keep an eye on

  • v.密切注意
  • 网络照看;留意;密切注视

keep an eye onkeep an eye on

keep an eye on


大学英语四级常用词组 ... clap eyes on 看见;注视 keep an eye on 照看;留意 keep one's eyes open 留心看着;保持警惕 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... clap eyes on 看见;注视 keep an eye on 照看;留意 keep one's eyes open 留心看着;保持警惕 ...


真题网 - 英语四级词组列表 ... catch sb's eye 被某人看到,引起某人注意 keep an eye on 留神,照看,密切注意 make a face …


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... keep healthy 保持健康 keep an eye on v. 照看;留意;密切注视 keep moving 继续前进 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... be keen on 喜爱,爱好;渴望 keep an eye on 注意,监视 keep at 坚持(做);使不停地做 ...


高中英语常用动词短语集锦 - 豆丁网 ... keep a record 保持记录 keep an eye on 留心,注意 keep at 坚持, 纠缠 ...

and that the door be kept open so that he would be able to keep an eye on them. 而且公主的房门会一直开着,以便他能看好她们。
To see what kind of dealing is under way, keep an eye on that big year-end spending bill, known as a continuing resolution. 为了了解这方面有哪些交易,就请密切关注那项巨大的年终预算案,也就是所谓的持续性决议。
"Um, " she thought to herself, "she goes riding with another man when her husband is out of the city. He had better keep an eye on her. " “哼,”她心里想,“她丈夫不在家,她就跟别的男人一起去坐车兜风。他对她该留点神才对呢。”
I keep an eye on several Twitter lists, and I check to see what a few Facebook friends are discussing. 此外,还要留意几个推特列表,并看看facebook上朋友们在讨论什么。
Naturally, we'll keep an eye on her, though it isn't the kind of case where the Bureau can maintain a full surveillance. 当然,我们会注意她的一举一动,不过要调查局在这样的案子里进行日夜监视,那是办不到的。
The device hasn't been used to any major extent, but we'll keep an eye on this promising discovery. 这个方法没有在大范围中使用,但我们也会继续注视着这个伟大的发现。
Walton should continue to improve as his ankle heals and he adjusts to his new role, so keep an eye on him over the next few weeks. 沃顿应该在治疗过程中不断提高,继续适应他的新角色,我会在接下来的几周了关注他的表现。
My parents kept telling me to stay positive and that I must keep an eye on my goal and reach the light at the end of the tunnel. 父母告诉我要保持乐观,要不断进球,向着隧道口的光明不断前进。
They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on people's movements. 他们派卫兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。
I'll be away for a while. B: Go ahead. A: Don't just read. Keep an eye on the children. B: I will, dear. 我要出去一会儿。乙:去吧。甲:别光顾看书,好好照看这些孩子。乙:我会的,亲爱的。
But she still thinks it is better for him to be here in Beijing, where she can keep an eye on him. 但吴宗兰坚持认为让孩子留在北京和他们一起生活要好一些,这样她可以看着自己的孩子。
I'm going to keep an eye on this one because it is in its early days, but good to see a brand as big as Samsung jumping in to the fun. 我将对这个网站继续保持关注,因为它只是在初期,但是我看好像三星这么大的品牌能够跨入新媒体中。
There are times when a player must ask for help from a team-mate and say: "You keep an eye on him, I've got to push forward. " 好几次球员都要求得到队友的帮助说:“你看看我,我上前面去了。”
I'm still in touch with Stevie , " he said. " We are good friends. We talk a lot and, of course, I keep an eye on results. “我依然和杰拉德保持联系,”他说,“我们是好朋友,我们讨论很多,当然,我一直关注着红军的比赛结果。”
Many accountants just do tax returns and are not qualified to act as an outside voice and keep an eye on the health of the company. 许多会计只做纳税申报,并不具备对外宣布并密切注意公司状况的能力。
Keep an eye on the 3D damage model of your car and use the repair option between the races to get your vehicle fixed for the next race. 密切留意三维损伤模型的汽车和使用修复选项之间的比赛让您的车辆固定的下一场比赛。
Players didn't seem to linger in this age for very long, so you need to keep an eye on your economy in order that you don't get left behind. 玩家似乎不会在这个时代停留很长时间,所以你要随时留心你的经济不要落后。
The police would never be able to keep an eye on everyone, but every citizen should consciously abide by the law. 警察决不可能监视每一个公民,但每一个公民应该自觉遵守法律。
Keep the computer in an open area like the kitchen or family room, so you can keep an eye on what your kids are doing online. 把电脑放在家中公共区域,如厨房或家庭娱乐室,这样,你就能时刻注意孩子在网上的行为。
She asked me to keep an eye on her baby while she was away. 她请求我在她离开时看管她的孩子。
out of passion and why she had traded her own professional goals for the chance to keep an eye on her husband. 为什么她选择放弃爱情,为什么她放弃个人职业理想仅是为了有机会看着丈夫。
I will have many new styles in my shop , plz keep an eye on my shop . And i'm looking forward to cooperate with you again. 我们马上就会进很多新的样子,欢迎您继续关注我们的店铺。希望我们能再次合作。
My parents were pleased because that way we could 'keep an eye on each other' and of course report back on what the other one was up to. 父母很高兴,因为我们可以‘彼此互相照顾’,当然,还有向他们报告彼此都在干些什么。
Agrael I watched her grow up, almost from birth. Kha-Beleth sent me to keep an eye on her. 阿格雷尔我看着她从小长大,从她出生的那一刻起,卡贝勒斯就派我去监视她了。
"The teacher goes around and inspects students, but he's unlikely to be able to keep an eye on each one all the time, " said Jiang. 尽管老师通常会四处走动来检查学生的操作,但他不太可能始终照顾到每一个人。
NASA has been trying to keep an eye on space junk since 1979, but the small bits can't be tracked with current technologies. 自1979年起NASA就一直注意太空垃圾的问题,但目前的技术还无法追踪小块物件。
They'll also probably fire on any helicopters that you call in, so keep an eye on them as you scan around. 他们还将火灾可能对任何直升机,你打电话来,所以留意它们作为你的扫描左右。
the police would never be able to keep an eye on everyone , but every citizen should respect the law . 警察绝不可能监视每一个人,但每一个公民应自觉遵守法律。
As UBL and sister technologies continue to mature and develop, I shall keep an eye on them in this column. 随着UBL及相关技术不断地成熟和发展,我将对本专栏继续保持关注。
Keep an eye on bulletin boards and an ear out for announcements to avoid surprises and disappointments. 密切注意公告板,还要注意通知,以避免吃惊和失望。