ought to

美 ['ɔ:t tə]英 ['ɔ:t tə]
  • modalv.应该;应当;(表示期望或可能发生的事)应该;(表示劝告或建议)应该
  • v.应该
  • 网络理应;应然;应该要

ought toought to

ought to

1.应该;应当used to say what is the right thing to do

2.(表示期望或可能发生的事)应该used to say what you expect or would like to happen

3.(表示劝告或建议)应该used to say what you advise or recommend

4.(表示可能发生的或真实的事情)应该used to say what has probably happened or is probably true


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ought v.aux 应当;应该 ought to 应当;应该 examine vt 检查 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... ought v.aux 应当;应该 ought to 应当;应该 examine vt 检查 ...


高教自考英语词汇_百度文库 ... England n. 英格兰;(泛指)英国 ought to v. 应该,理应 international a. 国际的,世界(性)的 ...


从实然(be)推不出应然ought to),从理性中推不出道德,从功利中推不出正义,这些均是哲学界和伦理学界的共识。经济 …


(2). 我应该要(ought to): 这是一种责任性的承诺。   当个体对于关系相当满意时,这种承诺大致可以实践,   但是当个体不满意他 …


Cruella De Vil | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... kill: (被杀死的)猎获物 ought to: 应该,应该做 released: 释放 ...

If he has any doubt as to which side he ought to be on, he need only ask that bellwether of public opinion, his old friend Oprah Winfrey. 如果他对支持哪一方有任何疑虑的话,他只需要问问民意代表,他的老朋友OprahWinfrey。
She was in charge at the time and, if she did not know, she ought to have done. 她当时是《世界新闻报》的掌门人,如果她不知道,那真是太不应该了。
And the healthy stomach ought to be with respect to all food just as the mill with respect to all things which it is formed to grind. 健全的胃应当像磨子对待所有它天生要磨的东西一样对待所有食物。
She ought to have been the slimmest of the bunch: that she remained overweight was a frustration to her, and a mystery to all of us. 她应该是亭亭玉立身材最突出的一个:然而留给她的挫折则是超重,也给我们留下了疑惑。
"well, " he said, " I should think a man's legs ought to be long enough to reach from his body to the ground. " “嗯。”他说,“我认为一个人的腿是要能使他的身体够着地就行了。”
The engagement which ought to have kept her from joining in the former attempt would make it impossible for her to accompany them now. 说她十分抱歉不能去。她有约在先,上次就不该去,这次更不能奉陪了。
we ought to teach our young girls to have self respect here. there is a good bunch of them who do not know the meaning of the word. 我们应该教育我们的年轻女孩要有自尊。她们当中有很多人不知道这个词的含义。
It was a pity that I couldn't attend the ceremony because I ought to leave on the next morning. 可惜我第二天一早便要离开,错过了这场盛会,是我此行最大的遗憾。
If you think of others that you feel ought to be here, mention them in the comments. 如果你认为其他的也应该列在这,那就在评论中指出来。
By way of showing us what a nude ought to be like he hauls out a huge canvas which he had recently completed. 为了给我们讲解裸体画该是怎样的,他拖出一幅巨大的油画,这是他才画完的。
and if he had the fortune he ought to have, I should think you could not do better. 要是他得到了他应当得到的那份财产,那我就会觉得你这门亲事再好也没有了。
In fact, however, trauma is only a small part of a wide array of psychosocial issues that ought to be addressed. 而实际上,心理创伤只是一系列需要解决的繁杂的社会心理问题中的很小一部分。
The blame may lie where it ought to lie, and nowhere else, for I wash my hands of every part of it. 那罪过可以由该受罚的人去担当,不要加在别人身上,我对于这事不再过问了。
The polonium itself, with its rarity and trail of irradiated locations (see article) ought to be a telling clue. 由于钋本身稀有且所过之处留下的放射可被追踪(另见他文),应该能成为发掘信息的线索。
I knew she had strict sleeping habits, but I thought she ought to be able to give up some of this strictness. 我知道她对她的睡眠习惯很执着,但是我认为她必须可以放弃一些她执着的东西。
But even those of us long calloused by life within the Beltway ought to be able to see that we've got a problem. 即便如我们这些常年生活在环路里的人,也应当有能力看到这些问题。
You ought to be well up in children's diseases as you have studied them for eight years. 你对儿科疾病研究已有8年,按理应该很精通了。
The cornfield across the road does not seem nearly so tall or so green as it ought to be, given the time of year, but I am not discouraged. 道路的对面的玉米田几乎并不像一年时间里它应该长成的高大和碧绿,可是但我并不为此而感到气馁。
She glimpsed something of what life ought to be about. 她开始领悟到人生应该是怎么回事。
She put it back, and proceeded to get dinner early and in good time. Her little bravado made her feel as if she ought to make amends. 她把钱放回钱包,就去早早准备晚饭,以便按时开饭。她这样闹了一下之后,觉得自己似乎应该作些补偿。
IT REMAINS now to see what ought to be the rules of conduct for a prince towards subject and friends. 现在它仍然看到什么应该,是对主体和朋友的王子的行为规则。
Joan: Gee, I hadn't thought of that. Now, I suppose I ought to try to get something in business line, since that's my major in college. 琼:唔,这个我从未想到过。现在我认为我应当设法从商才对,因为在大学我是专门学商的。
"You ought to try it, " she said to Phyl, as she did every visit. “你该试试”,她对菲儿说,每次菲儿来时她总是这么说。
This massive amount of repetition of "generation" in the column by Mr. Safire ought to have already driven home the point. 在萨菲尔先生的专栏里大量重复使用“一代人”这个词应该已经揭示出了其主要观点。
I think it was a mistake, for the simple reason that I do not believe the United States of America ought to be involved in aggression. 我认为这是一个错误,原因很简单,我不相信我们的美利坚合众国会参与侵略。
According to what he said, he ought to be here now. 按他所说的,他现在应该到了。
Would it not be best to let Cyrus Harding judge of what he ought to do, and to warn him, at least, of the danger which threatened him? 要是能让赛勒斯·史密斯去考虑应该怎么办,至少让他知道可能遇到的危险,那样不是更好吗?
He said officials ought to consider the fact that demonstrations also take place in very stable, well-off countries. 何兵认为,政府人员应该深刻认识到这样一个事实:即使是在高度稳定和发达的国家,和平示威也会经常发生。
For large-medium scale, special or complex installation projects, construction designs or construction schemes ought to be complied as well. 对大中型、特殊的或复杂的安装工程尚应编制施工组织设计或施工方案。
not a few inches away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. 本来衣橱后壁只有几英寸远,但这盏灯看上去却在老远老远的地方。