come by

美 [kʌmbaɪ]
  • na.到手;通过附近;〔美俚〕拜访
  • 网络得到;获得;看望

第三人称单数:comes by 现在分词:coming by 过去式:came by

come bycome by

come by


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come before 在…之前来 come by 从旁走过;得到 come down 败落 ...


万能高频动词 (35个)用法手册 - 豆丁网 ... come at… 袭击 come by获得 come down with… 患(病) ...


高考英语听力习语必备 ... come along 进展; 一块来去 come by 参观,访问,拜访 come in 进来,到达,起作用 ...


高三英语短语总结性问题,求救!!!!!!!!!!... ... come between(2) 妨碍(某人做某事) come by(2) 访问,看望 come off(2…


英语巴士论坛 ... measure sth against sth 于...相比会...样 come by 找到 bereft of 缺少 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come before 在…之前来 come by 从旁走过;得到 come down 败落 ...


大学英语四级词汇短语总归纳-自考-搜狐博客 ... run at 攻击 come by 偶然遇见,弄到 cut by 削减,少了 ...


九年级英语上册重点短语归纳总结 - 豆丁网 ... come true 实现 13. come by 经过 14. come for 取 15. ...

No greater resource available to the developer is as easy to come by as the lowly and traditional book. 对开发人员而言,没有哪一种资源能比价格便宜的传统书籍更容易获取。
There's been a lot of comment and just a lot of laughing. It seems that people won't come by here anymore. 很多人对此有意见,多是在嘲笑我,看样子大家再也不会打这经过了。
Although exact numbers are hard to come by, Worrall is one of a growing number of pet owners who pose as their animals on social networks. 尽管准确数字难以统计,确实有越来越多像Worrall一样的宠物拥有者将他们的宝贝放入社交网站上。
Other opportunities to see the total phase of this eclipse of the Sun were also hard to come by. 看到这次日全食的全食阶段的机会来之不易。
Russians are very hospitable. So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages). 俄罗斯人热情好客,所以如果你来做客,准备好饮用红茶,吃肥腻的食物(比如腊肠)吧。
Some, including Tata Motors, overextended themselves when commodity prices were high and credit was easy to come by. 在商品价格高、信贷较容易获取的时候,包括塔塔汽车在内的某些公司就有些不自量力了。
and she could not help thinking her poor dear sister Price would feel it very unkind of her not to come by such an opportunity. 有这么好的机会她再不去,她认为她那可怜的亲爱的普莱斯妹妹定会觉得她太不讲情意了。
Admittedly, a satisfactory resolution is not always easy to come by. 诚然,要让双发都很满意地解决问题并不容易。
Some climbers had come by and looked at him, and he heard them say, "He's dead. " 有些登山者经过他身旁,打量了他一番,然后他听到他们说,“他已经死了。”
This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections. 这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。
I'm going to call Rita Mae at home and ask her to come by and talk about it. She wants to see Max, anyway. 我要给RitaMae家里打电话,请她过来谈这件事,反正她也想看看Max呢。
The two wingers would switch sides halfway through the first period but possession in and around the penalty area was hard to come by. 开始阶段,两个边锋在中线附近换边,但是很难在禁区附近寻找到机会。
Visit our all-day dining or Chinese restaurants for a great meal or come by our Lobby Lounge to simply relax. 您可光临我们的全天候餐厅或中式餐厅尽享美食,或是到大堂贵宾厅放松休闲。
Though crisps, sweets and doughnuts are easy to come by, an apple is a rare commodity . 虽然炸薯片,糖果和油炸面圈饼很容易得到,但是苹果确实稀缺的农产品。
Figures are not easy to come by, but one mine uses 106 million cubic feet of water a year. 要得出具体数据不太容易,但是一个矿一年要用106000000立方英尺的水。
They warned they were less confident of those numbers than of the general population figures because sectarian data is harder to come by. 研究人员警告说,相对于总人口的数字,他们对于这些数字不是很有把握,因为有关教派的数据不是很容易得到。
The Save: Clean slates are hard to come by, but with a little professional help Gibbo could get a bit of a leg-up. 拯救策略:将往事一笔勾销是很困难的,但若是借助一些专业帮助,吉普森就能重新站起来。
However, QFII assets have not been easy to come by, as many QFII managers are not in need of mainland-based investment advisers. 不过,QFII资产向来不易获得,因为许多QFII管理者并不需要内地的投资顾问。
More than 20 ventures are currently in existence and although financial information is hard to come by, they seem to be doing well. 目前多达20家企业都存活下来了并且即使在财务信息很难获得的情况下,他们看上去发展的仍很不错。
However, whilst government rhetoric stridently opposes them, both prostitutes and pornography remain easy to come by in modern China. 然而,虽然政府华丽丽地强烈反对娼妓和色情作品,但是在现代的中国你依然能很容易地找到。
Hunting requires a very concentrated mind. A man may have had to hide up a tree for a week waiting for a deer to come by. 狩猎需要集中精神,男人可能需要在树上躲藏长达一个星期等待小鹿送上门来。
The farmer would come by each day during the summer and pick us up in his truck for the 30-minute ride to his farm. 在夏天,农民每天都开着卡车来接我们,30分钟就能到他们的农场。
Come by how much years, you deep in my heart. 走过了多少年,一直埋在心间。
A few days later though, I saw Greg again and we talked. He said he ran a poker club and told me I could come by any time. 几天后,我再次遇到了格雷格并且和他攀谈起来,他告诉我,他经营着一所牌吧,并随时欢迎我光临。
Other young people do not find money so easy to come by. 而其他的年轻人想要来钱就没这么容易了。
Fat commissions are good, but not always easy to come by, and each new painting takes its time. 肥腴的佣金是不错,但不是常常会遇上,每一幅新画总要花时间。
He said, "Oh, you can just come by anytime, even if I'm not here and load up all you want . " 他说:“哦,你可以随时来走走,即使我不在这里,装上你想要的一切。”
As I was enjoying it, I noticed other customers saying goodbye to the staff, saying they would be come by again. Think I'll be back as well. 我在享受它的时候,我发现其他的顾客对餐厅的员工说再见,并说他们将再次来的,我想我也会回来的。
I just want to come by and thank you for using our company and to ask if you've had any problems so far. 我仅是拜访一下。感谢你们选择我们公司,还有我想问问到目前为止你们有没有什么问题。
But now consumer budgets are being squeezed at a time when unemployment is still high and wage rises are hard to come by. 但在每次失业率居高不下,工资上涨难以追赶物价的时候,消费者的计划开支就被迫降低。