put up with

  • na.忍住
  • 网络忍受;容忍;忍耐

第三人称单数:puts up with 现在分词:putting up with

put up withput up with

put up with


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put up 举起;安装;张贴 put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) be qualified to 能胜任… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... put up 举起;安装;张贴 put up with 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人) be qualified to 能胜任… ...


关于put的短语有那些?_百度知道 ... put up to 鼓动;唆使…做… put up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦 put away 储存(钱);储存…


常用动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列 put up with 忍受,容忍 10. 以 be taken aback 吃惊 ...


英语单选_爱问知识人 ... C. be bound to D. be bound for 选A。 A. put up with 容忍,忍受;将就 B. stood up for 支持,坚持; …


...查了(checked up on)他的会计. 他们容忍了( put up with)邻居们. ) 她很快就理解了(caught on) . ) 较正式用语 他调查了(investi...


新概念英语第二册笔记新版&n... ... bear hog: 热情(热烈)的拥抱 忍受的极限在加大 put up with=bear=stand Business man: 生意 …


常用动词come,... ... put up 举起;张贴;留某人过夜;建造 put up with 和某人住在一起;忍受,忍耐 put through 做成,完成…

Beijing may be able to put up with a Hsieh-led DPP but will do nothing to give it a pre-election boost with, for example, a deal on tourism. 北京可能可以忍受一个由谢长廷带领的民进党,但不会给它来一个选前的推进,例如签订旅游协议等。
It's too delightful of you to be so nice to him, and put up with all his tiresome stories. 你对他那么好,那么耐心地听他的无聊故事真叫人高兴。
My girlfriend must BE a bit of a saint to put up with me. 我的女朋友必须像个圣人才能忍受我。
Bob: Oh well, at least I won't have to put up with your nonsense anymore! Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job! 那好吧,至少我不需要在忍受你的无理了!再见再见这个没有前途的工作!
It is true that Israel has put up with the rockets from Gaza for a long time. But it may have been able to stop the rockets another way. 长久以来,以色列对来自加沙地区的火箭弹袭击确实采取了容忍态度,不过应该可以找到其他方式来阻止火箭弹袭击。
There's no need to be nasty or to put up with attacks from someone else. 没必要变的讨厌,或是忍受谁的攻击。
I can't live if I don't work, so I guess I just have to put up with everything that goes on in the office. 我不工作就无法生活,所以我只好忍受办公室内的一切事情。
We do not intend to put up with this sort of thing for much longer. 我们不想把这件事再拖下去了!
Let Norwegian daily and on time to meet this woman, willing to put up with all the peculiarities of his sexual abuse and acts. 而让挪每天准时赴约,甘愿忍受他的种种怪癖和性虐待的行径。
She had had to put up with so much that she expected her children to take the same odds. 她已经是饱经风霜,所以想到了孩子们也免不了要受些凄风苦雨。
I wonder how she could put up with him for so long. 我真不明白她怎麽能忍耐这麽久。
Do not falter my fellow Americans. Do not put up with the rebellious nature of our subordinate countries. 别在支支吾吾了,我的美国同胞们,不要再忍受一个棋子国家的造反了。
His secretary, Rachel, had the worst time. She had to put up with him all day, and he was often very rude to her. 他的秘书瑞秋就难熬了,她必需整天跟他在一起,而且他还经常对她很粗鲁。
Eg. She was worn out with work and cannot put up with it any more. 她让工作给累坏了,再也忍受不了了。
If it's critical to your career to simply put up with the boss, try to make the best of the situation. 如果忍下去对于你的职业前途很重要,那就尽量充分地利用好当前的局势。
I don't know how much longer I can put up with these damn "public appearances" . 我不知道我还能再忍受多久这他妈的“公众形象。”
My son is alway complaining that I dump on him. He was very rude and told me to mind my own business. I cannot put up with that. 我的儿子总是抱怨我对他太挑剔了,他很不客气,让我管好自己就行了,我真是受不了。
Fans might say that players are paid enough to put up with this sort of thing, but that's a peculiar kind of morality. 球迷也许会说,球员们报酬很高,应该忍受这类事,但那是属于奇怪的道德。
Japan's voters, who are guilty of having put up with this for far too long, at last seem to have had enough. 日本选民也有责任,他们忍耐了太长时间,不过现在看来终于受够了。
The legitimate wife was expected to put up with all this, but herself to remain strictly chaste and faithful. 对于正式的妻子,则要她容忍这一切,同时还要她自己严格保持贞操和对丈夫的忠诚。
Moses could no more put up with all of the troubles that the Israelites gave him in the wilderness than fly to the moon. 摩西要忍受以色列人在旷野带给他的所有麻烦,简直比登天还难。
My parents wanted me to be a doctor , but I couldn't have put up with all those years of study . 我父母亲原来想让我当医生,但是学习那么多年我可受不了。
It drove her father to a pitch of exasperation. He had had to put up with this all his life, from her. 这使她的父亲陷入了恼怒之中,他一生中一直不得不迁就她的这种脾气。
Time is up for you dark ones and I no longer am going to put up with your silly and pathetic games. 时间已到,黑暗势力,我不再容忍你们那愚蠢而悲哀的游戏。
children are prepared to put up with the snooping if they are allowed to have a phone. 孩子们想要父母给他们买个电话,则要准备好忍受被秘密监视。
Of course, it all depends on what kind of a person you are and what sort of side effects you are willing to put up with, if any. 当然,那依赖于您是哪一类型的人以及哪一种类型的副反应您需要忍受,如果真的有的话。
That means you are going to have to put up with him. 这意味着你必须容忍他。
Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. 北欧洲人愿意支付大量的金钱和忍受了很多不便太阳,因为他们如此之少的。
a boy with particularly smelly feet that did not seem to benefit from daily showers cheerfully put up with the name Stink. 男孩的双脚特别臭,天天冲澡都无济于事,但他依旧欢欢喜喜地忍受着“恶臭”这个名字。
" Another says: " I wish you did not have to put up with the pressures of fame and could just enjoy being in theatre and struggling a bit. 另一句是:“我希望你不用去承受成名的压力,只是去享受电影中角色的生命,努力一点。”