
美 [weɪt]英 [weɪt]
  • v.等;等待;等候;期待
  • n.等待;等候;等待的时间
  • 网络等等;等一下;等待光标

第三人称单数:waits 现在分词:waiting 过去式:waited

wait minute,wait bus,wait hour,wait week,wait month
wait patiently,anxiously wait


v. n.

1.[i][t]等;等待;等候to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens

2.[i][t](尤指长期地)希望,盼望,期待to hope or watch for sth to happen, especially for a long time

3.[i]准备妥;在手边;可得到;可使用to be ready for sb to have or use

4.[i]推迟;搁置;延缓to be left to be dealt with at a later time because it is not urgent


an accident/a disaster waiting to happen

隐患a thing or person that is very likely to cause danger or a problem in the future because of the condition it is in or the way they behave

I, they, etc. cant wait/can hardly wait

(我、他们等)迫不及待used when you are emphasizing that sb is very excited about sth or keen to do it

keep sb waiting

(尤指因迟到)让人等候,使人耽搁to make sb have to wait or be delayed, especially because you arrive late

wait and see

耐心等待;等着瞧used to tell sb that they must be patient and wait to find out about sth later

wait at table

伺候进餐;(往饭桌上)端饭上菜to serve food to people, for example at a formal meal

wait for it

(要说出令人吃惊或高兴的事情)听着,听好了used to say that you are about to tell sb sth that is surprising or amusing

wait a minute/moment/second

等一会儿;稍等一下to wait for a short time

wait on sb hand and foot

过分照顾;让…饭来张口,衣来伸手to take care of sb's needs so well that they do not have to do anything for themselves

wait tables

(在餐馆)端盘子,招待顾客to work serving food to people in a restaurant

wait till/until…

(兴奋地表示或展示某事物)等到…吧used to show that you are very excited about telling or showing sth to sb

what are we waiting for?

(建议都应开始去做商议中的事)我们还在等什么呢used to suggest that you should all start doing what you have been discussing

what are you waiting for?

(让人马上就干而不要往后拖)你还等什么呢used to tell sb to do sth now rather than later

(just) you wait

(用以加强威胁、警告或允诺的语气)你就等着吧,你就等着瞧used to emphasize a threat, warning or promise


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... sure 当然 wait 等待 wait for 等候 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... sure 当然;的确 wait 等待;等候 wait for 等候;等待 ...


PEP英语五年级上册英语单词词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... day( 天;日子) 38. wait等等;等待) 39. tomorrow( 明天) 40. ...


4个字母以下的单词 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... cry- 哭 wait- 等一下 mom- 妈 ...


lrary - 博客园 ... hand : 手形光标 wait等待光标 vertical-text : 水平I形光标 ...


英语口语极短句->> 完全免费的英语学习网站! ... 111. Unbelievable! 难以置信! 114. Wait! 等一等! 117. Willingly! 很乐意! ...


3. 天生歌姬A-Lin完美诠释的”宫囍之歌”《等你(Wait)》4. SUPER JUNIOR M周觅首次独挑大梁动人演唱的”敦贺莲之歌”《不留 …

They wait for a boss (hopefully a great one) to give them responsibility or authority or experiences that add up to a career. 他们等待老板(最好是一个好老板)给他们任务或者是权利或者是有用的经历给他们历练。
Well, you know, even tigers are afraid of me. You do not play with me, you wait and see! 哼,你们知道吗?就连老虎都怕我三分,你们不和我玩,有你们好瞧的!
Mary Dan, the youngest, asked me to wait for her to grow up so that we could get married. 玛丽。丹,他们家的老么,让我等着她长大,我们好结为夫妻。
It was kind of him to wait. 多蒙他好心等候。
So it was no surprise when he told a pro-immigration rally in Las Vegas last month that reform could wait no longer. 因此,他上月在拉斯维加斯支持移民的集会上表示移民改革迫在眉睫毫不令人意外。
Worried about having to stand up in the aisle in a crowded bus, or to wait hours for the next departure? 你还在担心只能站在拥挤的大巴过道里或者为赶上下一班车而等待几个钟头吗?
Shout "Fire! " in a crowded theatre and people do not wait to see the evidence before they rush for the exits. 就好像在坐满观众的剧院里大喊一声“着火了”,人们不等看到就已经狂奔向出口。
Yeah, you'll be back in a few days. I can't wait to see ya. What? You're glad Rebecca's here? 是,你过几天就会回来。我等不及要见你。什么?你高兴丽贝卡在这儿?
Pawan told Thuma that he wanted to marry her, so Thuma told him to wait and she would divorce her husband to be with him. Pawan告诉Thuma想要娶她,所以Thuma请他给她一段时间,她会跟她老公离婚之后跟他在一起。
Please wait for a while. I shall explain it for you after I finish this. 请稍等,我办完这笔业务再为您解答。
You are still the person I love , I'll wait for you till the day you give your hand for me with your heart. 你仍然是我最喜欢的人,我会等到你牵起我手的那一天。
Zhang says the competition , humor and office gossip in the book intrigue d her. "I can't wait to embark on my own career, " she said. 张珊珊还说,书中所描写的竞争,诙谐幽默的语言和办公室八卦深深吸引了她。“我迫不及待地想开始自己的职场生涯,”她说。
She had heard the new rules, and did not mind the long wait as long as it kept her safe. 她已经听说了新规定,只要为了保证安全,并不介意长时间的等待。
Frank: Yeah. I'm ready to submit everything now. We just have to wait for them to call our number. 是啊。我都准备好了,可以交出去了。现在只等他们叫我们的号码。
When the King of Lu prepared to start the offensive, Cao Gui, his general, stopped him and said: "Wait a moment! The time has not come. " 鲁王正准备下令发动进攻,他的将军曹刽阻止道:“等等,现在还不行。”
Maybe I will never have your heart, but I hope you know that I will always wait for you. Even more painful to wait than to leave. 也许我永远不会拥有你的心,但我希望你知道,我会永远等着你。痛苦的等待,而不是离开。
I can wait to be able to leave also but I only want to know fact and truth. 我可以等待也可以离开,但我只想知道事实和真相!
She said, in fact, anyone to leave our life, life always continues, no one must stay for us, I should not wait for no man. 她说,其实任何一个人离开我们的生活,生活始终都还在继续,没有人必须为我们停留,我也不该为任何人停留。
Do not forget about me 'cause I will forever think about you, and I cannot wait for you to see me again. 别忘记我,因为我会永远惦记着你们,我等不及再次让你们看到我。
You just have to be willing to wait a year, but trust me, a year goes by pretty fast these days (I think it's inflation or something). 1. 你只需要花一年的时间来等待结果,但是相信我,现在的一年过得是很快的(我想是通货膨胀或者其它的原因吧)。
When it snowed, the children and I would wait for a very late bus together. 下雪时,孩子们和我会焦急地等候很晚才到的车。
All medical staff could do was admit her to hospital and wait for what they believed was the inevitable miscarriage. 医务人员所能做无非就是让她住院,他们认为只能等着她流产。
I guess I just have to wait for a call-up. But at the moment I am still playing for England so it's a bit of a difficult situation. 我认为我必须得等待召唤,但是目前,我依旧为英格兰踢球,因此这是一个困难的局面。
"I'm excited about Theo Walcott and I can't wait to start working with him, " said Sven Goran Eriksson after announcing his squad. “我为沃尔科特而激动并等不及要开始和他一起工作了,”埃里克森周一宣布他的名单时如是说。
Count to ten, take a deep breath, sleep on it, wait until the next day to send that email. . . any kind of delay is good. 数到10、做深呼吸、隔一宿、等到第二天再发出那封电子邮件。任何类别的延迟都有帮助。
Morty: So, you stand in the lobby, by the elevator, and wait for her to come down for lunch. 莫迪:那你就站在大堂,守在电梯口,等她下来吃饭。
I really feel sorry about this. Please wait for a while. I'll call our manager right now. 真的很抱歉。请您稍等。我马上去找我们经理。
Manager: Please ask her to wait for a few minutes. I will go there after a while. 经理:请她等一下,我待会就去。
I do not know why I can wait for you two for so long. 我不知道为什么我可以等你两年了这么久。
Wait a minute. Did you say Jay Chou? That's awesome! I envy you. I would love to meet him in person. 等等,你是说周杰伦吗?真棒啊,我好羡慕你,我也想看看他本人。