2 bad

2 bad2 bad

2 bad

and you know, about 2 years ago or maybe about just about a year ago. . . -Mm-hmm. . . -. . . I started getting acne really, really bad. 你知道吗,大约两年前或者大概一年前…唔…我开始长粉刺,很厉害。
He did not mention that a run of bad inflation figures (up to 4. 4% in February) has made a fiscal U-turn trickier. 预算中他并没有提到2月份通胀数据达到了4.4%,这个糟糕的数字使财政状况急转直下。
Losing a client $2 billion is called a streak of bad luck. Losing the bank $2 billion is called fraud. 亏掉客户20亿美元,可以称为一系列坏运气,亏掉银行自己的20亿美元,那就叫欺诈。
There was a bad storm city last night. A lot of rain fell in a very short time and the wind blew very hard. 2. 昨晚我们城里发生很严重的风暴,在很短的时间内下了很多的雨,而且风刮得很厉害。
Even if the plot is vacant (see: Bad Boys II) or if he's slaughtering history (see: Pearl Harbor) there is always plenty of action. 即使影片情节空洞(见《坏男孩2》),或者屠杀历史(见《珍珠港》),动作场面总是不会少的。
The doctor criticized him in that very year only when one time for 2 years is not bad survival. 当年医生说他只有一两年时间可以存活。
They worked backwards and determined that it would take a 1. 2 millimeter error, not inches, millimeters, for a mirror to that bad. 他们又反向推测,决定,这里面有1,2毫米的误差,不是英寸,是毫米,才能让主镜这么糟糕。
And though the cost of working out bad debts was around 2% of GDP, all that and more was recouped when the banks were privatised. 尽管处理呆坏贷款的成本大约是GDP的2%,但在银行被私有化时,这些支出,甚至更多,都会被补偿回来。
He had the bad luck to be in Buffalo during the freak October snowstorm that dumped two feet (60cm) of snow on the city. 布法罗今年10月有些反常,一场暴风雪将这座城市倾压在2英尺(60厘米)的大雪之下。而斯皮策很不走运地正好就在布法罗。
If that was not bad enough, they were riding an ATV with a "ring a ding ding" engine (2 strokes) and expansion chamber for a muffler. 更糟糕的是,他们所驾驶的是一辆发动机(二冲程)叮当作响的坦克车,并且车内备有一个巨大的消音器。
He said that he had got a bad cold. 2. He says that he fells cold. 他说他感到冷.3.她说他生病了
The second is to prop up the banks responsible for the foreign-currency loans that are going bad. 第2步是支持银行对正在变成坏账的外币贷款负责。
She treats her children badly, but her children know she is not so bad as she seems. 2. He has a lot of confidence about this issue. 她动不动就骂她的孩子们,但孩子们都知道她是刀子嘴豆腐心。2对于此事他胸有成竹。
I had a very bad sore throat and could hardly speak, but with the microphone, I was able to teach for 2 hours. 我嗓子痛得厉害,几乎无法说话,但借助这个话筒,我教完了两小时的课。
The news that a UBS trader lost $2 billion of the bank's money has brought a surge of bad press. 有新闻报道一名瑞银交易员丢失了该行20亿美元,导致该行劣评如潮。
One: ditching the company's entire UK Newspaper business (odds: not too bad). 放弃该公司在英国的所有报纸业务(机率:还算不错);2.)
Policeman 2 : Yes, you are a very bad wolf. Grandmother and Little Red Riding hood were very scared of you. 警官2:是的,你是一匹非常坏的狼。祖母和小红帽都非常恐惧你。
Shares in Greek lender Alpha Bank fell 2. 2% as losses on bad loans continued to increase and profit fell 62%. 希腊阿尔法银行(AlphaBank)股价下跌2.2%,该行公布坏账亏损继续增加,利润减少62%。
A year later a hard-fought 2-2 draw didn't smart nearly as bad when the competitors for the league title, Roma, were defeated by Bologna. 一年后的那场艰苦的2-2说不上是好是坏,因为争夺冠军的对手罗马本轮被博洛尼亚击败。
Wrap this bad boy in plastic wrap as tight as you can get it and let this sit for a couple of hours. 包好这个东西在碟子上,尽你可能包紧一些,然后放置2个小时。
Our banking system is strong, with capital adequacy ratios of locally incorporated banks averaging 17% and bad debt ratios of less than 2%. 我们的银行体系强大,本地注册银行的资本充足比率平均为17%,而坏帐比率则低于2%。
While eating too many eggs can be bad for your health, eating 1-2 egg products a day can be great for your brain. 虽然吃太多鸡蛋不利于健康,但是每天吃一到两个鸡蛋却有利于您的大脑。
Shevchenko has also had a bad week, captaining Chelsea's reserves to a 2-1 defeat against Reading on Monday. 舍甫琴科过去一周也表现不佳,他带领的切尔西预备队在周一以1-2输给了雷丁。
Question: Doesn't AJAX break model 2 programming and take us back to include non-presentation logic in our Web pages like the bad old days? 问:Ajax是不是破坏了Model2编程,并将我们带回到像以前那种Web页面中包括非表示逻辑的情况?
Free cash flow was negative 120 million USD, which is not bad for a company increasing profits and essentially debt free. 自由现金流为负1.2亿美元,这对公司增加利润,基本上无不良债务。
But what if your superhero dreams go south? For advice when good flying dreams go bad, see #2 on this list ( "Falling" ). 但是,如果你的超人梦与我的南辕北辙,请看“梦到降落”。
To compound her alleged sins, they accuse her of striking a bad bargain for Ukraine, losing the country almost $200m. 将她所有这些所谓的罪名综合起来,他们指控季莫申科夫人损害乌克兰国家利益,导致国家损失近2亿美元。
Conversely, if the west has more bad news for Poland, it should at all costs avoid giving it between February 4th and 11th. 相反,如果西方国家将为波兰带去更多的坏消息,那么它们应该尽最大努力避开2月4日到11日这段时间。
Ex2. : If the son has bad reputation, the father will also be unjustly blamed. 例2:儿子名声不好,老子也为他背黑锅。
It would hurt just as bad to give up as to push on, and it would be 15 degrees or so cooler at 2, 300 feet. 无论是放弃还是往前走都同样令人痛苦,而且在2,300英尺高的山上温度要低15度左右。