 build up 树立;逐步建立;增大 burn out 烧坏;烧尽,筋疲力尽 ...


汽车英语词汇 - 老梦的日志 - 网易博客 ... 过恢复 over recovery 增强(突升) build up 制动气阻 braking vapor lock ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... bring up 教育,培养,使成长 build up 积累;堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进;锻炼 call for 邀请;要求; …


求高中所有带up的英语词组_百度知道 ... stay up 熬夜,不睡觉 build up 逐步建立;加强 divide up 分配 ...

Archaeologists are trying to build up a picture of life in Mayan cities. 考古学家正努力再现玛雅城市的生活。
He said the International Monetary Fund should concentrate on doing a better job of monitoring the build-up of financial risks. 他表示,国际货币基金组织(IMF)应当专注于更好地监控金融风险的蓄积。
She said, now is the time for you to travel around the world, build up your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun. 她说,现在是时候让你周游世界,通过历练增长自己的知识,享受人生。
We know only a little about Jonah but we are able to build up quite a lot about him from his attitude and experiences. 我们对约拿的认识不多;但透过书中描述他的态度和经历,我们便可以在某程度上对他建立一个印象。
Beckham's contract is due to expire next month, but he insisted that it had not affected him in the build-up to the MLS Cup final. 下个月贝克汉姆的合同就到期了,但他表示这不会影响自己备战总决赛的状态。
And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, who is able to build up, and to give an inheritance among all the sanctified. 现在,我把你们托付给天主和他恩宠之道,他能建立你们,并在一切圣徒中,赐给你们嗣业。
If I take a couple every hour, coupled with some anti-nausea tablets I've thrown in, they should build up in my system after a while. 如果我每隔一小时吃两片,外加一些止呕吐药,它们应该能迟些发作。
North Korea has for years relied on its nuclear build-up to squeeze aid from its neighbors and the United States. 北韩多年来靠本国的核武库向邻国及美国榨取援助。
The oxygen did not build up in the atmosphere for a long time, since it was absorbed by rocks that could be easily oxidized (rusted). 所以氧气并不能在空气中堆积很长时间,因为它被易氧化的石头吸收了。
Objectively, there needs to be an institutional build-up to help the public become better involved in everyday politics. 客观地讲,这还需要建立一个行之有效的机制来帮助公众更好的参与政治问题。
However, Mr Zhang said: "The build-up of senior banking talent is an investment to take our franchise to the next level. " 但张红力表示:“招聘高级银行人才是一项投资,这将把我们的市场地位提升到一个新的层次。”
I saw it on the streets of Chicago, where I worked as a community organizer trying to build up underdeveloped neighborhoods in this country. 我在芝加哥的街道上看到同样的情况,我曾作为一个社区组织者试图推动这个国家欠发达的社区进行建设。
He said the United States must build up its sea power, too, if it wanted to be a great nation. 他说美国如果想成为一个伟大的国家的话,也必须建立起自己的海上力量,。
When a sand boil erupts, the best bet is to surround it with sandbags or to build up a mini ring levee around it. 当沙涌爆发时,最好的办法就是用沙袋围起来或者在周围建一个小型环堤。
Set the mood right from the time you get up in the morning and then build up to a wonderful evening. 从早上起床时就营造气氛,一直持续到美好的夜晚。
This intermediate would not be expected to build up to any appreciable concentration. 不应指望这个中间体会以可观的浓度存在。
Given such a steep build-up in reserves, it is not surprising that China's current account has also been recording large surpluses. 鉴于外汇储备的累积速度如此之快,中国经常账户一直存在巨额盈余,也就不让人吃惊了。
And worst of all, all this decline in margins has occurred with this massive build up in inventories, something I've never seen before. 而且其中最糟的是,收益中的下滑都和巨大的库存堆积同时发生,这是我从未见过的。
In the meantime, you can be duly impressed with how much charge you can shuffle around when you build up static. 同时,当你建立一个静电场时产生了多少电荷这一问题将给你留下深刻的印象。
Q. If I build up my website using one of your turnkey sites, can I later sell the entire site to someone else? 如果我建立我的网站用一张您交钥匙地盘我可以出售后,整个场地给别人?。
As the tiny faults build up the length of our lives is determined by how quickly our body is able to carry out running repairs. 随着这些细微缺陷的积累,我们活着的时间由身体修复这些缺陷的快慢来决定。
It is not too much of a stretch to relate the deflated build-up to the World Cup in England this time to the wider, sombre atmosphere. 不需要太多延伸,就可以把英格兰内的对于这次世界杯之旅的灰心丧气的舆论造势,和更广泛的忧郁气氛联系起来。
primarily carbon dioxide and methane, have on Earth's temperature when they build up in the atmosphere and trap the sun's heat. 主要成分是二氧化碳及甲烷,它拥有地球的温度,它们增强逐渐形成并从大气中吸收太阳的热量。
The key to coasting is to build up as much speed as you can before cruising on the straight parts of the road. 滑行的关键是在稳稳当当地行使在道路笔直部分前尽可能增大速度。
Flashlights , fluorescent sticks and cell phones, this could be the build up to a concert or a laser show, but it's none of the above. 手电筒,萤光棒和手机,这可以是演唱会或是雷射秀前的热身,不过它都不是。
s usually easier to place down ramps or other large doodads first, and build up the terrain around the ramp to your liking. 通常先放置斜坡或者其他大体积的装饰,然后再根据你的喜好设置比较好。
This results in alternating periods of quiescence and activity - remarkably like the build-up and collapse of a sand pile. 这会导致变换的静止和活动的周期-与沙堆的堆砌和崩塌非常相像。
So much necessary violence in Pro football build up in the plays a towering hatred against their opponents. 职业橄榄球比赛中许多必要的冲撞以致队员逐渐对他们的对手积怨如仇。
I would like to build up a sincere friendship with you, and hope fully develop a good relationship with you. 我真切的期望能与你结为好友,并希望能跟你建立良好关系。
We have got to address the economic crisis, but we also have to address just how much debt we are going to build up. 我们必须解决经济危机的问题。但是,我们还必须注意我们究竟准备承受多大的债务。