knock off

  • na.敲落;中止(工作);即席作(诗文等);减低(价格)
  • 网络下班;停工;打落

第三人称单数:knocks off 现在分词:knocking off 过去式:knocked off

knock offknock off

knock off


初中英语短语归纳_百度知道 ... knock sb about 接连打击;粗暴对待 knock off 下班;收工 knock sb out 把某人打昏过去 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... knock down 撞倒;击落;拆除 knock off 把…敲掉;击倒;停工 knock out 敲空;(拳击中)击倒 ...


达克莱伊_百度百科 ... 戏法 Trick 打落 Knock Off 埋伏 Sucker Punch ...


2012届高考英语词组及搭配复习 ... knock into sb. 撞在。。。身上 knock off 敲掉,击倒,扣除,停工,下班 knock out 打昏, …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... knock down 撞倒;击落;拆除 knock off 把…敲掉;击倒;停工 knock out 敲空;(拳击中)击倒 ...


初中英语短语归纳_百度知道 ... knock sb about 接连打击;粗暴对待 knock off 下班;收工 knock sb out 把某人打昏过去 ...


knock的短语和例句_百度知道 ... knock down1. 击倒在地:用一击打倒在地;使倒下 knock off1. 停止工作 knock out1. 使昏迷 …


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(J-L) ... knock off 敲落 knock off 中止 knock rating 爆震率 ...

There was a group of us on the western side who used to all try to knock off the top level of the wall before the cement had time to try. 在西柏林这边,我们是一大伙子,一直尝试着在柏林墙上的水泥干燥前敲掉最上面的墙块。
On the other side, President Obama has got to knock off the nonsense when it comes to ideological spending and nanny state building. 另一方面,奥巴马总统已停止了说到思想支出和婆婆妈妈的国家建设时的胡言乱语。
It's easy to knock off the tasks on a list; it's hard to cope with that sense of having far too much work and nowhere near enough time. 从清单上去掉几项内容很简单,但是应付有很多工作要做又时间不够的感觉却不容易。
Alibaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him. 阿里巴巴远不是那些美国巨头的简单模仿者,事实上,反是他们从阿里巴巴身上学到了不少点子。
The woman really has a talent. She can knock off a new book at least once a year and we can count on it to be a best-seller. 那位女士确实有才气。她一年至少能完成一部新书,而且还必然畅销。
But this New Year, resolve to be a healthy weight and knock off the pounds that this holiday season may have put on. 但是在这个新年里,决心要有一个健康的体重和减少在这个假期里可能增加了的体重。
I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there. 过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。
While it lasted, he got them interested in a new device. This was to knock off being pirates, for a while, and be Indians for a change. 趁着这股劲儿,他又使他们对一种新式玩法产生了兴趣,这就是大家暂时放弃当海盗,改扮成印第安人,换换口味。
The person to knock off the last piece of the wood will get a prize, usually candies and chocolates. 击落最后一块木头的人就可以得到奖品,通常是糖果或巧克力。
Still, they face a tough challenge in trying to compete in a market well know for its ability to produce knock-off footwear. 尽管如此,他们面临着艰巨的挑战,必须努力在一个以生产仿制鞋出名的市场上竞争。
If he can knock off the next two opponents, he could get into the last part of the competition. 他如果能击败下两个对手,就可以进入最后一轮比赛。
But some academics now think it is possible to make cheap, knock-off versions of these expensive originals. 但是一些学术界人士认为现在可以制造这些昂贵正版的廉价复制品。
I know. I've noticed that you always seem to knock off some of the price. 是呀。我看你总是能砍掉一些。
For this time, the ducks could also power the shelves and things was quite trouble . . . but no passion any more, It could be knock off. 这次能上台也是赶鸭上架,颇具周折…不过也是激情不再,也可能是收工之作。
Goofed off? Maybe, but I'm not a clock-watcher. I finished doing what I should and then knock off an hour earlier. 开小差?也许吧,可我不是老看钟点等下班的人,我干完了我要干的,提前了一小时下班。
The Friday came after i knock off from my worked, I fetched her at her home, felt like a little bit nervous. 那个星期五下班以后,我开车去接她时,心里有一点紧张。
Men in the crowd jump on him, knock off his helmet, and beat him to the ground, kicking and punching. 群众里有些人跳到他身上,打落他的头盔,把他打倒在地上拳脚相向。
A battle with knock-off producers is not a good idea, he said. 一战与仿制生产商是一个不好的主意,他说。
Was it necessary and productive to mutate 21st century American-style capitalism into a thinly disguised knock-off of the New Deal? 把二十一世纪的美式资本主义转变成包装潦草并且禁不住推敲的新政策是否必要而奏效?
In the morning, the wind stopped by the gate, sesame giant knock off. 早晨,风停了,芝麻巨人的大门被敲开了。
After we knock off that liquor store we'll have to lay low for a while. 等我们击倒这家酒水商店就潜伏一段时间。
Unluckily for Aron it was a piece of crap knock-off that he probably got from an aunt at Christmas. 而阿隆不幸的是这只是一个教堂大妈给的用处不大的东西。
Things like iPods you just have to knock off the list, but birds in the trees around my kitchen have become my new iPod. 像iPod这类东西,我直接从清单上划去,不过,在我厨房四周林间的鸟儿成了我新的iPod。
Knock off the 5% or so inflation will gnaw away and that's hardly enticing, even if those top ratings are sustainable. 即使英国能长期保持顶级评级,考虑到5%左右的通货膨胀率,这点回报也实在没什么吸引力。
Plan this with the placement of your anti-infantry defensive structures to allow them time to knock off your opponents infantry. 放置反步兵防御建筑的时候要有计划,以便给他们时间消灭敌人的步兵。
Last night I worked overtime to put a new engine in that old white car and didn't knock off until nine o'clock. 昨晚我为那辆旧白车安装新的引擎而加班干到九点才下班。
I'd love to go to the movies with you, but tonight I have to stay home and knock off a term paper for my English class. 我真想和你们一起去看电影。可是,今晚我得呆在家里给英语课写期终报告。
We are not the complaining type, but this hotel should knock off a couple of stars from its rating. 我们并不是喜欢抱怨的人,但这家酒店应该从它的评级中摘掉几颗星。隔壁的脱衣舞夜总会本应该更有气氛…
The Shanghai Englon GE, a shameless knock-off of a Rolls-Royce Phantom, has a single throne-like seat at the rear. 上海英伦吉利——一款对劳斯莱斯幻影卑劣模仿的车型——在车后部设计了一个王座一样的座位。
However, it is not clear whether the shops were selling knock-off Apple products or genuine but smuggled products. 可是,也没人清楚这类店里销售的究竟是冒牌产品还是走私的正牌苹果。