
美 [ˈfɔrˌmæt]英 [ˈfɔː(r)mæt]
  • n.总体安排;计划;设计;开本
  • v.格式化;安排…的版式
  • 网络形式;格式化磁盘;规格

复数:formats 现在分词:formatting 过去式:formatted

same format,video format


n. v.

1.总体安排;计划;设计the general arrangement, plan, design, etc. of sth

2.(出版物的)版式,开本the shape and size of a book, magazine, etc.


...式化个U盘,找不到在哪里格,右键菜单里没有,也不叫格式化(format),还要网上找答案 3.删个文件,发现键盘上的delete键 …


2在形式(format)方面,除了 Video 和 Audio 之指针外,尚有 full story 和 news links表现方式的差异,以及 picture 和 graphs 之不同...


英语单词立体记忆 ... the children wearing school uniforms 穿着校服的孩子们 → format 格式化;版式 → inform 通知,告知 ...


开字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 开办〖 open;setup;start;found〗 开本format〗 开步〖 stepforward〗 ...


怎么才能在DOS下复制文件啊?_爱问知识人 ... del 删除文件 format 格式化磁盘 edit 文本编辑 ...


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... formal proof 形式化的证明 format 格式;规格 four leaved rose curve 四瓣玫瑰线 ...


MATLAB函数大全 ... quiver 向量场图 format 设置输出格式 Matlab 自启动程序 ...

Information about SQL statements is shown in graphs as well as report format to help you more quickly retrieve statistical information . 也可以以报告的形式将关于SQL语句的信息显示在图中,从而帮助您更快地检索统计信息。
RSS is a technology that provides a convenient way for you to distribute and receive information in a standardized format. RSS是一种技术,它提供了以标准格式分发和接收信息的简便方法。
Practice writing emails to be short, respectful, and to the point. No one wants to read an essay in email format. 练习写作电子邮件,做到简单明了且有礼貌。没有人想读一封像散文一样的电子邮件。
Operations include trying to open a queue to receive messages by specifying a direct format name. 这些操作包括尝试通过指定直接格式名打开要接收消息的队列。
The styles you use to format a Menu control depend on how much and where you want control over the appearance of the menu items. 用于设置Menu控件格式的样式取决于对菜单项的外观进行控制的程度和位置。
We then modify the format of the message from that of the inbound service to that of the outbound service. 然后,我们将入站服务的消息的格式改为出站服务的消息的格式。
Thus, you can reliably find out how much buffer space you would need to format something completely. 这样,您可以确切地得知您将需要多少缓冲区空间才可以完全格式化某些内容。
iFrame is a newer video format meant to make it easy to import, edit and share videos. iFrame是一种比较新的视频格式,能够轻松地导入、编辑和共享。
Easy to understand and printable User's Manual in PDF format as well as online help. 很容易了解的使用者说明和线上帮助并且是可列印的PDF档案。
To see the serial number for a date, enter the date in a cell, and then format that cell with the General number format. 要查看日期的序列号,请在单元格中输入该日期,然后使用“常规”数字格式设置该单元格的格式。
You'll see that it's quick and easy to compose and format your message, add attachments, and then send. 您将看到,您可以快速、轻松地撰写邮件、设置邮件格式、添加附件然后发送邮件。
However, it may not be sufficient enough to present this information to the end user in such a basic format. 不过,以这样的基本格式向最终用户呈现此信息可能并不够。
If you simply need to present news, or put it in context, a short news story is often the best format. 如果仅是新闻事件,或将其作为文章中的一部分,一条简短的新闻通常是最佳形式。
The system may play different length and format of audio files as need, convenient to access, easy to operate. 该系统可以根据需要播放不同长度和格式的音频文件,文件存取方便,操作简单。
MSBuild introduces a new XML-based project file format that is simple to understand, easy to extend, and fully supported by Microsoft. MSBuild引入了一种新的基于XML的项目文件格式,这种格式容易理解、易于扩展并且完全受Microsoft支持。
If the annotated XML schema is deemed valid, mapping information is extracted and stored in catalog tables in a ready-to-use binary format. 如果确认注释XML模式有效,则提取映射信息并把它以可用的二进制格式存储在编目表中。
Have your printed ad or commercial ready to be delivered and produced to fit the format. 准备好你的印刷广告和电台广告,根据形式需要进行播放和生产。
When the user clicks the Search button, the results that match the selected criteria are displayed on the page in an easy-to-read format. 当用户单击Search按钮时,与用户选择相匹配的结果将以容易阅读的格式显示在页面上。
Note that this does not change the serialization format, only the schema for the member. 注意,此操作不会更改序列化格式,只会更改成员的架构。
One piece of that debate is now over, though: Both sides have agreed that the preferred file format will be zipped XML. 尽管部分争议已经平息:双方都承认首选的文件格式应该是压缩XML。
While all communication happens via message passing, the message itself is often in a generic cross-platform format. 尽管所有通信通过消息传递发生,消息本身通常是一个通用的跨平台格式。
Not the RSS that you're thinking about: this RSS stands for RDF Site Summary, and it defines a syndication format in a semantic manner. 这个RSS不是您所想到的那个RSS,它表示RDFSiteSummary(RDF站点摘要),以语义方式定义一种聚合格式。
Water-based UV ink in Europe have long been used for screen printing and color large format posters of road signs. 在欧洲水基UV墨早就用于网印彩色大幅面路牌和宣传画。
The lower part presents a text box used to display the main events generated by the system, in a simple textual format. 下面的区域中有一个文本框,以简单的文本格式显示由系统产生的主要事件。
Society's surfeit of surveillance cameras that inspires the Big Brother format is often condemned as a symbol of an Orwellian dystopia. 社会上随处可见的监控摄像头,经常被指责为奥威尔式(Orwellian)禁锢社会的象征,而《名人老大哥》便是受此启发。
Logs are written in a customizable format and may be written directly to a file or to an external program. 日志使用可自定义的格式编写,并且可以直接写到一个文件或一个外部程序里。
For the moment, most people are still happy with DVDs, so the studios have had little incentive to switch to an unproven new format. [font=SimSun]目前,很多人满足于有DVD[font=SimSun],所以制作公司几乎没有动机去转向另一种未经实践证明的新形式。
Porn on videotape changed all that, and the public desire for cable repairman schlong pulled the entire format into the limelight. 色情录像带改变了这一切,公众对电线修理工渴望已久使得整个录像机规格问题成为全城焦点。
As the protocol used to call WS-Coordination operations is SOAP, the message content is plain text in an XML format. 因为用来调用WS-Coordination操作的协议是SOAP,消息内容是XML格式的纯文本。
The format field of the MQMD is often used to determine the message body format. MQMD的格式字段通常用于确定消息正文格式。