out of stock

  • na.售完
  • 网络脱销;缺货;无存货

out of stockout of stock

out of stock


英语四级复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... sell out 售完; out of stock 没货,脱销; deliver 送货 2、居家琐事: ...


市场营销方面经常用到的术语_百度文库 ... WTD:Weighted/ 加权; OOS:Out of Stock/ 缺货; DIFF:Difference/ 变化; ...


雅思听力机经单词总结_百度文库 ... running facilities 跑步设备 23 out of stock 无存货 24 sport articles 体育用品 25 ...


英语四级复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... go through this novel 通读小说 out of stock 已脱销; out of print 已绝版 ...


四级真题词汇 - 豆丁网 ... out of reach 在够不着的地方 out of stock 脱销的 out of work 失业 ...


电梯专业英语词汇(四) ... out of service 故障,停止运行 out of stock 无现货 outer deck 外侧盖板 ...


浙大-胡小平听力词汇_百度文库 ... ice cream 冰淇淋 out of stock 无货 in stock 有货 在书店 ...


外贸跟单用到的口语_阿里学院 ... 25.Your card,please. 给我你的名片。 27.Out of stock. 没现货。 2. Any discount? 有折扣吗? ...

GNC Aloe Vera skin gel came too, it was out of stock for a while. This time, we ordered enough when it is available again. GNC芦荟胶也来了~这个曾经一度断货。现在,当它一来货,我们就定到了足够多的数量。
As a result of our product shipments faster, is a picture showing the product at any time for a variety of reasons out of stock. 由于我们的产品出货量比较快,图片是展示的产品随时会由于各种原因缺货。
What can I do if I were to find myself inadvertently out of stock of the medication I am taking and am unable to attend on a weekday ? 假若我非故意地发觉所用的药物用毕,而又不能于平日前来大学保健处取药,应怎么办?。
A new motherboard at least 6 million RMB, and equipped with the latest company happens to be out of stock. 换一个陈主不活起码给6不一元人民币,而其时海德堡公司又不巧不有货。
Waiting in line for a few hours only to find out that the model you want is out of stock is no fun. 花几个小时排队,发现你想要那一款没有货,这可一点都不好玩。
By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in ma fantastic rooms. 我们的产品因其优秀的质量,在很多区域时常脱销。
Throwing away leftovers is often better business than risking running out of stock. 扔掉余货总比冒着脱销的风险好。
Sorry, the size you need is out of stock, but you order in advance, maybe a week or so, we call you the moment we have. 对不起,这个尺寸现在没有货,但是可以办理预定,需要一周到十天的时间,货到后我们会和您联系。
By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas. 我们的产品因其优秀的质量,在很多地区经常脱销。
Yet appropriate attire always seems to be out of stock. 然而,合适的衣服似乎总是脱销。
In the near future, the author will visit sells the field to hear the promotion to relate the popular product will be out of stock news. 近期,笔者走访卖场就听到促销员们诉说热门产品断货的消息。
If an item is out of stock, the company policy is to ship what is available, and then ship the rest whenever the stock is replenished. 如果某件商品已脱销,公司的策略是发送可以提供的商品,然后在进货后再发送其余商品。
Salesperson: I'm not sure. If you can't find them on the rack, they may be out of stock. But let me look in the stockroom. 店员:不是很确定。如果鞋架上没有的话,可能已经卖完了。不过我先确认一下仓库中还有没有。
We should be able to make changes if the fabric is out of stock. . . we should also be able to add, remove the fabrics on our own. 我们应该能够做出改变,如果布料缺货…我们也应该能够添加,删除我们自己的面料。
Due to the shortage of production materials, we are currently out of stock of any whole wheat bread. 我们最近都没有全麦面包了,因为工厂缺少原料。
Fixed Bundle product with required option must have "Configure" button inactive if one of the option is out of stock. 与所需的选项固定捆绑产品必须有“配置”按钮无效,如果该选项之一是脱销。
Much has been made of the billions of dollars that small investors have been pulling out of stock funds. 小散户们迄今为止撤出股票基金的钱,大约有数十到上百亿美元。
And you've got to make it top of mind, so when we're out of stock in the store, the very next sentence is we can get that for you online. 但现在得把这个放到首要位置。店里缺货时,我们接下来要对顾客说的就是,我们可以在网上为您采购。
An originally available article might have gone just now out of stock. 例如,原来存在的文章现在可能已经消失了)。
Some of your purchased goods have out of stock. Please delete the purchased record marked 0 quantity on your cart. 当前您的购物车有商品已经没有货了,请将购物车内数量为0商品选购记录删除。
Better scheme of carrying spares may decrease the rate of spares out of stock and get higher supportability with carrying ability given. 给定运输能力的条件下,较好的备件运行量可以减少维修备件的缺货率,从而提高部队的维修保障能力。
I know it's difficult to have them delivered next week, but we'd appreciate if you could. We're completely out of stock at present. 我知道要下星期送货很难,但如果能的话,我们会很感激的。我们现在完全缺货。
In terms of tracking inventory for shipping, we went from having weekly out-of-stock products to having almost no out-of- stocks. 从追踪清单航运,我们就不必每周脱销产品具有几乎没有缺货。
The integration of the system and the distribution system meant that customers would rarely encounter out-of-stock items. 该系统和分配系统集成意味着,客户很少会遇到外的项目的股票。
As a matter of fact, we have run out of stock for a few weeks . 事实上我们的货已脱销几个星期了。
Since the banana diet to lose weight across Japan, the Japanese supermarket banana sales increase, or even often out of stock. 自从这种香蕉减肥食谱横扫日本后,日本超市里香蕉的销量剧增,甚至经常缺货。
The reason is simply that there is still a need to check the shelves within the store to refill before an out-of-stock situation occurs. 原因在于,为了在库存耗尽现象发生之前补充产品,仍然需要及时检查仓库中的存货。
Loose end of people who come to buy medicine under, loose end to drugs for has never been out of stock, introduce in healing treatment. 松尾手下的人前来买药,松尾以药品缺货为由,向来人引荐中治疗疗。
all orders received will be processed immediately and cannot be cancelled , unless the requested items are out of stock. 除所选商品已经售完外,所有经确认的订单都将被即时处理,并且不可撤消。
All orders received will be processed immediately and cannot be cancelled, unless the requested item is out of stock. 除非您订购的物品售缺,所有订单将被立即受理,不得取消。