
美 [klaʊd]英 [klaʊd]
  • n.云;云朵;阴影;一团
  • v.使难以理解;使记不清楚;使模糊;显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等)
  • 网络云文件;班班


n. v.

1.[c][u]云;云朵a grey or white mass made of very small drops of water, that floats in the sky

3.[c]阴影;忧郁;焦虑;令人忧虑的事something that makes you feel sad or anxious


every cloud has a silver lining

黑暗中总有一线光明;朵朵乌云衬银边,处处黑暗透光明every sad or difficult situation has a positive side

on cloud nine

极其快乐;乐不可支extremely happy

under a cloud

有嫌疑;被怀疑if sb isunder a cloud , other people think that they have done sth wrong and are suspicious of them


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清理会员名册 - 公告资讯* Announcement ... ... 1726-小左 1727-dabbymai0527 1729-班班 1730-Cloud. 1731-亮亮 1732-ks78…

Like many management books, "Behind the Cloud" contains plenty of the sort of jargon that turns off admirers of great literature. 想很多管理类书籍一样,《雾里看花》里面有很多“行话”,让很多原想一览著作鸿篇的读者驻足。
One of the pages of the book had a list of the names of the 183 defenders of the Alamo, and in the "C" section was the name, Daniel Cloud! 书里有一页是守卫阿拉莫的183名士兵的名单,“C”字头的名录下有一个名字居然是丹尼尔克劳德!
Connect just thunder cloud son to let out the thunder of that moving center soul only, also is incompletely his art. 就连刚才雷云子放出那片动人心魄的雷光,也不完全是他的杰作。
People underestimate how much cloud providers present a challenge to IT as it "s practiced today in most organizations. " 云计算供应商已经对大多数企业内部的IT业务构成了挑战,不过人们往往低估了这些挑战。
And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed not. 云彩在帐幕上停留许多日子,以色列人就守耶和华所吩咐的不起行。
Risk exposure: How much risk is involved in moving the applications to cloud? 风险承担:将应用程序移入到云计算的过程中有多少风险?
The stratiform cloud can be simulated with a one-dimensional model, duo to its uniform horizontal distribution of physical characters. 层状云由于在水平上较为均匀,可以用一维模式来模拟其云微物理过程。
So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could upon the traveler. 于是太阳躲到了云层后面,风开始尽其所能的吹旅行者。
"My heart is like the golden casket of the kiss" , said the sunset cloud to the sun. 晚霞对落日说:“被你亲吻后,我的心好像那黄金宝箱。”
Unexpected bursts of traffic are no longer an issue with cloud computing, and downtime is all but eliminated. 因为云计算,通信的突发意外也不再是问题,当机时间也几乎消除。
Happiness has not to be found somewhere else; it was always with you but the cloud of suffering was covering it. Happiness is our nature. 快乐并不能在任何其它场所可以找到。它总是与你一起但是受苦的阴云遮挡住快乐。快乐是我们的天性。
Molecular hydrogen (H2) radiated the heat out of the clouds, so we need to know how much H2 was in the cloud. 氢分子(H2)在初生云周围散射热量,因此我们要知道在初生云中氢分子的数量。
(Kusenko likens it to "a bullet passing through a cloud of vapor. " ) And if it runs into a neutron star? (Kusenko把这比作“一颗子弹穿过一层蒸汽”)那么它跑进中子星会发生什么呢?
Oct. 15. The sun is covered occasionally by the cloud. Bright followed by dark inside. He never meets her. 15日阳光被不断飘过的云朵遮住,屋内的光线忽明忽暗。他从不曾遇见她。
Dmitriev explains that this cloud of energy is exciting the atmospheres of our planets and especially our sun. 德米特里耶夫解释说,这种能量的云是令人兴奋的,我们的行星的大气,尤其是我们的太阳。
To be clear, an API is only the documents and processes for the usage of a certain cloud API, without these there is no API. 明白的说,API是针对特定云API用法的文档和工艺流程。
Business value: How much business value would the organization accrue by moving the applications to cloud? 业务价值:将应用程序移入云计算将增加多少业务价值?
These kind of clouds can be created when the Observer, Cloud and the Sun are in the same position, as you can see in the images below. 当观察者,云和阳光处于同一位置时,就会是这样的效果.如下图分析的。
Fun of challenge Stride over it, as you know there's always sunlight behind the dark cloud. 勇敢地跨过这一关,因为你知道,乌云背后总有太阳的笑容。
We were in a massive cloud, and began to descend at a much slower speed. 我们落进了大块的云中,并开始以慢了许多的速度下降。
Up, up, until the hut below has become a little. When he arrived, he climbed to the top of a large cloud, and in a castle in the nearby. 向上爬,向上爬,直到下面的小屋都变成了一个小点。当他到达顶部以后,他爬上一个很大的云上,并朝一个附近的城堡走过去。
It would not travel nearly as far as the Chernobyl cloud because there is no mechanism to send it so high in the sky. 放射性物质不会像切尔诺贝利的放射云那样飘到很远的地方,因为不存在将其送入高空的机制。
We were all representatives of a shadow society, cowering under a cloud of bad tidings that would never come. 我们只是影子社会的芸芸众生,畏缩在永未实现的不测风云背后。
By just clicking the cloud-generated links, this function is called upon to return the content of that file. 只需要单击由云生成的链接,就将调用该函数来返回文件的内容。
Thousands of miles below its cloud layer, Jupiter is hotter than the surface of the Sun ! 在木星云层下方几千公里处,比太阳表面还热!
Jamie and her team are trying to develop a set of cloud services aimed at verticals like health care and transportation and financials. Jamie和她的团队正在计划开发一系列基于垂直应用的云服务,例如医疗行业、运输行业以及金融行业。
Quickly turning his head , he saw where seemed to be a great black cloud following the car . 他赶紧扭转头一看,看见那里貌似有一大块乌云状的东西在追赶他的车子。
The service works just as well (if not better) than Dropbox, and will sync yourfiles and folders from your desktop to the cloud with ease. 该服务和Dropbox差不多,可以轻松地将你桌面文件和文件夹同步到云端。
When used in a cloud environment, you use the flexible nature of Gearman to ramp up the available workers when you need them. 在云环境中使用时,您利用Gearman的灵活特点来运行可用的工人。
Dr: But something must be missing if Jonah still feels you' re under a cloud. Now just a few questions. 玛:但如果乔那仍然觉得你不开心,那一定是有些问题还没解决。