be responsible for

  • v.负责;担负
  • 网络对…负责;为…负责;对……负责任

be responsible forbe responsible for

be responsible for


英语介词用法_百度知道 ... be sorry for 为…而后悔, be responsible for 对…负责, be suitable for 适合于, ...


作 文 ... Environmental Protection· 环境保护 ① be responsible for 为…负责 ② the ecological balance 生态平衡 ...


高中英语重点短语汇编-中学学科网 ... 39. warm up 热身 40. be responsible for 对…负责任 41. all of a sudden 突然地 ...


职_百度百科 ... 职掌[ be in charge of;duty] (3) 主管;任职[ be responsible for;be in charge of;take office] ...


高一词汇复习 ... 23. on a …occasion 在…场合 25. be responsible for担负, 对…负责 35. whether…or… 无论是…还是… ...


台山电大 ... Be made up of 由….组成 Be responsible for sth 对某事负责 Be responsible to sb. 对某人负责 ...


十月自考英语复习资料-湖南自考网 ... no more than 仅仅 be responsible for 对…负责任的;对…承担责任 to decide on 决定, …

Mr Wheatley said he is often asked whether investors should be responsible for investment decisions. 韦奕礼说,经常有人问他,投资者是否应对投资决策负责。
eg. Employees who used to be responsible for decisions, now have to run it by their boss or their colleagues. 过去愿意承担责任的员工,现在更愿意把责任推给老板或是同事。
Later that night, I got to think about fate. That crazy concept that will not really be responsible for the course of our lives' take. 那晚,我开始思考命运这个疯狂的概念,但是这个词并不会真正对我们的生活负责。
Back in 1954, Ray Kroc was already in his 50s when he persuaded the McDonald brothers to let him be responsible for a franchising operation. 早在1954年,雷·克劳克说服麦当劳兄弟让他负责经营一家专卖店时,他已年过50。
The upshot, when the team crunched the numbers, was that the variant form of DARC may be responsible for 11% of the African epidemic. 当小组啧啧的清点人数时,结局就是DARC的变异一些能为11%的非洲传染病的起因负责。
You've got to be responsible for your own action. 你要为自己的行为负责。
Some people might be responsible for parts of the application delivery process, but not know the nuances of the workflow overall. 有些人可能对部分程序交付进程负责,但是他们不知道总体工作流程的细微差别。
Attendant will also be responsible for breaking down all the equipment on the practice facility and prepare for the next days activities. 同时,学院练习场服务员要对所有练习场的设备负责,并为第二天的活动做好准备。
Global warming, a heated topic of today, is often taken for granted to be responsible for the harsh weather. 全球变暖是现在的热门话题,常常理所当然地被看成恶劣气候的罪魁祸首。
A form of insurance in which a person insures property for less than its full value and agrees to be responsible for the difference. 共同保险一种担保形式,一人保证得到少于全值的财产,并同意对差值负有责任。
Mike: Hey, I really think Harry ought to be responsible for fixing your car. He busted the headlight out of it when he borrowed it from you. 麦克:嘿,我确实认为哈利应当负责修好您的车。是他借用您的车子而且碰裂您车子的前灯。
Regardless of how much the total investment, we will be responsible for obtaining the legal approval procedures. 不论投资总额多少,我们会负责取得合法审批手续。
He would be responsible for planning and executing the merger of Merrill's banking and trading business with that of BofA. 他将负责规划并执行美林与美国银行旗下银行和交易业务的合并。
Supplier shall be responsible for its own interpretation of any documentation and information obtained. 供货方应对其获得的任何文件和信息的理解承担责任。
Don't say premier to her Jing dollar cure injury of is isn't that he hard to say, he now gush is fighting to want her to be responsible for? 先不说给她精元治伤的是不是他都很难说,他现在倒是吵着要她负责了?
According to the contact, the company must be responsible for the result of the experiment. 按照合同规定,公司将对实验的后果负担全部责任——怎么翻?
How much are the rental fee and the management fee? Are there any other fees I would be responsible for? 这单位每月租金和管理费是多少?还有什么费用须由租客支付?
The food industry is estimated to be responsible for a sixth of an individual's carbon emissions, and Britain may be the worst culprit. 每个人有六分之一的碳排放量和食品工业是有关系的,这种现象在英国最为典型。
He said bloggers, just like newspaper journalists, must be responsible for what they wrote or risk facing legal action from others. 他说博客就像报纸记者一样,一定要为他们写的负责人以及面对任何法律行动。
And as I said, he may very well be responsible for the deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan. 我敢说,此人极有可能要为死在阿富汗的美国大兵负责。
To be responsible for daily maintenance of any equipment, accessories, devices under used, to ensure all of them work properly. 负责对所使用的设备、装置、附件以及实验室进行日常保养和维护,确保各种设备始终处于正常的工作状态。
If it is possible, be responsible for maintenance of the CNC milling machine and stretch bending machine. 如果可能,负责CNC数控铣床和拉伸折弯机的设备维护保养。
Seems to be responsible for the system instability. 似乎造成了系统的不稳定。
Just as with any development project, people must be responsible for the quality of the code and for getting reviews when necessary. 就像任何开发项目一样,人们必须对代码的质量负责,并在必要的时候进行审核。
Many countries began to ask manufacturers to be responsible for the life cycle of products, especially the recovery of waste products. 许多国家开始要求生产企业对产品生命周期全过程负责,尤其是废旧物品的回收。
I shall be responsible for the cost of the applicant's repatriation and maintenance pending such repatriation, if necessary. 如果情况需要,我将要承担申请者的遣返以及遣返判决前的一切费用。
Party B shall be responsible for the installation and debugging of the equipment with its own tools and measuring tools needed. 乙方负责安装、调试设备,并自带安装调试用的工具和量具。
One of the most challenging problems of today's society is the question of who should be responsible for our elderly. 当今社会最复杂的问题之一是:谁该对我们的老年人负责。
Only if it belongs to the insurance obligation field, the company should be responsible for the compensation. 只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。
The General Manager shall be responsible for formulating the marketing policy and strategy of the Company for approval by the Board. 总经理应负责制订合营公司的营销政策及策略,并报请董事会批准。