
美 [di:]英 [di:]
  • na.同“do”;同“did”
  • 网络预处理器首先处理;从这儿;辨别力



1.英语字母表的第 4 个字母the fourth letter of the English alphabet

3.(学业成绩)第四等,差the fourth highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is not very good


... 是 有符号数. 然而,如果指定了` -traditional' 选项之前,预处理器首先处理` -D' 能够合并`.d'文件,产生适用于` make' ...


你经常来这儿吗 French, 翻译, 发音, 字典... ... 博来霉素 bléomycine 从这儿 d';ici 到这儿 par ici ...




EmacsWiki: EmacsLispManual Chinese Notes ... %v 替代项目的值 `d' 继续执行 `b' 标记当前框架 ...


班得瑞音乐全... ... p11 White Sand Of Barbados 巴贝多的白沙 0 _# # v# a4 D' {曲目介绍: 2 L7 i8 x,g+ b* d 追逐遥远的天际线 ...


筑在旭... ... http://www.kbs.co.kr/dmz/news/1395954_14820.html 谢谢 佳佳 翻译 转自韩剧社区 D' 별명은 작품에 대한 애정 때문…


第3章基本体及叠加体的三视图_百度文库 ... P9 4. d' b 第3章 基本体及叠加体的三视图 P5 d' d 3章 基本体及叠加体的三视图 ...

An hour and a half would pass by, and I'd realize that I wasn't going to get as much done as I had planned. 只有当一个半小时过去了,我才会意识到自己是完不成那些计划要做的事了。
As you'd expect, the biggest of the big guns are obscene-- enormous static cannons capable of hurling massive shells across the map. 就像你期待的,最大的大炮非常猥琐-庞大的固定炮台可以将厚重的炮弹射到地图那边。
I was a fanatic about the kind of gas and oil that I used in the bikes, but I'd put any kind of junk inside myself. 我喜欢我在摩托车上使用的气和油,但是,我却把垃圾放进我自己的身体。
The lawyer replied, "I'm right on time. I said I'd be home by a quarter of twelve, not a quarter to twelve" . 律师回答说:“时间没错啊,我说过我会在十二的四分之一点回家,不是十二点差一刻回家。”
I said, then do it. Go on, kill yourself. You'd be doing us all a favor. Only don't be a man about it. Be a queen. 我说,那就去死。去吧,杀了你自己,也让我们松口气。只要别把自己当男人。想是个戏剧女王。
We' like to say that the 10% d cash discount is quite satisfactory and we intend to place regular orders with you. 贵方给的10%的现金折扣,我方非常满意并愿向贵方定期订购
Well, I'd say "Hug the walls, " If I could see them. Goat trails seem to be our only option. Unless you're into Dumpster diving. 要是还能看到墙的话当然是靠墙走现在,看来我们只能自辟小径了。除非你喜欢翻垃圾。
To see if you'd like to change its proportions, hold your hands out in front of you and try cropping this as a vertical. 如果你愿意改变它的比例,伸出手在你面前,试着把它裁成竖格式。
The captain spoke few words, but agreed that the crew were better than he'd hoped for , and that the ship was a fine one. 船长很少说话,但他认为船员比他希望的还好,船也是条好船。
"Maybe, you' d be good enough to take a few things out of your pockets and leave them here before you go. " said Mr. Carr. “你也许在走之前会把兜里的东西拿出来,放在这儿。”卡尔先生说。
"They know they're just at the beginning of that process and I think we'd like to see them move more quickly. " “他们清楚自己处在一个进程的初期,而我认为我们更乐于见到他们行动更快些。”
He said he'd lived his whole life there by the beach, and that he would rather die there than run. 他说他在海滩边已经住了一辈子,他宁愿死也不会逃跑。
I'd rather read than watch television; the program seem to be getting worse all the time. 我宁愿看书也不愿意看电视,电视节目好像越来越差了。
I'd like to ask you to join me in a toast to the common enterprise, Cheers! 我请各位(和我)共同举杯,为我们共同的事业,干杯!
d like my hair dyed light brown . How much will that cost ? 我想染浅棕色的颜色,多少钱?
At this point, I'd normally show you how to use the DOM or at least give you a few code examples, but even that would be misleading. 现在,按照常规也许应该说明如何使用DOM,或者至少要给出一些示例代码,但这样做也可能误导您。
I figured it out while he was Watching your dress, He'd give you his all If you'd but agree, A man is in love, And he's me. 我想通了,当他看你的装扮,他给你他的所有如果你不得不同意,一个男人在爱,而他的我。
I've had to say goodbye more times than I'd have liked, but everyone can say that. 似乎我总在不情愿地说再见。我想其他人也一样。
If I could see you in a year, I'd wind the months in a balls and put them each in separate dramers, Until their time be falls. 假如见到你是一年之后我会把日子拈成一个个小团分别放到他们的各自的格子里然后期盼着一格格消逝
He said he thought we'd make a pretty good team. 他说我和他会组织一个好家庭的。
He's not as bad as you think. If you butter him up a bit, he'd give you the shirt off his back. 他不像你想的那么样。如果你说点好话讨好他,他会把所有的东西都给你。
Confidentially, benny, ya had me a little worried there for a minute. I mean, I'd there hate to meet you in a dark alley! Heh heh! 刚见到你的那一刻,我确实有点担心,本尼。我的意思是,我真的讨厌以这种方式见到你!嘿嘿!
" We're going to be doing genuine physics. " And that's one of the things I thought I'd do right now. 然后我就要向你们展示我是如何给他们做试验的。
I'd never had any previous modeling experience, and so I came into the competition already with a little bit of an inferiority complex. 我从来没有过任何的模特经验,我来到这个比赛就已经是带有点自卑而复杂心态的了。
Sure, you can exchange them, but on some CONDITIONS. You'd better have the invoice with you and you'd better not take off the TAG. 当然可以,但是有一些条件。你必须要留有你的收据,另外,你最好不要把标签拿掉。
Since you sound a bit unsure, I'd suggest taking bout math and English classes your first semester to see which you enjoy more. 既然你听起来有点不确定,我建议你第一学期数学和英语两门课都上,看看哪个你更喜欢。
I sometimes think I'd be happier teaching in Spain, but you know, the grass is always greener on the other side! 有时候我想在西班牙教书,我可能会更开心一些。但是,你知道,人们总喜欢这山望着那山高!
that and I'd marry into one of the other long-established Chinese clans on the islands and settle down, as he and my mother had. 嫁一位久居当地的华裔望族,像他和母亲一样,定居在夏威夷。
He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I'd ever seen them, golden butterscotch. 他凝视着我的眼睛。而我看到了,他的眼睛是那么的明亮,比我见过的任何一次都要更明亮,是一种金色的奶糖的颜色。
He didn't know why he'd done it, but the look in her eyes a moment later gave him a shock in his easy joy. 他不知道自己为什么会这样做,但与她眼神的瞬间对接却让他感到了震撼,全然没有了刚才放瓶子时轻松体验到的喜悦。