be charged with

  • v.负…的责任
  • 网络被控告;被指控;充满

be charged withbe charged with

be charged with


新东方考研高频词汇_百度文库 ... be bound up with 与…密切相关 be charged with 承担,负责,被控告 be confined to 局限于 ...


名师丁雪明:2010年考研基础词汇备考札记 ... charger n. 委托人 be charged with 负……责任,弃满着,被指控‖ charge for 收…


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... charge a pipe 给烟斗塞烟 be charged with 充满…… tear at sth 撕扯…… ...


新东方考研高频词汇_百度文库 ... be bound up with 与…密切相关 be charged with 承担,负责,被控告 be confined to 局限于 ...


字典中 载 字的解释 ... (6) 承载;负担[ bear] (8) 担任,担负[ be charged with] (10) 施行[ put in force] ...


新东方考研高频词汇_百度文库 ... be bound up with 与…密切相关 be charged with 承担,负责,被控告 be confined to 局限于 ...


牛津9A Unit 6词组、句... ... 导致…….;导向…… lead to… …. 因某事而被控告be charged with sth. 闯入…. bre…


急求牛津... ... seize control of 夺取对……的控制权 be charged with 被指控犯有……罪 sentence somebody to death 判处某人 …

Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav is to be charged with rape nearly two years after he resigned as part of a plea bargain. 以色列前总统摩西·卡察夫,部分因达成认罪协议辞职近两年后,将被落案控以强奸。
This commission would be charged with trying to narrow the range of the unexpected. 上述委员会将力争缩小意外情况的范围。
In a statement, Mr Greenberg said he "appreciates the SEC's recognition that he personally should not be charged with any fraud" . 格林伯格在一份声明中表示,他“感激证交会认识到,他个人不应面对任何欺诈控罪”。
I do not know why so much can be charged with each other, we, in the face of this subject is always so strong rebut the other. 我不知道为什么那么多事都可以互相起诉的我们,面对这个话题的时候总是那么强烈的反驳对方。
The Italian papers were full of news that Prime Minister Berlusconi was about to be charged with sleeping with a teen-ager. 意大利的报纸上铺天盖地都是总理贝卢斯科尼因为桃色丑闻而受到意大利检方指控的报道。
It is a great honor for me to be charged with such an arduous task. 我承担这次艰巨任务,感到很光荣。
Mr Taylor is only the second serving head of state to be charged with war crimes after Slobodan Milosevic. 泰勒只是继斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)之后,第二个被控犯有战争罪行的现任国家元首。
Currently people who cause disruption at matches can be charged with breach of the peace, with a maximum one-year sentence. 目前,这些在比赛中引起冲突,并导致比赛中断的人可能被控以破坏和平罪,最高刑期达到一年。
Liu has yet to be charged with a specific crime while he is under investigation by the Communist Party's disciplinary body. 刘志军还没有因具体罪行受到指控,现在还在被纪检部门调查。
The Federal Trade Commission would be charged with determining what information such notices to DHS would have to contain. 美国联邦贸易委员会将负责确定哪些上报给国土安全部的信息将被遏制。
Could a pregnant woman be charged with child abuse if she smokes, or be denied chemotherapy if it might hurt the fetus? 如果一个孕妇吸烟,她会被控虐童吗?或者处于对胎儿的考虑,她可能无法得到化疗?
He cannot be charged with murder for the reason that he was not in town when the crime was committed. 他不能为这次谋杀负责,因为案发时他不在城里。
If you re-enter BEfore this time without express permission from Immigration, you may BE charged with a felony. 如果你在此期间没有得到移民局的批准进入美国,你会被以重罪起诉。
The forum suggested that the United Nations should be charged with preventing large trade surpluses and deficits from building up. 论坛建议联合国应当承担阻止贸易顺差及赤字的形成。
If you violate copyright you would not be charged with a crime, but usually get sued. 如果你违反了版权法,你不会以—个罪犯的名义遭到起诉,但通常会受到民事诉讼。
Guinea's military leader should be charged with crimes against humanity over the killing of opposition protesters, a leaked UN report says. 一份泄露的联合国报告称,几内亚军政府领导杀害反对派抗议者的行为应当以违反人道主义罪被起诉。
Gadahn is a California-born convert to Islam and the first American to be charged with treason since the World War Two era. 加达恩出生于加州,17岁改信伊斯兰教,是二战后美国第一个获叛国罪名的人。
Intentional Disconnection: Upon judgment by the referee, any offending player will be charged with a loss by forfeit. 若有人故意断开链接,经由裁判确认之后,那名引起断线的选手将被判负。
A verdict of " not guilt" means acquittal for the accused, who can never again be charged with that specific crime. “无罪”裁决意味着被告无罪,并且永远不得再以此罪名对其指控。更详细。
Sunday, a leader of Pakistan's senate said Mr. Musharraf would be charged with violating the constitution and 'gross misconduct. 周日,巴基斯坦参议院一位领袖表示,将指控穆沙拉夫存在违宪和执政不当行为。
Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdullah, 27, was the first to be charged with conspiring to cause the explosions. 27岁的伊拉克医生比拉勒·阿卜杜拉是第一个被起诉的谋划这次爆炸的人。
If we accepted any of other options we would be charged with "expanding the war. " 如果我们接受其他任何选择,又会指责我们在“扩大战争。”
The district attorney says he expects Simpson to be charged with seven felonies and one gross misdemeanor. 检查官说他有可能会被七起严重和一起轻一点的罪控告。
A court has heard that a young civil servant arrested after shootings on Tyneside left one man dead is to be charged with murder. 经法庭审理后,在泰恩赛德河畔枪击中一男子致死后被捕的一名年轻公务员将被控犯有谋杀罪。
Chen Jia's lawyer argued that Chen should be charged with causing a traffic accident rather than endangering public security. 陈家的律师辩论陈应被控告造成交通事故,而不是危害公共安全。
So, for instance, if you steal a few paperback books from a bookstore you will probably be charged with petty larceny. 所以,如果你从书店里偷了一些平装版的廉价书,你很可能只是被控告小额盗窃罪。
However, as we discuss later, juveniles ca major also be charged with offenses that are unique to youth. 然而我们一会儿座谈到,青少年也可被指控为冒犯,28。这专为青少年所设立的。
For those questions, our reporter learned that the electric car can be charged with the household 220V power supply. 根据记者了解,家庭用的220V电源就可以为电动汽车充电了。
There's no question those terrible people should be charged with obstructing justice and perhaps aiding the crime of murder. 毫无疑问那些可恶的人应该受到应有的惩罚,被判决为妨碍司法公正甚至参与谋杀罪行。
The jury at the inquest ruled that he had used excessive and unreasonable force, and the policeman could now be charged with manslaughter. 陪审团裁决,这名警察使用了过分的不合理的武力,目前可能被控告过失杀人。