
美 [ˈkɑnˌvɜrt]英 [ˈkɒnvɜː(r)t]
  • v.转换;可转变为;可变换成;(使)改变(宗教或信仰)
  • n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人;皈依者
  • 网络转化;使转变;兑换

第三人称单数:converts 现在分词:converting 过去式:converted



v. n.

1.[t][i](使)转变,转换,转化to change or make sth change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another

2.[i]~ into/to sth可转变为;可变换成to be able to be changed from one form, purpose, or system to another

3.[i][t](使)改变(宗教或信仰);(使)皈依,归附to change or make sb change their religion or beliefs

4.[i][t]改变(观点、习惯等)to change an opinion, a habit, etc.


点击转换convert)后会出现一个界面,不要关闭或点击下一步,就这么放着。这时,Canopus ProCoder Express for EDIUS …


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... advertisement n 广告 convert v 转化;改造 conversion n 转化;(宗教的)改变 ...


俞敏洪单词串讲 - annjining的日志 - 网易博客 ... conventional 传统的, convert 转变,皈依 convincing 令人信服的 ...


英语必修四 单词_百度文库 ... production n. 产量 convert v. 改变, 转换 v. n. export v. 出口 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... conversation n. 会话,交谈 convert vt. 使转变,转换 convince vt. 使信服 ...


英语的衍生词_百度知道 ... decide vi. 裁决,解决 convert vt. 变换,转化 conversely ad. 相反地 ...


兑这个字怎么读.什么意思?_百度知道 ... 兑付〖 cashacheque,etc.;cashacheck〗 兑换〖 exchange;convert〗 兑款〖 collect〗 ...


大学四级高频词汇_百度知道 ... convention n 习俗;公约;正式 会议 convert v 转变 改变信仰 convey vt 表达 ...

Thousands of people frantically tried to outbid one another to convert soon-to-be worthless money into something tangible. 数千人疯狂地竞相出价,试图将即将一文不名的货币转换成某个有形的东西。
The elements are presented in descending order of roughly how much work is required to manually convert the element. 根据手动迁移元素所需的工作量,元素大致按降序显示。
finally, another editor knowing only the target language was to convert this output into the normal forms of his own language. 最终,另一个只识别目标语言的编译器将输出语言序列转化为该语言的正常的表达。
If the goal of a design is to convert every single user into a customer, then failure is the only outcome. 如果设计的目的是为了把每一个用户都转化为客户,那么失败是必然的。
Maduro says the U. S. government is trying to destabilize Venezuela and convert the nation into what he called an oil-producing colony. 马杜罗说,美国政府企图破坏委内瑞拉的稳定,并把委内瑞拉变成一个生产石油的殖民地。
Legend states that she was the daughter of a pagan priest, but decided to convert to Christianity. 传说中她是一个异教徒牧师的女儿,但是却决定信仰基督。
Having each type in a distinct directory makes it very easy to convert all topics using only a few commands. 如果将每种类型放在不同的目录中,只需要少数指令就能很容易地转化所有的主题。
This kind of thinking, along with a little attitude adjustment, helps you to convert foes to friends, and both of you are better off. 这种思维方式伴随你态度上的转变,会帮助你将敌化友,而你们双方也会感觉舒服很多。
If I were going to convert to any religion I would probably choose Catholicism because it at least has female saints and the Virgin Mary. 如果我要皈依任何宗教的话,我大概会选择天主教,因为它至少还有女圣徒和圣母玛利亚。
if you convert a scalp or day trade into a position trade , by definition you did not consider the risks of the trade. 如果你将一个“剥头皮”或是日内交易变成了一个持仓交易,那就说明了你已经忽视了风险。
A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who's best at his job. So they each go into the woods, find a bear, and attempt to convert it. 有一个神父、一个牧师和一个拉比想要比比看谁的工作做得最好,于是他们各自走进森林里,寻找一头熊并让熊皈依他们各自的教派。
The basic idea is to temporarily convert the nodes into a Linux system and from there they join the master node as member of a cluster. 其基本思想是将节点临时转换为Linux系统,然后作为集群的成员连接到主节点。
Stylist: (to mother, in an aside) Don't worry. You can always chop off the mohawk later and convert it into a nice buzz cut. 发型师:(借一步和孩子母亲说道)别担心。一会儿可以把中间那道剪掉变成一个帅气的寸头。
It allows you to convert XML data directly into a tree of Java content objects, as shown in Figure 13. 可以通过它把XML数据直接转换为Java内容对象树,见图13。
He returned to the pet store that afternoon, reasoning that he might as well convert the snake's lair into a rat's nest. 那天下午他又返回宠物店,照此推测,莫不如把蛇窝儿变成养老鼠的地方。
searching out unused spaces that you and your community could convert into a garden or park. 找到一些未被利用开发的地方,和你的社区邻居一起建立一个花园或公园。
She must be able to convert a decimal length measure given in centimeters (to be read from the input) to the imperial equivalent in inches. 她必须能够转换为十进制的长度测量厘米给予(将读取输入),以在同等英寸帝国。
Should it opt to leave, it would have an incentive not to convert its stock of euro-denominated debts to claims in a new, stronger currency. 一旦选择离开,它将不会热衷把以欧元计价债务股票转换为以新的,更加强劲的货币计价的债务。
As you get a hang of it, you'll realized that you can easily convert any ideas into Infographics presentation. 当你熟练掌握它之后,你会发现自己能轻而易举地将任何观念转化为信息图的表示。
Mr Blair, a Catholic convert, said faith was a force for good and it was "futile" to attempt to drive it out. 布莱尔先生,一个新的天主教皈依者,声称信仰是一种驱使人向善的力量,而驱逐宗教信仰的努力是无用的。
He told me that he was now trying to convert his friends and colleagues to Christianity. 他告诉我他现在正在尝试着让他的朋友和同事们皈依基督教。
Up to 45 percent of the cost of solar cell technology is due to the high cost of the silicon used to convert sunlight to electricity. 高至45%太阳能电池工艺的成本是由于制作一种能够把光能转化成电能的硅片装置。
In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession. 20世纪初期,在试图把租借变为永久的割让上曾进行过断断续续地辩论。
At once he began to shorten sail, to invest only in the soundest securities, and to convert all his weaker ones into cash. 他马上开始收缩资金,只投资在最可靠的证券上,并把他所有比较不可靠的证券都变成了现金。
To convert functions that use the 64-bit ABI into shared libraries, all that is needed is a few extra compiler flags and you're ready to go. 要将使用64位ABI的函数转换到共享库中,您所需要的就是另外几个编译器标志,仅此而已。
As you will see, it is possible to automatically convert an NFA into a DFA. 正如您将看到的,有可能自动地将NFA转换成DFA。
An exception is thrown when a function is called that cannot convert the argument result to one of the required types. 调用函数时引发异常,无法将参数结果转换为要求的类型之一。
How much , even if convert bankrupt, at a time you cure nice she, how much all work! 多少钱,就算倾家荡产,只要您治好她,多少钱都行啊!
In three years 'he made not a single convert', and came home from his solo trips around the country covered with bruises and spittle. 三年里,他没能让一个人转化为基督教徒。后来,他结束了充满挫折和辱骂的独自旅行回家了。
Convert a string matching the symbolic name of a class or function into a reference to or invocation of that class or function. 转换为字符串匹配的象征性名称的一类或函数的引用或调用的类或函数。