put together

  • na.编辑;拼拢;比较考虑;使结婚
  • 网络装配;把……放在一起;加在一起

第三人称单数:puts together 现在分词:putting together

put togetherput together

put together


关于put的词组_百度知道 ... put through 完成 put together 装配 put up with 容忍 ...


阿凡达中英文剧本附词汇笔记 - 豆丁网 ... pack: 行李 put together: 把…放在一起 3 ramp: 斜坡 ...


together - 水月清华的日志 - 网易博客 ... 9. pull together 齐心协力 10. put together 加在一起 11. stand together 联合起来 ...


新东方赵丽词汇课堂 Lesson 25 - 听力课堂 ... cumulative 积累的,渐增的 compile=put together 编辑,汇编 assemble (人群)聚 …


高考动词及短语动词总结_辉哥_新浪博客 ... put on 穿上, 戴上; put together 组装, 装配, 把…凑合起来 A. keep up with 保持 ...


高中英语... ... 26.look out for 照料,照看…… 27.put together 把……放在一起;把……加在一起 28.work out 做出;设计出;制 …


in2english - Community ... go along with 一起存在,同时发生 put together 合在一起 get sth. done 完成某事 ...

It claims, for an additional fee, to be able to put together a portfolio of the best hedge-fund managers. 他声称,只要另外支付管理费,就会获得最好的对冲基金经理们的投资组合。
What I was trying to do is I try to get students start to think, put together their own thoughts. 我想做的就是让学生们开始自己思考,让他们有自己的想法。
My only advice was that he should put together a good team and try to do what he thought was right for the country. 我唯一的建议就是应该团结一个好的领导团队,努力去做那些他认为有利于国家的事情。
When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew what I could do for him, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses. 今晚当我看到那个小男孩时,我知道我该怎么做了,我把最好的玫瑰送给了他。
I can put together a few simple chords and a couple of melodies so that at least some of the tunes are recognizable. 我可以弹一些简单的和弦旋律,所以至少有些音调还是可以辨认的。
Spain, whose GDP is almost double that of the three rescued countries put together, has long been a source of concern. GPD几乎是这三个受援助国GPD总和两倍的西班牙就因此长久以来广受关注。
When Jim asked me to put together something on refactoring, I had to ask him what that really meant. 当Jim要我讲一讲重构时,我问他重构究竟意味着什么。
We also recommend that you take a look at a video one of our engineers put together that reviews many of the key features described here. 我们还建议您查看我们的工程师整理的视频,其中讨论了这里描述的许多关键特性。
Apiary Inspector Peter Kaczynski came out of retirement to put together this rapid response unit for the State of Victoria. 已经退休的养蜂场的督察员彼德,立刻在维多利亚成立回应单位。
You're going to put together some PHP image-manipulation code that will allow you to create an ID-card image suitable for lamination. 您将整合一些PHP图像处理代码,这些代码将允许您创建适合贴膜(lamination)的ID卡片图像。
There was also disagreement over the role of Iraqi exiles who have come back to try to help put together a new government. 对于返回伊拉克帮助组成新政府的流亡者所起的作用也有不同的意见。
Sure. I'll ask her to put together a tentative schedule by the end of this week. 当然,我会让她在这周准备好一个暂定的日程表。
Taking over Sun, he said this week, provides Oracle with all the pieces to put together systems that reach from "application to disk" . 本周他表示,对Sun公司的收购使得甲骨文拥有了装配计算机系统的所有部件,从“应用软件到磁盘硬件”。
I never have courage put together with you, but my heart at the moment still love you. 我再也没有勇气跟你提出在一起,但是我的心此时此刻依然爱这你。
If you want to go all out on your website, you can put together shopping cart technology, but that be pricey to start out with. 如果你想全力以赴把站点做好,你可以利用一下购物车技术,但开始时费用会有点儿搞。
In the two or three months before a new election can be held, he might try to put together a "grand alliance" of the main parties. 在新一轮选举开始前的两三个月中,他可能会尝试构建一个由主要政党组成的“大型联盟”。
And yet, we are far more complex than any piece of furniture or computer program we have ever had to put together or install. 然而,我们却比组合一个家具的部件或安装电脑程序要复杂得多。
Minster are trying to put together a package deal that will end the dispute. 部长们正在力图寻求能解决争端的一揽子交易。
"We just want to offer healthy entertainment for the youth . . . This is all in early stages. The company has not been put together yet. " “我们只是希望为年轻人提供健康的娱乐方式……这些都处于早期阶段,合资公司目前还没有成立。”
These rooms can be put together as needed (wardrobe, curtains, light weight wall) and thus change to two or three bedroom apartments. 这些房间可以在需要的时候通过橱柜,门帘,轻质墙壁等的变动而变为两室或是三室的公寓。
No such system has been put together at this sort of depth before, so getting it to work is unlikely to be easy. 因为之前,一直没有如此规模的装置一同放入如此深的水底,所以要完成这个任务不可能轻松。
Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like a scrapbook full of memories. 我想帮你们拍张合影,我妈妈希望我把这些收集起来,做成回忆纪念册。
"Half-Life 2" , which came out in 2004, took six years to develop, whereas new episodes can be put together in a year or so. 2004年发行的《半条命2》花费了六年时间开发,而游戏的新章节仅需一年左右就可完工。
One of the big goals of this meeting was to put together a deal to reduce green house gas emissions. 这次会议的其中一个重大目标就是就减少温室气体排放达成协议。
It's really close to every attraction, the staff is amazing they really help you to put together an itinerary. 它离每个景点都很近。员工的服务令人惊讶,他们会帮你综合情况制定旅游路线。
Put together, all that makes the general election of 2010 inconveniently unanalogous to any other. 总之,所有的当前状况使2010年的大选不会那么容易与以往任何的相同。
There's a proposal to actually put together an institute. This is what's going to take a bit of money. 还有一个计划建议组织一个机构,可是这将会需要点钱。
To see all this in action, you'll put together a trip-planning page in which the user can type in a source and destination airport. 为了进行演示,您将组建一个旅行计划页面,在该页面中,用户可以输入出发地机场和目的地机场。
We - an international team - helped the children to put together a musical, with a story about hope and love. 我们这个“联合国”团队今年帮助孩子们准备了一出歌舞剧,剧情是一个有关希望和爱的故事。
Both calls focused on financial projections, company valuations and an analysis of the deal put together by the company and its advisers. 两次会议讨论的重点都是公司及其顾问提交的财务分析、公司估值和对交易的分析。