pick out

美 [pɪkaʊt]
  • na.挑选;掘出;闻出;领会
  • 网络挑出;选出;选出,挑出,拣出

第三人称单数:picks out 现在分词:picking out 过去式:picked out

pick outpick out

pick out


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pick off 摘下,摘掉 pick out 选出,挑出 pick up 拣起;(车等)中途搭人 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... pick on 挑选;挑剔 pick out 挑选 pick up ① 捡起 ②接收(广播等) ③接某人 ④学会 ⑤挑选 ⑥购买 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pick off 摘下,摘掉 pick out 选出,挑出 pick up 拣起;(车等)中途搭人 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... pay up 全部付清 pick out 选出,挑出,拣出;辨认,辨别出 pull down 拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低 ...


高一英语必修4 各单元语言重点归纳[嘉兴英语网] ... 6.In search of 寻找…. 7.pick out 挑选出,辨认出 8.on the edge of …


高一英语词汇表 ... thundercloud n. 雷雨云 pick out 挑出;辨别出 sense n. 感觉,感官 ...


考博英语词汇 ... pay up 偿还(欠款),全部付清 pick out 认出;辨出;选择;挑出 pick up 拾起;拿起;慢慢爬起身来;(开车)去 …


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... pull out 拉出;掏出; 拔出;抽出;取出; (车,船)驶出 pick out 选出;领会;弄明白 pay out 付 …

Another essential condition for a weak army fighting a strong one is to pick out the enemy's weaker units for attack. 弱军对于强军作战的再一个必要条件,就是拣弱的打。
I have a bone to pick with Ken. I told him to pick out a gift for the boss from all of us but he only said it was from him. 我要给老侃提提意见,我让他替大伙挑一件礼物送给老板,结果他竟说那是他一个人送的。
eg. It is usually easier to pick out the meaning of a phrase in a given context. 在特定的上下文中理解一个短语的含意往往要更容易些。
asks you to go along with her to pick out invitations, go with her. 当您可爱的妻子要被要求你去与她挑选了邀请函,请她。
I was desperately trying to pick out the Brits but it was tough, there were at least a thousand dancers between me and them. 我徒劳的找寻着英国选手的踪影,不过太困难了,在我跟他们之间至少有一千个演员在欢跃舞蹈。
If, from the air, we pick out a few landmarks, we will find it easier to understand how London has grown. 从空中挑选一些标志性建筑,会更易于我们了解伦敦的发展史。
Lisa is going to make her final decision and pick out a painting to give to her friend as a going away present. Lisa要做出她最后的决定,挑出一幅画作为给她朋友的离别礼物。
This makes it easy to pick out elements that are in the task context when you scroll through a long list of elements. 这便于您在查看一长串的元素时快速挑选任务上下文中的元素。
Moore helped him pick out a new polo shirt, dressy shorts and his first pair of boat shoes when she brought him home to meet her family. 摩尔带他回家见自己的家人时,特地为他挑了一件新的polo衫,一条考究的短裤和他平生的第一双帆船鞋。
Red giant stars on the outskirts of the cluster are easy to pick out as yellowish stars in this sharp telescopic portrait. 在这张清晰的特写中,我们可以清楚地看到星团边远的红巨星,即那些黄色的星星。
After scoring the plate at the Saturday auction, Ms. Leung said she was on her way to a nearby car dealership to pick out her new car. RickiLeung在1月底的一次拍卖会上赢得这副车牌之后说,她正要去附近的车行挑选自己的新车。
Dave: Fantastic. I've got to run to the store to pick out a gift for my mom. You can give me all the details when I get back. 太棒了。我必须去商店选购我母亲的礼物。你可以在我回来后告诉我所有细节。
Green was chosen as we aim to pick out participants who can think beyond Green as just a colour and able to achieve design breakthroughs. 选择绿色作为主题,是为了角逐出能够把绿色构思成超出颜色本身含义,并能够达到一定的设计突破的参赛者。
Remember this Ford story as you read, and pick out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described. 阅读这本书时,请牢记这则福特的故事,时时在字里行间寻找认识他了不起的原因。
Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay. 她说:“着手去做吧,去要你想要的东西,在餐厅的另外一端会有人告诉你该付多少钱。”
My wife is going to pick out a new jacket for me with me. 我妻子准备和我一起去给我选一件外套。
Her first memory is of the thrill of going to the store with her mother to pick out a special dress, pink and lacy. 她最初的记忆是跟妈妈一起到商店挑选一件特别的、粉色的带花边的连衣裙时的紧张和兴奋。
My dad had explained this to me when he asked me to go for a ride with him to pick out a puppy. 我爸爸要我跟他开车去找条小狗时对我做了这番解释。
Situation: As John is getting dressed for an important interview, his wife, Mary, is helping him pick out his clothes. 情境:约翰正准备穿戴整齐去参加一场重要的面试时,他的太太玛莉帮他挑选衣服。
One of the things that have to be overcome is to be able to pick out reflected light from the planet from the light of the star. 必须克服的事儿里面,有一件是:我们得能够甄别出行星反射自恒星的光线。
But I could certainly pick out an almagre, a rust-colored stallion, and I knew that the term came from the Arabic al-magra, "red earth. " 但我无疑能够认出一匹almagre——铁锈色的牡马,并且我知道这个词出自阿拉伯语的al-magra,即“红土”。
If your partner has a strange knack of being able to pick out all the right perfumes , this may not be a good sign at all. 如果你的配偶掌握技巧,能够选择所有你喜欢的香水,这应该不是一个好迹象。
My wife is going with me to help me pick out a new suit. 我妻子将和我一同前往,帮我挑选一套新的西装。
We always thought she would pick out someone who at least had a conversation with her or paid her. 他说,“我们总是想,她至少会挑一个人出来与其交谈或给她小费。”
It was not easy designing a radar system able to pick out a submarine periscope from aimd the endless rolling wave father. 要设计一种能从不断翻滚的海浪回波中辨别出潜艇望镜的雷达系统,并非易事。
C. It will take her a few minutes to pick out the best painting of her collection. 从她的收藏中找出最好的画要花掉她几分钟的时间。
Flip through magazines and ask your toddler to pick out a red car or a green umbrella or any thing that he would be able to identify easily. 浏览一下杂志,然后让孩子挑出红色的车子或是绿色的伞,或是其他任何孩子能够容易辨认的事物。
"Start out at that end, " she said. "Just and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay. " 她说:“出去排队等,到你的时候点你想要的东西,餐厅服务生会告诉你该付多少钱。”
Pick out the main building layer, constitute the body from the sun, has a lower energy saving shade space. 主体建筑的挑出层,构成了自遮阳体型,已经为下层空间遮阴节能了。
So to pick out a human and god has the strongest control ability, and in its virgin blazed countless god upon her control. 于是人类和众神挑出一个具备最强控制能力的圣女,并在其身上刻下无数的神纹增加她的控制力。