wear and tear

美 [ˌwer ən ˈter]英 [ˌweər ən ˈteə(r)]
  • na.磨损;衰竭;伐采
  • 网络消耗;损耗;耗损

wear and tearwear and tear

wear and tear


固定资产英语词汇 ... 在建工程 Construction-in-process 磨损 Wear and tear 过时 Obsolescence ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(W2) ... wear and tear 损耗 wear and tear 消耗 wear and tear 自然磨损 ...


联合国会议口译词汇 - 翻译学习资料区 大家论坛 ... variances 差额 Wear and tear 损耗 Weighted averages 加权平均数 ...


英语—医学 ... watch out[ 注意] · wear and tear[ 耗损] · wear out[ 用坏(变旧)] · ...


Shina_新浪博客 ... 29.get hitched( 结婚) 30.wear and tear( 日久耗损) 32.on an even keel( 平稳地) ...


磨_百度百科 ... 磨光[ polish] 磨耗[ wear and tear] 磨合[ grinding in] ...


16)自然损耗 (Wear and Tear) 陈旧屋顶、水管漏水、门窗生锈及房屋结构出现轻微损毁,屋主都应尽快验查及维修,免除因日 …


航海及海运专业英语词汇(W2) ... wear and tear 消耗 wear and tear 自然磨损 wear and-tear gauge 磨耗规 ...

Not anymore. Age and wear and tear from his grueling 12-round battles with Pacquiao have had an impact on him. 今非昔比了,年龄以及对阵帕奎奥的12回合恶战,都已造成他的耗损。
There was also very little wear and tear on the bones which suggested that they had not been involved with any physical labor. 骨骼上也没有磨损和破裂痕迹,这说明他们并没有从事过体力劳动。
A pair of shoes may have lasted her for five years, for the wear and tear that she took out of them. 按照她损耗鞋子的情况,一双鞋子可能已穿了五年。
The owner of the land is now selling tickets to people who want to see the crater, reportedly to pay for wear and tear on the road. 那块田地的主人现在售票给前来参观陨石坑的人们,报道称道路都压坏了。
Conclusion: The set has been used for a very long time without any proper maintenance, which has resulted in a lot of wear and tear. 总结:该机组由于长期使用,并缺乏相对应的保养措施,使得该机器老化程度严重。
the product easy to wear and tear parts (alloy seal) is not within the scope of the warranty. 本产品之易损耗零部件(合金密封件)不在保修范围内。
Magnetism is also used to lift the train off the guideway to reduce friction, diminishing wear and tear where the train meets the guideway. 磁性也被用于举火车导沟减少摩擦、减少的火车遇见导沟的磨损。
t worry about it. A little wear and tear is to be expected. 别担心,一点点的磨损是免不了的。
High chromium cast iron has widely been used in the case of wear and tear. 高铬白口铸铁在磨料磨损应用中具有极大的优越性。
The SUPPLIER shall be responsible, at his own cost, for the timely production of a subsequent TOOL due to wear and tear. 若发生磨损,供应商应负责自担费用,及时生产后续工具。
Therefore, as long as a little bit of time spent to carry out proper maintenance, they can better control its degree of wear and tear. 所以,只要稍微花费一点时间进行适当的保养,就能够很好地控制其磨损度。
Second-hand seats are also likely to be older, to have suffered more wear and tear and may not be designed to current safety standards. 二手座椅也有可能是老年人,遭受更多的磨损,也许不能满足目前的安全标准。
Your gums may also be showing some wear and tear from all that blood and estrogen. 因为血液和雌性激素的影响,你的牙龈也可能会有一定程度的磨损。
But his massive stature was also the cause of the wear and tear on his leg and ankle that forced him to retire. 但他庞大的身形也是他的腿和踝关节,迫使他退出的磨损和撕裂的原因。
Part of the Perp 's job is to drain your resources through endless auto repairs made out to look like normal wear and tear. 犯罪者工作的一部分是通过表面看似正常磨损的,无止尽的汽车修理来耗尽你的资源。
of this Lease, Party B shall reinstate the Leased Unit to its original condition( normal wear and tear excepted) and return it to Party A. 乙方租赁期满或退还终止租赁时,须交还房屋及恢复房屋原状(屋及其设备因自然磨损除外)甲方。
Wear and tear to be prevented as well as damage, ingress of grit and dirt, water and oil, paint over spray, burning damages etc. 防止诸如破损、进入灰尘和污泥、水、油、油漆飞溅、烧损等损耗和危害。
You would be better off just giving your money to the experienced traders, as it would save on your emotional wear and tear. 你只要将钱交给有经验的交易员打理,状况会好很多,因为这样你就会减少在感情上的损失。
e. g. We shall need to evaluate how the new material stands up to wear and tear. 我们必须对新材料的耐磨损性进行评估。
Flared rims add strength to withstand years of wear and tear and aid in pouring sauces safely without drips and splashes. 外展的边缘,有助于安全倒汤,不会滴出来和溅出来,同时也经久耐用。
The reformed one has made up for the defect that go down material slot hold up stuff easily, and avoid serious wear and tear. 提出了相应的改造方案,通过改造消除了下料溜槽易粘料的缺陷,避免了对筒体磨损严重的现象。
He certainly would reduce the wear-and-tear on Wade, while providing the kind of thrills that Wade does every night. 他当然会减少磨损,韦德,同时提供什么样的刺激,韦德并不每晚。
But given time, the rail will take a lot of wear and tear, and our system will scrutinise every small change at all times. 但假以时日,铁路将会遭到磨损,而我们的系统会始终仔细检查着每个细小的变化。
Lengthy downtimes can be avoided, thanks to early detection of wear and tear, which enables resultant emergency stops to be precluded. 由于能够及时发现磨损部件,排除了紧急制动的可能性,因而避免了长时间的停机。
However, due to wear and tear, the wall structure appears to have loosened. 由于原有的砌石墙已经老化,出现松散现象。
With every bend you weaken the paperclip , and even though it's made of metal, in time the constant wear and tear weakens it so it breaks. 每一次的扳动都使得回形针更加松动,即使回形针是金属制的,持续的来回扳动仍然会被破坏。
I tell him Stallone enlightened Matt Lauer on the Today Show, that "it takes the wear and tear" from the body. 我告诉他说,史泰龙在《今日秀》节目中开导了马特-劳厄尔,说那“对身体损伤很严重的。”
Durability obsolescence----depreciation in the value of a current product when its usefulness declines due to wear and tear. 持久萎缩——当由于穿衣和撕扯使用其实用价值降低时,当前产品所贬的价值。
Mud seat is equipped with a four skeleton oil seal and the sleeve to prevent shaft wear and tear, extending the service life of shaft. 泥浆泵座中装有四只骨架油封和轴套,防止轴磨损,延长轴的使用寿命。
Fair wear and tear, inherent vice or nature of the cargo; and. 货物的自然损耗、本身的缺陷和自然特性;