
美 [kɑn]英 [kɒn]
  • v.蒙;【航海】指挥(操舵);指挥(船的)航路;精读
  • n.指挥操舵;指挥操舵者的位置;反对(论点);反对票
  • adv.反对;从反面
  • prep.反对;用
  • adj.欺诈的
  • 网络共同;熟读;欺骗

复数:cons 现在分词:conning 过去式:conned



n. v.

1.[sing]诡计;骗局;欺骗a trick; an act of cheating sb


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... quality n 品质;质量;性质 con n 反对 experiment n 实验; 试验 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... barefoot adj. 赤脚的 con vt. 记诵, 精读 saran n. 莎纶, 此种合成纤维的商标名 ...


好文共欣赏(转载)(第4页)_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... [re- 相反,反对, [con- 共同,一起, [ex- 外,出(在x后省略 ...


记忆英语单词方法 ... cant n. 隐语,术语 con v. 熟读,精读 pigsty n. 猪圈 ...

www.baidu.con_百度知道 ... www.baidu.con360也修不回来,注册表也改... 8 ...


俞敏洪单词串讲 - annjining的日志 - 网易博客 ... compress 压缩 con 欺骗, conceal 隐藏 ...


我的单词:越背越过瘾 ... con- [加强意义/一起,共同] con 一起,共同+ form 形状 ...


分别是控制台CON)、辅助接口(AUX)、虚拟接口(VTY)三种类型。控制台和辅助接口分别只有一个;VTY类型的用户 …

Forcing a state-owned factory to shut down for a bit may seem easier than convincing millions of people to turn down their air con. 勒令一家国营工厂短时停产可能比说服数以百万计居民关掉空调更加容易。
" Casse -toi alors, pauvre con, va, " he said, a phrase whose mildest translation is: "Then get out of here, you total jerk. " 他说,这句话委婉地翻译过来是说:“那么你给我离开这里,你这个彻底的蠢货。”
It may be tempting for some to decry incentives as nothing but a poisonous fruit of Con-Lib responsibility thinking. 对一些人谴责激励机制只是作为“新政治”责任思考的毒果这样的结论本身是很冒险的。
However, this is often interpreted as implying that all public speech must be either pro-or-con some very specific proposal. 但是,这经常被认为是暗示:公众演讲必须是对于某项具体的建议的正面的或者是反面的反映。
We've just pulled off the biggest con of the century and we're sneaking out of a hotel for paying the bill with a bent credit card. 我们刚刚胜利完成世纪最大的骗局之后我们就偷偷溜出旅馆只因用信用卡付了账单。
Looking back (and compared to how we work at Made by Many) it seems like a bit of a con. 现在看来(并且与我们在MadebyMany时的工作方式相较)有点像是诈骗。
Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. 在外面,他只是个双手患着关节炎的老囚徒!甚至都申请不到一张借书证,你知道我的意思么?
No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! ' “你们这种人不值得叫警察,”堂倌说,他的声音粘糊糊的像奶油蛋糕,一只眼睛像曼哈顿鸡尾酒里的一颗樱桃。“嗨,你这个罪犯!”
Cera: Because, you know, Nick might be into that. . . I also bet there will be a lot of Scott Pilgrim costumes at Comic-Con. 塞拉:你也知道,尼克肯定会爱死这则消息的……我打赌今年的动漫大会上肯定有很多人装扮成斯科特的模样。
Build a tree in memory Pro: Easy to program Con: You quickly run out of memory using this method. 在内存中建立一个树。优点:编程容易,缺点:利用这种方法你很快就会用完所有内存。
As the young people shouted, the old con slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home. 在年轻人的叫喊声,旧的反对慢慢地从座位上站起来,走到前面的汽车回家。
Nemesis Prime wielded the Dark Saber, a twisted clone of the Star Saber, and had a Mini-Con partner named Run-Over. 黑暗擎天柱手持黑暗之剑,这是星辰剑的畸形克隆品。同时,他还有一个迷你金刚搭档:载过。
As the young people shouted, the old con rose and made his way to the front of the bus to go home. 在年轻人的叫喊声中,那个往日的囚徒站起来,走到车门前,然后向家走去。
In the long run, notwithstanding the mountains of argument pro and con, a tariff is irrelevant to the question of employment. 尽管有成堆的支持和反对的意见,长期而言,关税与就业问题是无关的。
While that might have seemed like the pro I just referred to, it doubles as a potential con. 这看上去似乎是我刚刚提到的优点,但是它同时也潜藏着缺点。
I've compiled for you what I believe to be some of the best con habits you can easily adopt. 我已为大家总结了一些我认为行之有效且可轻松养成的最健康的习惯。
Diamond concentration, commonly referred to as CON, is a measure of the amount of diamond contained in a segment based upon volume. 金刚石浓度,就以行骗、是量度钻石所载金额部分是以量。
Pope: I'm impressed. Not even a week in here and you're already working it like an old con. 我很惊讶,到这儿还不到一周你做起事儿来就像是个老油条。
I rented to a retired nurse whose previous landlord followed her to my place. He told me the old lady was a convicted forger and con artist. 我还曾把房子租给一名退休护士。她的前房东一路跟着她来到我这儿,他告诉我这个老太太是犯有伪造罪的行骗老手。
If you want to be a great spy, con artist, etc. , you have to be able to tell when other people are lying. 如果你想成为一个伟大的间谍,行骗高手等诸如此类,你还得看出别人是否在撒谎。
The con gets a huge scoop of white delousing powder thrown all over him. Gasping and coughing, blinking powder from his eyes. 一大勺白色的去虱粉洒在犯人身上,犯人咳嗽着、喘着,揉着眼中的粉未。
As a loyal Ben Goldacre reader I was dubious: surely the nutritional supplement industry is all a con? 作为本格尔达的忠实读者,我对此半信半疑:营养品行业真的是欺诈行业吗?
It was a very hot afternoon, I was in an air-con bus. 一个十分炎热的下午,我在一辆空调车上。
Only a few of the therapies have been evaluated for efficacy and safety in well-designed and well-con-trolled clinical studies. 只有少数的治疗已经评价的有效性和安全性的精心设计和良好的自控临床研究。
It seems as if time had not yet been created, for all are con- nected with emotion and place and without se- quence. 那感觉就像是时间尚未被创造出来,所有事物都是无序的,仅由情感和空间联系在一起。
In his previous work, "Dot. Con" , which came out in 2002, he chronicled the follies of the stockmarket bubble of the late 1990s. 在他的上一本作品,2002年出版的《互联网经济:非理性的繁荣》中,他以时间顺序记录了20世纪90年代末期股市泡沫中出现的种种不靠谱。
Hadley shoves the FIRST CON into a steel cage open at the front. 哈德利把第一个犯人推进一个前面开着口的铁笼子。
He never says much, allows people to assume things he has not claimed, allows them in a sense to con themselves. 戏中他绝不多言,人们要猜想他没说出口的,有一种让人们自我欺骗的感觉。
MS: As far as the rest of these guys are concerned I'm just another con doing his time. Staying out of trouble. 对于这些家伙而言,我只不过是一个服刑的囚犯。远离麻烦。
A certain bag hits the ground. The TRUCK DRIVER shoots a look at a black con, LEONARD, then ambles over to a GUARD to shoot the shit. 一个特殊的袋子落在地上,卡车司机对一个黑人囚犯――兰纳德使了个眼色,然后溜达到守卫跟前闲聊起来。