be sure of

  • na.确信
  • 网络对……有把握;确定;深信

be sure ofbe sure of

be sure of


初中英语介词有哪些_爱问知识人 ... be full of 充满…… be sure of 确信…… take part in 参加


英语介词用法 ... be late for (迟到) be sure of (对…有把握) be worried about (为…感到担忧) ...


美女上错身 S1E01 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... really: 真的 be sure of: 确定 laugh: 大笑 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 116. be sure 肯定;确信 117. be sure of 深信;确信 118. be strict with 对某人要求严格 ...


四、六级考试高频短语及搭... ... (=in the event of) 如果发生…万一 (=be sure of有把握,一定。 (=for sure ) 肯定地…

We were furious with the hotel and I would not recommend anyone to attempt to stay here if you want to be sure of your bed for the night. 我们对酒店的做法感到十分气愤。如果你想要预定一个床铺过一个晚上的话,我绝不会向你推荐任何一个房间而试图让你住在这里。
if I sacrificed all that, I would be sure of finding a country girl who was at least pure. . . but. . . but I should not accuse you. ' 如果我牺牲这一切的话,那么我确信我会找到一个至少是纯洁的乡下姑娘……但是……但是,我不应该谴责你。
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife. 当一个男人为他的妻子打开车门时,你可以肯定的是:要么车是新的,要么妻子是新的。
We need to be sure of nothing but food, clothing, a sense of security. 我们需要的无非是被肯定、衣食住行、安全感。
In such an instance , the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property , to be sure of repayment . 在这种情况下,贷方把借方的信誉和资产看得同样考试大重要,以确保借方有能力偿还债务。
However, I would like to be sure of your willingness, trustworthiness and commitment to execute this transaction with me. 不管怎样,我想要确认一下你的意愿,诚信和承诺来执行和我的交易。
This evil reminding me of nine-live cats, you could never be sure of its death even it had got shot. 而此魔女也令我想起了有九条命的猫,击毙后还会有后怕。
We cannot be sure of your illness at the moment. we need to do some inspections. we need the results to diagnose. 现在还不能确定您的得是什么病,我们需要进行检查,化验结果出来才能确诊。
That was the old New York note; that was the kind of answer he would like always to be sure of his wife's making. 这是老纽约的调子;这是他愿永远确信他的妻子会做的那种回答。
This vote on the foreign trade bill is going to be close, and I sure wish we could be sure of that man's support. 外国交易案的投票很接近,我确实希望我们能确定得到那个人的支持。
But perhaps you have been too pleasantly engaged to think of any third person, in which case you may be sure of my pardon. 也许你太高兴了,想不到第三个人身上去吧;果真是那样的话,我一定可以谅解你的。
The Summer will come in its time, sailing in the flood-tide of the south wind. But you never countedslow moments to be sure of him. 到时候,夏天自会乘着潮水般的南风来临,而你却从来不肯减缓速度,掌握它来到的准确时间。
Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first attempt. 雪莉对生物考试准备得很认真,因此她有信心一次就通过。
But we'll be in harmony to be sure (of) that Libyan people have to know Saif will face justice. 但我们会和平商议,让利比亚人知道赛义夫将要面对法律制裁了。
An amusing bit of copy would circulate until no one could be sure of its origin. 一则有趣的文字往往流传到谁都不知道它的出处。
In a parliament with five parties (counting the CDU and CSU as one) the only pair that can be sure of a majority is a grand coalition. 在有5个政党的议会(CDU与CSU计算为一个),唯一一个确定可以组成绝对多数的是大联盟[6]。
At least twice he did so. When you attend his interesting and lively classes, you will be sure of his real age still young. 只要听一听他的化学课——那课既生动又有趣,你就会发现他依然如他真正的年龄一样年轻。
To be sure of a " sweet life" , a Greek bride may carry a lump of sugar in her glove on wedding day. 为保证生活甜美,在结婚那天希腊新娘会在她的手套里放上一把糖。
But, given the continued rapid growth of emerging economies, they cannot be sure of that. 但鉴于新兴经济体继续迅速增长,它们对此没有把握。
Gold reserves are down, prices rose daily. You couldn't be sure of the real value of any of the money in your pocket. 黄金库存降低,物价每日上涨,无人确知袋中金钱价值几何。
"You can be sure of one thing: I'm leaving, " he says, adding that he has no plans to run for election in 2014. “有一件事是肯定的:我要离开了,”他说道,同时还表示他并没有计划参加2014年的竞选。
No one can be sure of any of this. 没有人可以确知可能会发生什么。
"You can't change industry, location and type of job all at once. What I would advise is, be sure of your strengths and build on that. " “你不可能一下子就改变行业、就职地点和工作类别。我的建议是,明确你的优势并在此基础上有所发挥。”
If you stuck to the textbook content, you could be sure of a higher mark when exam time came. 如果你把精力都放在课本上,那你应该能确保在考试中取得较好的分数。
No group of believers has more reason to be sure of its own good sense than today's professional scientists. 和现今的科学家相比,其他人恐怕更没理由拍胸脯保证自己的良知。
One thing you can be sure of is that somebody or something is going to be dead during the two hours you spend in that stadium. 你有一件事可以肯定,那就是一个人或一头牛将会在两个小时内死去。
Only when cater pillar turns into a butterfly, can it fly over the river without bridge. Be sure of yourself. 你就像一只毛毛虫,而毛毛虫只有变成蝴蝶,才能飞跃没有桥的河。
Then, even though you were to lose all you have overnight, you would be sure of heartening support from bona fide friends. 就算在一夜之间变得一无所有,你也会有真诚的朋友在旁扶持。
He could not be sure of having three square meals a day, or even a daily bath. Worse, malaria was a common disease among his colleagues. 他甚至不能保证一日三餐,以及正常洗澡,疟疾在他的同事中犯病率很高。
Having sold Sulley Muntari to Internazionale to finance a deal for the England winger, Portsmouth cannot be sure of signing him this summer. 为了筹措小赖特的转会费,朴茨茅斯上周把加纳后腰蒙塔里卖给了国际米兰,但他们仍不能确定今夏能否签下这名英格兰边锋。