reflect on

  • v.考虑;回想
  • 网络反省;思考;仔细考虑

第三人称单数:reflects on 现在分词:reflecting on 过去式:reflected on

reflect onreflect on

reflect on


... 6. line up 排队等候 7. reflect on 反思,思考;反省 8. aspirations 抱负,渴望,志向 ...


现代大学英语精读第一册Unit10_旺旺英语教学网 ... reasonable 合乎情理的 reflect on 思考 Rio 里约热内卢 ...


四级词组短语_百度文库 ... in addition 另外 reflect on 考虑,深思 allow for 顾及 1.2 ...


新视野大学英语2短语 - 豆丁网 ... more to the point 更为重要的是 46. reflect on 仔细考虑 47. in advance 事先;预先 48. ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... red tape 繁文缛节 reflect on 回忆 regular guy 好人,靠得住的人 ...


新概念第三册精解 ... cross out 划掉 reflect on sth 细想…… reflect upon oneself 自我反省 ...


四级词组短语_百度文库 ... in addition 另外 reflect on 考虑,深思 allow for 顾及 1.2 ...


新视野大学英语2词组复习材料 - 豆丁网 ... refer to 查阅,询问 reflect on 思索 rely on 依靠 . ...

Fortunately, people began to reflect on the beginning of the return of real estate ads also appeared in a more distinct Chinese style. 可喜的是,有识之士开始反省,开始了回归,房地产广告也出现了一股越来越鲜明的中式风格。
Before we focus on what must happen next, let us pause for a minute and reflect on that initial debate and the lessons to be learnt. 在我们关注于接下来采取什么行动之前,让我们暂停下来,反思一下最初的辩论以及可以吸取的教训。
Always reflect on issues objectively and do not blindly get caught up in hearsay. 要培养智慧,踏实地做人做事,不能盲目听信传闻而不重思考。
Take a moment to reflect on what you could do differently to invite more of these things into your life. 花些时间想想你能做些让这些事情在你的生活里更经常的出现。
But I also want to take a moment today to reflect on what I believe is the meaning of this distinctly American holiday. 但今天我还想利用这一时刻思考我所坚信的这一特别美国节日具有的真正意义。
Paul's constant concern was that nothing would reflect on the name of Christ, on the testimony of the church or on his own testimony. 保罗最关心的,是不要让任何东西使基督的名蒙羞,或影响教会及他本人的见证。
This point, self come to Shenzhen in 2007 to the present, or to do bad, there is no time to reflect on their own. 这一点自我07年来到深圳到现在,还是做的不好,没有及时的去反思自己。
As I climb higher, I reflect on man's desire to sit on the throne of the gods. Every step taken seems to bring me closer to heaven. 当爬到高一点的地方时,我想起了凡人想坐上诸神宝座的欲望。
He had touched on Sondra, and she was still too near his heart to reveal anything that would reflect on her. 他提到桑德拉的事,可是桑德拉至今还是他的心上人,他决不泄漏足以牵连到她的事。
It is a point to reflect on, because if you desire to ascend there is no place in the higher dimensions for anything but Universal Love. 这是一个表现点,因为如果你想要提升,就必须知道在更高的维度除了“宇宙之爱”没有其他的东西可以继续停留。
My classmates were Buddhist and had a strong faith, which inspired me to reflect on my own views about the meaning of life. 我的西藏同学们是信仰坚定的佛教徒,他们的信仰启发了我去思考自己生命的意义。
I also strongly encourage you to reflect on our good fortune in that none of our colleagues have been harmed. 此外,我还想鼓励大家我们是幸运的,因为我们的同事都没有受到伤害。
If you've been working hard, don't be afraid to take a break and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or to reflect on your goals. 如果你一直在努力工作着,不要害怕停下歇会,给自己找个靠背享受一下你应得的小憩或者静下来反思一下自己的目标。
I acknowledge that this rumor did not come out of nowhere and I'll try to reflect on what might've started this rumor. 我知道这些传闻不会无处衍生出来的。我会尝试去理解究竟什麽形成了这传闻的开端。
"We advise the US side to reflect on its own human rights issues and not to position itself as a preacher of human rights, " he said. “我们建议美国仔细考虑他们本国的人权问题,不要把自己摆在人权问题传教士的位置上,”他说。
He thought they had more time to reflect on things and were not all that easy for his right-wing critics to stampede. 他认为他们有更多时间来仔细考虑问题,并不那么容易受右翼批评家影响而把选票全部投给他们。
Today is a good day to reflect on what you are doing with sex and turn it over to your higher mind to straighten out for you. 今天是个好日子,反思自己利用性在做什麽,并把它交讬至你的高层心灵为你清理。
Encounters with other people might cause you to reflect on a few things right now, and that could be a good thing for you. 碰到一些以前不熟悉的人会扩展你的思路和了解更多的事情,这是个占便宜的事儿。
The Delegation went on to say that Member States could also reflect on those perspectives to help shape their positions. 代表团继续说成员国也可以就这些看法提出建议以说明其立场。
Images, one of the cultural ways is affecting our life gradually, we just began to reflect on how education can in face of the image times. 图像,作为一种文化的方式正渐渐侵袭的时候,我们才开始反思教育如何面对图像时代。
So if anybody here has trouble with the concept of design humility, reflect on this -- it took us 5000 years to put wheels on our luggage. 在场如果有人对这个「设计师的谦虚」概念有疑问,听听这句话:我们花了5000年才为行李箱装上轮子。
He explains he needs a relationship to be over for him to be able to reflect on it creatively. 他说,自己需要一段结束的感情,才能回顾、创作。
To get the most out of each achievement, you owe it to yourself to pause and reflect on the experience before you move on to the next one. 为了获得几乎每个成就,你应该停顿和反思这些经历,然后再移动到下一个。
the CMS is nothing but a back end system where changes are made, and these changes reflect on the front end of the site. CMS仅仅是一个后端系统,在那里可以做出改变,这些改变在网站的前端表现出来。
It was a peaceful moment, a time to pause and reflect on the beauty of landscape, and my place in life. 在这一个宁静的时刻,可以驻足欣赏景观之美,可以思考我在人生中的位置。
However, it has made many of you reflect on your own response, and that can only lead to a greater understanding of yourself. 然而,这也使得许多你在你自己的反应反映,这只能导致对自己的认识。
Rather than regretting my foreign origin, I began to reflect on the outdated Chinese way of looking at foreigners. 我不再为我的外国原籍遗憾,而是开始反思中国人对外国人的陈旧看法。
If I just reflect on the question and ponder where we are led seriously, there might be more in the body than in our philosophy. 如果要我对问题作出回应并且严肃地思考我们将被带入何方,那里更有可能是在身体上而不是思想上。
At the beginning of the month, take some time to reflect on your year so far. 月初,花些时间来回顾今年从头至今的一些概况。
I often reflect on this story and felt that such a spirit of self-sacrificing oneself to save living beings is truly remarkable. 这个故事给我的启示很大:我常常想,这种舍身救众生的精神多麽伟大呀!