pump up

  • na.充气;打气;〈非正式〉促进…大幅增长;〈非正式〉使…期盼
  • 网络给……打气;热切期望;用泵加压

第三人称单数:pumps up 现在分词:pumping up 过去式:pumped up

pump uppump up

pump up


Carattere « 气 » - Dizionario di Sinogrammi ... 村气[ rustic] 打气[ pump up;inflate] 呆气[ silly;stupid] ...


外国语第五册第一单元单词_大庆leo_新浪博客 ... boundary n. 边界 pump up 给……打气 clay n. 泥土 ...


big - 英汉词典 ... big picture (事情的)主要部分;重点 pump up 热切期望 have a big mouth 话多的人 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(P) ... pump unit 泵装置 pump up 用泵加压 pump valve 泵阀 ...


就是不想学文法_四季文学集中营吧_百度贴吧 ... 20. dress up/suit up 好好打扮 1. pump up 打气(气球、轮胎)加油打气(人) ...


科学美国人... ... 1. affirmation n. 肯定 2. pump up 使激动, 使达到兴奋状态, 打气, 充气 3. trump v. 打出王牌, 胜过, 吹喇叭 ...


英语新闻高频词汇 - Stella Ren的日志 -... ... protocol 草案,协议 pump up 提升 puritanical 清教徒的 ...


海信TC2111A彩电集成电路功能数据 ... 3 PUMP UP 泵电源输出 0 1.23 1.23 8.4 59 5 OUTPUT 场扫描脉冲输出 0 13 13 2.2 2.…

He and I are now trying to pump up the high school in High School Musical 3 with some sing in', some dancin'. . . here's the clip, folks. 他和我现在尝试在《歌舞青春3》中为高中带来一些歌唱,一些舞蹈…朋友们,让我们看看剪辑。
Everybody in the party had a few drinks probably to pump up our guts on the little adventure that we were partaking . 我们个个都喝了点酒,大概是为了我们即将参与的冒险活动打气吧。
The bank is also planning to set up a fund it will manage that will pump up to $1. 5 billion more from wealthy investors into the company. 这家银行也计划设立基金,由它掌管,并从多金的投资者那再向Facebook注入15亿。
Mr Obama wants to pump up to $775bn into the economy over the next two years through tax cuts and investment in public infrastructure. 奥巴马想在接下来的两年内,通过减税和公共基建投资,将多达7750亿美元的资金注入经济。
Unlike in past downturns, the government's fiscal position was strong enough to allow it to pump up spending to see off trouble. 不同于过去的经济衰退,这次巴西政府的财务状况非常健全,足以让巴西砸下重金去摆脱面对的麻烦。
Faced with weak revenue prospects, banks are scrambling to pump up the bottom line. 据数据提供商SNL透露,由于面临疲弱的收入前景,银行都在争先恐后地追求提高净利润。
Amazing it may be, but detractors say the global tire giant has been generous with its ratings to pump up its primary business. 它也许的确很棒,但一些对此不以为然的人却说这家全球轮胎业巨头在授予评级时如此慷慨是为了促进自己的主营业务。
To pump up to first, and then quickly look down Henda, the two will soon have to move together, you need the arm strength. 提抽要先提上去,再快速地朝下狠打一下,两个动作要很快连在一起,是需要你的臂力。
Last and probably least , but by no means trivial, have been the deliberate efforts of the government to pump up the economy . 最后,可能最不重要,但却绝非微不足道的一点就是,政府在支撑经济上所付出的刻意的努力。
There they were told to strip naked , jump into a freezing lake and pump up rug by balls underwater . 在那里,训练者要求队员脱得一丝不挂,跳进冰冷的湖中,在水下给橄榄球打气
High flow midship pump. Up to 2250 GPM. The best selling single stage pump. Midship Split Drive Line Manifolded Pump. 高流量中置泵,最大流量达2250GPM。是最畅销的单级泵。复合以中置分离传动轴承泵。
He fears that by setting rates at zero the Fed may "merely pump up growth in the short term only to see it collapse later" . 他担心通过设置零利率,美联储可能只是“眼看他起高楼,眼看他楼塌了”的结局。
Because consumer income and spending were so weak, the government felt it had no choice but to pump up capital investment and exports. 由于消费者收入和开支都十分疲软,政府觉得别无选择,只能大力推动资本投资和出口。
So Ignatius is trying to pump up what is actually a fairly new structure of authority and institutional structure in these. 所以伊格那丢其实是想在信里宣传,一个很新型的权威等级结构,和制度结构。
They believe what would really pump up the pulse of worker productivity is a nice afternoon nap, rather than those bonuses and incentives. 他们相信真正能够提高工人生产积极性的是一个很好的午间小睡而不是那些奖金和鼓励。
Then the bar can pump up the oscillations like a parent pushing a child on a swing. 如此一来,棒子会像父母推动小孩的秋千般,提升恒星振荡。
The legs that are too short for track and hurdles can pump up and down, carrying him around those bases faster than you can see. 他的一双腿太短,不适合赛跑和跨栏,但却能像唧筒似地上下运动,带着他飞快地踏垒,快得让你都来不及看。
Groundwater levels have steadily dropped in recent years as farmers dig ever more wells to pump up the precious liquid to irrigate crops. 地下水水位稳步下降近年来,随着越来越多的农民挖了井泵宝贵的液体来灌溉作物。
If you do want to pump up a bit, do circuit training and skip the rest breaks so you keep your heart rate up. 如果你不想心率反弹太多的话,可以坚持循环锻炼,省略休息空隙,保持较高心率。
Now Hong Kong's retail industry is trying to pump up the urge to spend by indulging Chinese curiosity about this very non-Chinese holiday. 此时此刻,香港的零售产业正在千方百计地满足大陆消费者对这个异国假日的好奇心,为的是刺激他们的消费欲望。
Of course, Julius Bear, which is betting part of its future in Asia, has an incentive to pump up the projections. 当然,对于瑞士宝盛这样将其未来部分命运押在亚洲的金融机构来说,它有动力推高预测数据。
And, of course, pump up Wall Street profits and allow for more speculation. (my emphasis). 当然也使得华尔街的利益暴增,从而引发了更多的投机。
Be careful, for your current positive thinking can pump up your confidence and get you into trouble. 小心,你的乐观自信也许会让你陷入困境。
But Brazilian officials say the country's high rates have lured speculative foreign investments that pump up the real and hurt the economy . 但巴西政府官员说,该国的高利率吸引了投机性的外国资金,这些资金推高了雷亚尔的币值,损害了巴西经济。
While spending heavily on new models to pump up Oldsmobile, GM let Saturn languish, and its sales shriveled. 在投入巨资开发奥兹莫比新车型的同时,通用汽车让土星自生自灭,其销售也开始枯竭。
For weeks, state-run media has run pieces glorifying the victory in a campaign to pump up pride in revolutionary Cuba. 整整几周之后,国营媒体还一直在宣传古巴革命的伟大胜利。
They have cut prices in an attempt to pump up sales. 他们降低了售价,试图通过此来促进销售量大幅增长。
Rather than buying more assets, China could better pump up the world economy by buying more goods. 与其买进更多资产,中国不如买进更多产品,这样做或许能更有效地提振世界经济。
Increase government spending and that will pump up consumer spending. 增加政府开支就会提振消费者支出。
Now, HP needs to pump up the confidence of customers, employees and Wall Street. 现在,惠普需要提升客户、员工和华尔街的信心。