


The only gift Elena mentioned in her diary about her 22nd birthday is Yulya's present, a pair of diamond earrings. Elena在自己22岁生日日记里唯一谈到的生日礼物是Yulya送的,是一对钻石耳环。
It was an interesting race but due to the bad weather it had to be stopped in the 22nd lap due to the heavy rain. 这是一个有趣的比赛,但由于天气恶劣不得不停止在第22圈由于大雨。
After stockmarket hours on November 22nd, the fast-food firm said he had resigned; it would need a third boss in under a year. 在11月22日的股市交易结束之后,这家快餐公司宣布他已经辞职;该公司将需要这一年内的第三位老板。
He said that after a month on the 22nd should come with me, before, before, so he did, and can be warm but slowly kill. 他说过,以后每个月的22号都要陪我一起过,在此之前,他也确实做到了,可热情却慢慢地消磨。
AT MIDDAY on the 22nd, Pierre was walking along the muddy, slippery road uphill, looking at his feet and at the unevenness of the road. 二十二日中午,皮埃尔沿着泥泞的打滑的道路向山上走,他看着自己的脚,又看看那崎岖的山道。
So far, so good. But although the decree came into effect immediately, it must pass through parliament on June 22nd. 目前一切进行还不错,但是尽管这个劳动法法令自颁布起即刻生效,它还得通过6.22日的议会才行。
It was the death of the sun. And by December 22nd, the sun's demise was fully realized. . . 这被认为是太阳的死亡。到了十二月二十二日,太阳的死亡得以完全实现…
On the condition that you hand in the medical check, you can be prepared to sign the contract on May. 22nd. 如果你已经递交了医学检查,那么你可以准备在五月二十二号签合同。
On July 22nd a 78-year-old woman was rushed to hospital after a pair of scissors, hurled from a multi-storey building, lodged in her skull. 7月22日,由于被一把从多层建筑中抛出的剪刀刺入颅骨,一名78岁的老妪被送入医院救治。
On August 22nd Ratan Tata, chairman of the Tata group, threatened to move the Nano plant from the state if the company was not wanted. 8月22日,塔塔集团主席拉丹·塔塔威胁说,如果公司在那里不受欢迎,塔塔将把Nano的生产工厂搬到别的州去。
A few days ago, the Japanese Language Department of Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute held its 22nd Japanese Drama Performance. 日前北京第二外国语学院日语系举行了第二十二届日语演剧大会。
And now, I'm going to ask the Vice President to administer the oath of office for our nation's 22nd Secretary of Defense. 并且现在,我将要求副总统为辩护的我们的国家的第22秘书控制办公室的诅咒。
Under Panama's constitution the voters must decide in a referendum, to be held on October 22nd, whether the expansion should go ahead. 根据巴拿马宪法,选民必须采取公民投票方式决定是否施行扩建,投票将在10月22日举行。
Since the 22nd of this month has been worsening situation in Syria, also attracted the attention of the international community. 自本月22日以来,叙利亚持续恶化的局势,也引起了国际社会的关注。
On February 22nd Barack Obama at long last unveiled his own detailed set of proposals for reforming America's troubled health system. 对于改革美国问题重重的医疗系统,巴拉克•奥巴马终于在2月22日亮出了自己的一套详细方案。
All of a sudden, someone patted on my shoulder. I turned round and saw it was the 22nd candidate. 有人轻轻拍了一下我的肩,我抬头一看,是刚才和我搭话的22号。
Then, on Monday February 22nd, Mr Obama at last unveiled his own set of proposals for reforming America's troubled health system. 接着,奥巴马先生终于在2月22日周义针对美国混乱的健康医疗体系提出了他自己的一系列建议。
The recent deterioration in trade relations does not bode well for the next meeting, which begins on May 22nd. 近来双方贸易关系恶化,对于下次会谈(3月22日开始)来说,不是什么好兆头。
And after Roosevelt's death, passage of the 22nd Amendment established a limit of two four-year terms for a president. 在富兰克林罗斯福死后,通过的第22修正案把总统任期限制为两个任期,每期四年。
Many rich nations were in the bottom half of the list, including Denmark (22nd) and Finland (28th). 很多富裕的国家处于中下水平,包括丹麦(22名)和芬兰(28名)。
Then came the wholesale stops on the 22nd lap as the rain came, followed by thunder and lightning and all the drama that had been predicted. 比赛进行到二十二圈时,大雨倾盆而至,紧接着如人们预期的那样,电闪雷明,一场戏剧开始上演。
On April 22nd the head of the exams regulator, who had resigned after the fiasco, told MPs that ministers had made him the fall guy. 4月22日,因测试工作惨败而引咎辞职的主管官员告诉下院议员,他成为了大臣们的替罪羔羊。
The U. N. Panel on Extraterrestrials has called an emergency meeting for September 22nd to deal with the problem of the UFO base. 联合国外星人小组称将在9月22日召开紧急会议,处理飞碟基地的问题。
The 22nd Amendment to the U. S. Constitution prohibits an American president from serving more than two full four-year terms in office. 根据《美国宪法》第二十二修正案的规定,美国总统的职务不得超过两个完整的4年任期。
Unable to eliminate seniority rules, on February 22nd he issued letters firing every one of the city's 1, 900 teachers. 因为无法消除资历规则,2月22日他签发通知书,将全市1,900名教师全部解聘。
I should like to book a room for myself from August 2nd to 22nd. I require a single room with a bath and a telephone. 我想为自己订一件8月2日至22日的房间。我要一间有浴室和电话的单人房。
Mr Osborne obliged with a new levy on banks' borrowings, the gory details of which may be unveiled in his first budget on June 22nd. 奥斯伯恩曾颁布法令对银行贷款业务征收新的税额,骇人听闻的首次预算的细节可能在6月22日推出。
The September 22nd vote may be delayed as the commissioners try to work out their differences. 由于委员们试图解决他们的分歧,9月22日的投票可能会被推迟。
Though the markets had calmed down a little by August 22nd, central bankers cannot afford to be complacent. 虽然从8月22日后市场开始安定下来,但是中央银行还不能自满。
He says he may signal his announcement in the live finale of his reality-TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice" , which airs on May 22nd. 他说在5月22号播放的自己最后一场电视真人秀--《名人学徒》中也许会宣布相关问题。