walk up to

  • na.走近
  • 网络走向;走到;走至

walk up towalk up to

walk up to


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(W1)|无忧教育 ... walk through 敷衍 walk up to 走近 walk up 请进 ...


重点词组(10) - 冬日恋歌的日志 - 网易博客 ... 17.walk up 沿着…走 18.walk up to 走向… 21.wander from 离题 ...


up to 都有什么意思 举几个有趣的例子_百度知道 ... run up to—— 跑到(某人面前) walk up to—— 走到 be up to—— 暗中做 …


13 ... He was worn down by fatigue. 他劳累过度,健康会受损。 walk up to 走至 watch out for 监视;留意;防备 ...


廸克生片语 - ................... -... ... drive up to 开到;走到 walk up to 开到;走到 day in and day out 天天;日复一日 ...

I forced myself to walk up to the house with him. We reached the front door which was shut and stopped. 我强迫自己和他一起向那栋房子走去,终于,在紧锁的门前我们止住了脚步。
You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink. 你站起来抻直自己的领带,走过去为她倒了杯饮料。
Come on! You can just walk up to a girl and say: "If you were a booger I' d pick you first. " 嗨,老兄!你只要走到一个女孩的跟前然后对她说:“如果你是布格,我很喜欢选择和你一起。”
And you walk up to the front of the tank. Then you realize that these animals all have different personalities. 当你走到水族箱前面,你就会发现这些章鱼们的性格各不相同。
How else, she asks, could she walk up to strangers and ask if they wanted her to take her clothes off? 当站起来走向陌生人,问他们想不想要她把衣服都脱光的时候,她还能做什么别的吗?
Literally walk up to one of your employees, and invite them to lunch with you. 直接走向你的员工,邀请他们共进午餐。
If customers find themselves without a smartphone or internet access, they can simply walk up to a car to see if it is available. 如果用户没带手机或无法联网,也可以直接走到Smart跟前,看它是否能供使用。
Can you walk up to any one of your teammembers and have this person clearly define his or her role andresponsibilities on the team? 你能够走向你团队中的任何一个成员并让他或她明确自己在团队里的角色和职责吗?
Elton decided to walk up to her place and put off by half - an -hour or so the important business which lay before him. 艾尔顿决定到她那里去,将摆在他面前的重要事情推迟半小时左右。
Today, I was sitting at a red light when a homeless man began to walk up to my car. 今天我停在红灯前,一个要饭的向我走过来。
If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonner and say, " Hey, Butterfly Man, " his face would break into a smile. 如果你走向亚瑟·邦那并且说:“嗨,蝴蝶男人”,他的脸上会绽放出笑容。
I had turned into a trembling, alienated social phobic who didn't dare to walk up to anyone and ask them for five minutes of their time. 我开始变得惊恐和疏远人群,甚至不敢走向路人请求他为我腾出5分钟的时间。
You walk up to the gate, where you see an older version of yourself waiting for you. 你走进门,在那里等着的是更年长的自己,两个你相谈甚欢。
You walk up to take the penalty and it's like walking in slow motion, your throat goes dry, you can't hear anything, that's what I felt. 你去罚点球的时候,走得很慢,喉咙很干,你听不到任何声音,这是我的感觉。
The first thing you do when stepping into an American's outer suburb house would be, I'm afraid, to walk up to the scenery-admiring window. 走进一户住在郊外的美国人家,你做的第一件事恐怕就是朝景窗走去。
I wanted to walk up to him and punch him in the chops . 我很想走上前去,狠狠往他脸上打上一拳。
The wrong way is to walk up to a foreigner and say, " Hey, can I teach you Chinese and you teach me English? " 错误的方式是,走近一老外,说“嘿,我可以教你汉语,你教我英语,行吗?”
Walk up to the ladder. Now press and hold Action to climb onto it. Keep this button pressed, and use forward to climb to the top. 到梯子这里,按住动作键,再按住前进键到达顶部攀上去。
IMAGINE you could walk up to Bill Gates or even a historical figure like financier J. 设想一下,你有机会走近比尔盖茨或一位像金融家J。
But now, lucky ticket holders are being allowed to walk up to the crown. 现在,拿到票的幸运者们可以攀向皇冠啦。
Children born to learning to walk up to the present primary school, on the cezi record of her growing up. 不小人从不入世到学步到此刻上了小学,这不梢册子纪录了她的成长。
Just walk up to the front of window and deep breath. 仅仅是走向窗前望向窗外,深呼吸。
I ought to walk up to within, say, twenty-five yards of the elephant and test his behavior. 我应该走近这家伙,比如说,到离它二十五码远的地方,试探一下它的反应。
Chinese modern history is a process of western academic ideas spread to China and China walk up to modernization ceaselessly. 中国近代史是一个西学东渐、中国不断走向现代化的进程。
Im just going to walk up to her and introduce myself. 我就要走向她,向她介绍我自己
Anne: I'm dead serious. Yesterday, before class starts, she walk up to Mr. Edward's desk and goes, 'Good morning, Jim. ' 安妮:我可不是开玩笑。昨天上课前,她走到爱德华先生的讲台前说:“早安,吉姆。”
When I walk up to a table of six or seven people and one person decides everyone needs water. 当我去一个有六七个人的桌子时,一个人点了所有人的饮料。
In twos and threes, they walk up to the small poolside garden where Elvis is buried. 他们三三两两走向池畔边的小花园,在那儿猫王长眠于地下。
You can then walk up to its gates like Moses on the water. 你可以像摩西行走在水上一样走向城堡的大门。
Another day, walk up to someone at a party who you would like to meet and initiate conversation. 改日,在一个聚会上,主动向你想要认识和进行交谈的人打招呼。