be willing to

  • na.乐意进行
  • 网络愿意;乐于;情愿

be willing tobe willing to

be willing to


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... depend on 依赖,依靠;依„而定 be willing to 愿意,乐意 be interested in 对„感兴趣 ...


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... depend on 依赖,依靠;依„而定 be willing to 愿意,乐意 be interested in 对„感兴趣 ...


托业考试 - 人人小站 ... be taken by surprise 吃惊; be willing to 乐于,愿意; because of 因为,由于; ...


字典中 愿 字的解释 ... (4) 心愿;愿望[ desire] (1) 情愿[ be ready to;be willing to] (3) 希望[发生某种情况][ wish] ...


九年级英语单词表 ... willing 乐意的 be willing to 乐意做某事 quite a few 相当多的 ...


情_互动百科 ... 【aspiration;wish】 志愿;愿望 【be willing to心里愿意 【would rather】 宁愿 ...


求高一英语必修... ... with your hands a little open 手微微张开 be willing to 愿意去做…… look sb. in the eye 正视/直视某人 ...


甘_百度百科 ... 19.甘油[ glycerol;glycerin] 20.甘于[ be willing to] 21.甘雨[ a good rain after a long drought] ...

Few of these respondents would be willing to hand over their pensions for a more efficient cleanup of the Alaskan shoreline. 这些受访者当中很少有人会愿意拿出他们的养老金用在提高阿拉斯加海岸线清理工作的效率上。
Everyone is going to have to be willing to compromise. Otherwise, we'll never get anything done. 每个人都必须做出让步,否则,我们什么事都不能完成。
And given the current real estate mess, an employer might be willing to put some of that cash toward helping a homeowner out of a bind. 鉴于当前房地产一团糟,雇主可能会愿意出一部分资金来帮助房主摆脱困境。
And If you've followed along this far, you might be willing to come a little further. I think you remember the name of the town, don't you? 如果你已经找到这里,你或许愿意往前再多走一点路,我想你一定还记得那个小镇的名字吧?
Is to do good, to do for ourselves to live up to other people's things, to share with others the attitude, be willing to serve the spirit. 就是要做好事,要做对得起自己对得起别人的事情,要有和别人分享的姿态,要有愿意为别人服务的精神。
But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying you ain't what you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. 要是你知道自己的价值,就去争取你的价值,但是你要愿意去挨打,而不是指着别人说是他她或任何人拖累了你。
If I could travel with you, I would be willing to go to any city-hehe. 如果我能和你的旅行,我愿意去任何一个城市,呵呵。
If you want a real second chance, you've got to be willing to give it all you got. 如果你想要真正的第二次机遇,你会倾已所有。
They have to be willing to go out on a limb to ensure a meeting of the technical and business minds. 他们必须愿意克服困难来确保技术和业务观点的融合。
After he starts here, would you be willing to go have lunch with him everyday to help him improve his Spanish? 等他来了,你们可以每天一起去吃午饭,然后你会帮他提高他的西语对吧?
'I didn't expect Air China would be willing to commit so much capital at this point, ' UBS AG analyst Damien Horth said. 瑞银(UBSAG)分析师赫尔特(DamienHorth)说,我没想到中国国航愿意在现在这个时候拿出这么多资金。
Sales managers may be willing to shave a bit more off the price at the end of the month. 销售经理们也许会愿意在月底稍微砍掉一点价格。
Actually, if you could only express the least bit of concern for me, I would be willing to do anything for you, even give up summer camp. 其实,只要您能表示出一点点的关心,我愿意为您做任何事,何况是放弃一个夏令营。
Mr Hulme said the two European multinationals might be unwilling to sell in the short term at prices that Huntsman would be willing to pay. 胡铭表示,这两家欧洲跨国集团也许在短期内不愿按亨斯迈愿意支付的价格,出售自己的工厂。
That's the key though, you have to be willing to help someone and not too proud to ask them for help when you need it. 关键是,你是乐意帮助别人,而在需要帮助的时候,放下骄傲请求别人的善意。
Can you please indicate which of these statements best describe how much you would be willing to pay for Appolo? 请指出以下哪个描述最符合你购买或选择“阿波罗”的意愿程度?
We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. 然而,本公司甘愿答应与贵公司先实行试试合作,为此后合作打下根蒂根基。
and by the end of the year they're supposed to be willing to reveal all that they are doing. 而且到今年底他们就会披露他们所做的一切。
Wen did not specify how much Greek debt China would be willing to buy or which Chinese entities would buy the bonds. 温家宝没有说明多少债务希腊中国愿意购买或中资机构将购买债券。
second, apart from the sentimental value of the items, if you did not have them, how much would you be willing to pay to get them? 第二,从这些礼品上分离出情感价值,要是你不没有这些礼品,你会愿意出多少钱(来买)?
"Here is a paper with which if I cannot whip Bobby Lee I will be willing to go home, " said McClellan. 麦克莱伦将军说:「有了这分文件,我不能把罗伯特.李打得落花流水,甘愿归隐老家。」
Mr. Post said he thought Ethan might be willing to apologize for not being more gentlemanly, but. Well. 波斯特先生说他认为伊森可能愿意为自己的行为不够绅士而道歉,那么,你想要伊森道歉吗?
Here are 10 examples and of these 10 I would be willing to bet that most of you guys will fall guilty of at least 2 of them. . . 以下有十个例子,我敢打赌,你们这些家伙们大部分会为这十条中的至少两条感到羞愧…
We must be willing to go against the slack and trouble, ready to stir them and then watch them. 我们必须愿意去对抗懈怠与烦恼,愿意去激起它们再观察它们。
The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. 医生向她的弟弟解释这个情况,并问他是否愿意给姐姐输血。
But he said Tsvangirai would be willing to contest a run-off, if the Commission insists one is required. 但是比提说,如果选举委员会坚持认为有必要进行决选,茨万吉拉伊将愿意参加。
I suspect that the hospital had already invested too much money into the project to be willing to pay for a system redesign. 我猜,医院在这个项目上已经投了太多的钱,没法再花钱重新设计系统了。
Would you be willing to tell me frankly what you think about my spoken English? 您是否愿意坦诚地地告诉我您觉得我的英语口语怎么样?
You just have to be willing to wait a year, but trust me, a year goes by pretty fast these days (I think it's inflation or something). 1. 你只需要花一年的时间来等待结果,但是相信我,现在的一年过得是很快的(我想是通货膨胀或者其它的原因吧)。
You don't have to put on a suit and tie, unless you want to, but at least put on something you'd be willing to leave the house in. 你不需要穿上西服,打上领带除非你想那样,但是至少穿上一件你愿意走出屋门的衣服。