count for

  • un.倒数;算作
  • 网络有价值;有重要性;对……有价值

count forcount for

count for


instrument - 英汉词典 ... come to the point 说到要点; 扼要地说 count for 有价值; 有重要性 essential to 对...不可缺少 ...


instrument - 英汉词典 ... come to the point 说到要点; 扼要地说 count for 有价值; 有重要性 essential to 对...不可缺少 ...


高中英语课文必考点笔记 模块1... ... contain oneself 克制自己 count for 对……有价值,有利于 count in 把……算在内,考虑在 …


文管二级数据库VFP题目及答案_百度文库 ... 二、列出 List fields 2. 三、统计 Count for 4. 性别="男" 七、删除 Delete all for 9. ...


星火词网-英语单词查询|单词记忆方法... ... rife a. 普遍的 count for 比……重要 respondent n. 调查对象 ...


高考一轮复习之单词短语篇... ... 917. helpful adj. 乐于助人的,有帮助的 918. count for v. 起作用 919. thankful adj. 感激的 ...

As an old Chinese saying goes, "One single flower is not enough to count for a spring, only a garden full flowers can be spring" . 正如中国俗语所说,“一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园”。
Pillsbury's hi-tech expertise with frozen dough wouldn't count for much unless it had an authentic product and a secret recipe . 皮尔斯伯里在冷冻面团方面的高科技技能,如果没有一个可靠的产品和一个秘方的话。
Therefore, the commercial bank oneself resists the ability of the software system risk to seem to be count for much. 因此,商业银行自身抵御软件系统风险的能力就显得非常重要。
However, each of the children starts with ? : , which means that they get matched, but don't count for reference purposes. 但是,每个子表达式都由?:开头,它表示这两者匹配,但不是为了满足引用目的。
But the women did not count for much in Mrs. Morse's plan. At the best, they were necessary accessories. 但是女性在莫尔斯太太的计划里并不重要,充其量是些必不可少的附属品。
By mid-century, urban dwellers will count for seven out of every ten people. 到本世纪中叶,城镇居民将占总人口的十分之七。
I was so tired after all that gardening that I was out for the count for ten whole hours last night. 把花园里所有的活干完后,我实在太累了,昨晚沉睡了足足有10个小时。
Dear Father, we want our lives to count for you and to be a blessing to others. 亲爱的天父,我们愿意为祢活得有价值,成为别人的祝福。
There are only a few things that truly count for a happy life. I wish I had known to concentrate on those and ignore the rest. 与幸福生活有关的仅仅是很少的一些事物罢了,我希望我能够将精力集中在这些事物上,忽略其他的。
Hence, the capability of corporate financial ability should count for much to the result of diversification. 因此,财务能力的强弱在一定程度上关系到企业多元化战略的成败。
The total count for an individual table or an index can be obtained by adding the counts for all relevant partitions . 可以通过求全部相关分区计数的和来获取单个表或单个索引的总计数。
A prenuptial agreement that disregards any of these three considerations is likely to count for less, or even nothing. 一份婚前协议若是缺少这三方面的考虑,其效力就会削弱,甚至作废。
But none of that will count for much unless the southern Med chooses prosperity. 但是这些作用都很有限,除非南地中海自己走向繁荣。
This is all the more important since we now live in an age in which the acquisition of wealth appears to count for more than reputation. 既然我们如今生活在发财致富似乎比名誉更重要的时代,这一点就显得更加重要。
I do not have the inborn gift which can count for a lot of money to make my life in the sun. 我可没有可以值很多钱的与生俱来的天赋让生活无忧无虑呀。
The error count for a packet that decodes correctly is the number of binary symbol errors at the output of the demodulator. 给正确地解码的一个小包的错误计数在解调器的输出是二进位符号错误的数字。
Our laboratory had a couple of gifted employees, and I had picked up their habit of searching the complete blood count for clues. 我们的化验室有几位天才的化验员,我也养成了象他们那样的习惯:查血常规寻找线索。
For people, as for economies, adaptability and flexibility count for a great deal. 对于经济来说如此,对人亦然,适应性和灵活性非常重要。
The occurrence count for each parent crash is the total number of times the crash has been experienced in the current mail-in database. 每个父崩溃的发生计数是这个崩溃在当前mail-in数据库中出现的总次数。
SOAP sessions do not count against the maximum connections count for the server. SOAP会话不对服务器的最大连接数进行计数。
It displays the total count for each type of GDI handle, as well as detailed information about each handle. 它显示了每个类型的GDI句柄总数,每个处理以及详细信息。
Special pleading about temporary factors will count for little at the general election likely in May. 狡辩称通胀加剧的因素多是暂时性的并不会过多影响或于五月举行的大选。
it's to make your life count for God, to invest it in what God says is going to make a difference. 但是会让你的生活体现出上帝的价值,做上帝说的事将会有所不同。
You want the exercise to count for something and to produce results; otherwise it was a waste of effort. 因为你想要的是运动有所价值,而且会得到某些好处,否则就是白白费力了。
A man with no sense of responsibility does not count for anything . 一个没有责任心的人没有任何价值。
The main effect of these additional observations is a 100-point increase in the frequency count for each response alternative. 这些额外调查对象的主要影响是,使得每个回答情形的频率计数增加了100点。
In the long run, that will count for more than any number of trade initiatives. 从长远来看,其价值将超过许多贸易举措。
In other branches of talent and learning American names began to count for something. 在别的艺术和学术部门,美国人也开始引人瞩目。
When the caller reacquires the lock, the system calls Enter as many times as necessary to restore the saved Enter count for the caller. 当调用方重新获取锁时,系统按还原调用方的已保存Enter计数所需要的次数调用Enter。
Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. 这无疑是一个不错的死法,死在别人——我钟爱的人的家里。甚至可以说轰轰烈烈。这应该算是死得其所。