
美 [pæd]英 [pæd]
  • n.便笺本;护垫;拍纸簿;爪垫
  • v.覆盖;蹑手蹑脚地走;虚报(账目);做黑账
  • 网络平板电脑;衬垫;外周动脉疾病(peripheral arterial disease)


use pad
yellow pad


n. v.

软材料of soft material

1.(吸收液体、保洁或保护用的)软垫,护垫,垫状物a thick piece of soft material that is used, for example, for absorbing liquid, cleaning or protecting sth

纸张of paper

2.便笺本;拍纸簿a number of pieces of paper for writing or drawing on, that are fastened together at one edge

用于清洗for cleaning

4.百洁布,菜瓜布(刷锅等的小块粗糙材料)a small piece of rough material used for cleaning pans, surfaces, etc.

水生植物of water plants

7.浮叶(尤见于睡莲)the large flat leaf of some water plants, especially the water lily


平板电脑pad)的浏览器访问用手机的浏览器访问 5+体育的移动客户端(APP,包括手机和平板电脑) 14. 您愿意在5+体 …

冰箱英语词汇_百度文库 ... cover 盖 pad grounding wire 接地线 ...


纺织染化知识 ... 填料 stuffing;wadding 衬垫 pad;wadding 带,绳 belt;tape ...

外周动脉疾病(peripheral arterial disease)

外周动脉疾病(PAD)病因是脂质堆积、粘附在动脉内壁,此过程称为粥样硬化。堆积物引起动脉内壁增厚、动脉腔狭窄、关键组 …


焊盘Pad)尺寸均采用缺省设置, 焊盘形状、编号及间距以图示为准,以上各封装均为直插形式。 图四 自制元件封装示意 …


PCB相关名词解释 - 富水河的日志 - 网易博客 ... 57、Pad Master 圆垫底片 58、Pad 焊垫,圆垫 59、Panel 制程板 ...

Al Qaeda appears to be drawing closer to Somali insurgents in an effort to turn this country into a launching pad for global jihad. 基地组织越来越亲近索马里的反政府叛乱分子,企图把这个国家变成一个全球圣战者的一个“基地”。
Think of it as a cross between getting the turbo boost at the start of a Mario Kart race and Dance Dance Revolution with a finger pad. 把它看成是在两者之间取得了一个马里奥卡丁车比赛,跳舞革命用手指垫启动涡轮增压交叉。
To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw. 为了更好的培养我们的眼光和敏锐的观察力,可以随身携带一本速写本,经常花上一点时间,静下心来画画。
As the popularity of digital, using digitally to produce a version of time pad printing resin will not wait too long. 随着数字化的风行,采用数字化方式来制作移印树脂版的时间也不会等得太久。
The next step up in size is the pad, something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers. 规模上而言,下一步是垫子,一种位于一张纸和当前膝上型和掌上型计算机之间的东西。
He had a helicopter landing pad built on the ship which enabled him to fly in for an occasional hour or two of filming. 他有一架停于船上停机坪的直升机,这使他能偶尔飞行1到2小时拍镜头。
Sheng into the porcelain barrel or basin, Cigang months (the next container to be a smooth pad), stored in a cool well-ventilated place. 盛入瓷桶或盆内、瓷缸内(盛器下要垫平稳),存放在阴凉通风处。
After the ship is sunk, the go-go dancer will be returned to her pad and lowered back where she was until the next performance is needed. 敌舰被击沉后,艳舞舞女回到她的垫板上,再降回到原处,等待下一次表演。
I've been doodling on my pad, trying to see how I can fit all these players in. 我经常把想法写在本子上,看看怎么才能发挥球员的最大效力。
It had players shifting their weight on the pad to control a skier trying to go through slalom gates. 它的键盘上的球员转移到他们的体重控制滑雪运动员身体试图通过回转门。
A bonding pad with an RFID chip disposed thereon is arranged at the central area of the pair of extended conductive arms. 一置晶座和一射频识别(RFID)晶片设置在其上,位于该对导线臂的中心。
Whenever you attempt to link two elements together to form a pipeline, GStreamer checks to see if their pad's templates are compatible. 当您试图将两个元素链接到一起以组成一个管道时,GStreamer会查看它们的单元模板是否兼容。
An enduring image of the past few days is that of PAD toughs shooting at government supporters while holding up the king's portrait. 过去几天中一个令人难忘的画面要数PAD在高举国王的肖像的同时却粗暴地对政府支持者射击了。
By the time the end of the year arrived, losses piled up on my pad and my job security was at the mercy of a select few I barely knew. 到年底时,自己组合上的亏损堆积起来,饭碗能否保住,完全要看那几个我几乎一无所知的人做出的决定。
Taking out a pad, he prepared to write to his mother. 他拿出一张便笺薄准备给母亲写信。
Pad cushion It was the idea of supporting a craft on a 'pad', or cushion, of low-pressure air, ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air. 他的设想是:用一个低压空气垫或软垫来支撑船体,软垫周围用高压空气环绕。
Take out pen and pad and decide how much you can spend. 拿出纸和笔,算算你准备花多少旅费。
I believe that the soon-to-open USA Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo is the perfect launch pad for the next 30 years of our consulate. 我相信即将开幕的上海世博会美国馆是未来30年领馆工作的完美起点。
In 1993, Apple created its first Message Pad, known as the'Newton. ' It was one of the first personal digital assistants. 1993年,苹果推出了款名为“牛顿”的掌上电脑,最早开发的私人数字化助理。
Instead, when Julia goes to bed at 11pm, I pad around the house, or work until 2am or 3am. It's pointless trying to sleep any earlier. 茱莉亚晚上11点上床,而我还在屋里转悠,或者工作到凌晨2点到3点,因为再早上床是不可能睡着的。
And what was not even funny, they considered the heel's pad, with a tiny fat layer there to be meant for cushioning! ! 这并不像是在开玩笑,他们考虑到脚后跟的“衬垫”,有一小块脂肪层可以作为缓冲之用!
Lisa updates Pad Man that she is ready to move Scylla. Sara sees Lisa leave the office. 莉莎通知“将军”已经准备好,可以转移“锡拉”了。莎拉看见莉莎离开了办公室。
The connecting pad includes a pair of differential signal connecting pads disposed on the surface of the laminated layer. 接垫包括一对差动信号接垫,且这对差动信号接垫配置于叠合层的表面上。
An old man was sitting on his porch, when a young man walked up with a pad and pencil in his hand. 一位老人坐在门廊上。一位年轻人向他走来,手中拿着一个写字垫板和一只铅笔。
No. 3, we've got to make sure that none of that money is going to pad CEO bank accounts or to promote golden parachutes. 第三,我们必须确保没有钱是要垫在首席执行官银行账户中或以提高那黄金保险器…
At this point, the change to the pipeline setup is simple enough: A call to add a probe to one of the output pads of the tee filter. 现在,对管道设置的更改就再简单不过了:只需一次调用,将探测器添加到tee过滤器的一个输出pad中。
Take a loop of masking tape and tape the board, copper side up, to a piece of cardboard (eg. the back of a writing pad). 采取一回路的掩蔽磁带和磁带董事会,铜的一面向上,一块硬纸板(例如回到一个书写板)。
This will pad the last block to make it a full block size in length. 这样会拼凑最后一个块,使其在长度上成为一个完整的块大小。
When I suggested to her that he might be married, her defense was: "no, I've been to his apartment. It's a total bachelor pad. " 当我猜测说他可能结婚了,她反驳说:“不可能,我去过他的公寓。他是个十足的单身汉。”
Princess initially received oxygen therapy , pain relief and was placed on a heat pad to help bring her body temperature back to normal. 它随后被送进急救室,输入氧气,止痛,医生用电热毯裹起来帮助它恢复体温。