
美 [bæʃ]英 [bæʃ]
  • n.猛击;重击;盛大的聚会;盛典
  • v.猛击;猛撞;严厉批评
  • 网络怒殴;痛击;打坏

第三人称单数:bashes 现在分词:bashing 过去式:bashed



v. n.

1.[t][i]猛击;猛撞to hit sb/sth very hard

2.[t]~ sb/sth严厉批评to criticize sb/sth strongly


英文中的叠韵近义字_百度文库 ... pash 打碎,粉碎 bash 猛击,打坏 mash 捣碎 ...


重击BASH)要分成2种状态讨论1.近身2.远程近身英雄的重击对魔免单位有晕有伤害远程英雄的重击对魔免单位没晕有伤害 …


德鲁伊全技能列表_WOW魔兽世界_TG兽吧 ... 回生术 Regrowth 怒殴 Bash 横扫 Swipe ...


friends 103 生词_(A櫅gc_新浪博客 ... dripping wet 湿淋淋地 bash 痛击 猛击 crook 弯曲 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... complies vi. 顺从, 答应, 遵守 bash v. 怒殴, 打坏, <美俚>盛会, 狂欢n.怒殴, 猛击 solved vt. 解决, 解答 ...


暗黑大辞典 -... ... Base Item( 基础物品 就是白色物品) bash野蛮人的重击技能) Biggin's Bonnet-Cap( 毕格因的软帽-帽 …


CNN高频词汇_百度文库 ... Barrier 障碍物,屏障 Bash 盛会,狂欢 Beef up 加强 ...


cs1.6魔兽版_反恐精英cs1.6魔兽版下载 ... 2 Devotion Aura 热血灵光 3 Bash 狂怒击 4 Teleport 瞬间移动 ...

"So far, so good" you think. Bash the monsters, bash the opponents you see, and claim the loot. This might be a nice day. “到目前为止,一切还好。”你这样想道。干掉怪物,干掉遇到的对手,然后得到宝物。今天应该会是个好日子。
Talk to bankers and the conversation is as it always was - assertive, gossip-filled and permanently ready to bash rivals. 与银行家们交谈你会发现,他们的谈吐一如既往:坚定自信、八卦连篇,时刻准备抨击对手。
You and your faithful dog are about to put an end to this and bash the moles out of their holes. 你和你的忠实的狗将要结束这个和谴责这个胎记从洞里熏出来。
The Portuguese driver gave it a good bash and had to pit at the end of the lap for a new nose before continuing. 葡萄牙车手得到了一次猛击,必须在那一圈之后为了一个新的鼻翼进站,才能继续比赛。
To make this kind of situation easier, bash is often configured with two aliases, pu and po, as shown in Listing 9. 为了简化此类情况,通常为bash配置了两个别名,即pu和po,如清单9所示。
Second, Bash's support for functions allowed the ebuild system to have modular, easy-to-understand code. 第二,Bash对函数的支持允许ebuild系统使用模块化、易于理解的代码。
Some crappy Secret Santa thing, a bowl of punch, and a box of Archway cookies and they call it a holiday bash? 只不过一些蹩脚的秘圣诞老人啦,一大杯果酒啦,和一盒阿克唯饼干啦,他们就叫这是节日庆典了?
A while loop within bash allows you to execute a statement a given number of times, or until a certain condition is met. bash中的while循环可以重复执行语句一定的次数,或者一直执行到满足某一条件为止。
Last night we gave it a few too many turns and it tried to bash the roof out also. 不超过1克。昨晚我们发条多转了好几圈它试图冲出房顶。
The open source bash shell that this article examines is one of the most powerful, practical, and extensible shells available. 本文讨论的开放源码的bashshell是最强大、最实用、可扩展性最好的shell之一。
If a kid idolizes you to the point of annoying the crap out of you, bash in his brains before he can become a super villain. 如果孩子盲目崇拜你,让你烦的无法忍受,就要打他脑袋,以防他变成超级大坏蛋。
SCREEN beauty Nicole Kidman pulled out of a star-studded bash to celebrate the launch of her new movie after a bust-up with a TV crew. 荧屏美女尼科尔基德曼在庆祝其新片的发布会上群星云集,在与一名电视节目工作人员发生争吵后,转身离开了的现场。
I had a bit of a bash in Hawaii and then another one in LA. 我在夏威夷举办了一个狂欢派对,然后在LA办了另一个。
By the end of this article, Bash or PHP programmers should be able to jump into object-oriented Python projects without fear. 到本文结束时,Bash或PHP程序员应该能够毫无畏惧地一头扎进面向对象的Python项目。
As I recall, it was one of the first couple of programs Linus Torvalds made run on his early Linux kernels. 我记得,Bash也是莱纳斯·托瓦尔兹在他早期的Linux内核中最早运行的一些程序之一。
Dana Bash take us out on the campaign trail that look like a money trail, to see how much being spent, and where's all coming from. DanaBash带我们详细看一下竞选的费用问题,看一下总共需要花费多少,以及这些资金来自何处。
I got to know my boyfriend at the birthday bash of one of my buds. 我是在一个朋友的生日舞会上认识我男朋友的。
Shells, including bash, also have the concept of a here-document, which is another form of input redirection. Shell(包括bash)还有存在here-document的概念,它是另一种输入重定向形式。
I made the mistake of going to a Christmas bash a few days after the birth of my second child. 我犯过这样一个错误:在第二个孩子出生几天后,我外出参加了一个圣诞聚会。
True, it has become fashionable to bash bankers and to call for greater international supervision of the financial system. 诚然,痛斥银行家、并呼吁加强对金融体系的国际监管,已成为一种风尚。
What is the most exciting piece of code (that you know of) ever written in Bash? (您知道的)用Bash编写的最令人激动的代码是什么?
To run ps, bash forks to create a new process; the new process reincarnates itself using execution, turning into a new instance of ps. 为了运行ps,bash会分叉,创建一个新进程;新进程通过使用执行,使其本身得以重生,转化为ps的一个新的实例。
I particularly like the various versions of the Bash debugger that were implemented completely as shell scripts. 我特别喜欢各种版本的Bash调试器,完全像shell脚本一样执行。
If becoming a Unix ninja is one of your programmer goals, you absolutely must get good at shell scripting with bash. 如果成为一个Unix高手也是你学习的目标,那么你绝对要精通bash这个脚本语言。
In BASH's case, the problem to be solved was a free software version of the Posix standard shell to be part of the GNU system. 就BASH的情况,要解决的问题是符合POSIX标准的自由软件版shell成为GNU系统的一部分。
We've covered a lot of bash programming techniques in this article, but we've only touched the surface of the power of bash. 本文已经讲述了很多bash编程技术,但是,只触及到bash能力的一些皮毛。
Watching the way SM's contracted singers are coming out one by one to bash JYJ has only confirmed for me that [SM] is feeling cornered. 看着SM的数个签约歌手一个接一个的出来炮轰JYJ,这只能让我更确定SM感到被逼到困境了。
Half a dozen policemen stood by as Ma, Zhou, and another dispossessed neighbor gathered to bash some tiles off the wall the other day. 前几天,当马,周以及其他邻居在围墙边集合发起拆墙行动时,有五六名警察在场。
Here is her take on trying to plan her husband's annual birthday bash for dozens of their closest friends. 她是这样描述为丈夫筹办生日派对的,大约有几十个最亲密的朋友参加。
I've never cooked before, but I don't mind having a bash at it. 我从来没有烧过菜,但我也不妨试一试。